
The "Advanced Main Battle Tank" that once sucked 300 million gold coins in the national service is back! Is it worth buying?

author:Tank zero distance

Hello Elders, I'm Anabel Cardo. Today is the 74th National Day, and the red flag of 74 years ago is like a torch, illuminating the long night and ushering in the dawn. The red flag finally fluttered in the clear sky, dyeing the mountains and rivers and the earth, motherland, happy birthday!

The "Advanced Main Battle Tank" that once sucked 300 million gold coins in the national service is back! Is it worth buying?

Announcement on the official website of the national service

Today, the official website of the national service released an announcement, saying that some players of the Mid-Autumn Festival event tasks cannot be collected normally, and they are repairing it, and they need to wait for the follow-up announcement on the official website. In addition, today's National Armory-Personalization-3D style page also has a number of 3D styles settled with gold coins, which I will show you later. Today I will give you a look at the "cat perversion" in the Mid-Autumn Festival tank sales - American 8 gold Zhongtan AMBT.

Small talk "AMBT"

Advanced main battle tanks

The "Advanced Main Battle Tank" that once sucked 300 million gold coins in the national service is back! Is it worth buying?

AMBT model made by O'Neill himself

AMBT means "Advanced Main Battle Tank" and is derived from U.S. Army Lieutenant Timothy M. The design proposed by R. O'Neill in an article written in 1972. Timothy S. R. O'Neill's profession is camouflage, but his hobby is to study tanks, and he can make very elaborate tank models by himself. In the article, he criticized the problems of the XM803 and M60 tanks, and proposed the appearance of the "advanced main battle tank" in his mind, with the picture of his own model. WG's AMBT modeling is quite reductive except for the 2-round anti-tank missile launcher, but the AMBT envisioned by O'Neill is actually a high-mobility crispy mid-tan similar to the Leopard 1, not the way it is in the game.

The "Advanced Main Battle Tank" that once sucked 300 million gold coins in the national service is back! Is it worth buying?

This time it is priced at 253.75 yuan

AMBT debuted in January 2022 as the third item in the "Hammer the Hammer" auction. At that time, 30,000 AMBT participated in the auction, I also reminded everyone at that time - in the future it is a mall resident car, the auction bidding is likely to be too high, so it is not recommended that everyone pay too high a price, and later everyone really did not expect too much from it, and finally AMBT in the national service The reserve price is 10,000 gold coins, according to the price of 1:40 alloy coins, that is, 250 yuan, and this time 253.75 yuan is not much different (again more "packaging fee"). Roughly speaking, the AMBT car alone allowed WG to recover 300 million gold coins in the 22-year "hammer hammer" activity of the national service, and it was also sold several times later, the most recent one was this time.

Tank performance

The "Advanced Main Battle Tank" that once sucked 300 million gold coins in the national service is back! Is it worth buying?

215/278 wear, 1278/1492 bullet speed double APCR

As the 8 gold mid-tan to join the game in 2022, AMBT itself still has some peculiar selling points: it is the first M-series preloaded drum tank (it can be loaded with one shot and one shot, or 2 or 3 bursts). It also has a 360 shot damage , 215/278 penetration depth, 1278/1492 bullet speed dual APCR ammunition ratio, but only 35 rounds in reserve. Its base DPM is only 1877, plus a small reload of 3 seconds, which means that the output rhythm of the AMBT is almost exactly the same as that of the C45 "Bison", except that the bison has a slightly useless reloading compensation mechanism.

The "Advanced Main Battle Tank" that once sucked 300 million gold coins in the national service is back! Is it worth buying?

The shell landing point has its own idea

And it is very large after firing and expanding the circle

AMBT's gun control is actually more problematic, and the most criticized of them is its expansion circle after firing, which is more limited to its burst ability - some friends said, anyway, the small loading is 3 seconds, then the expansion circle even if it is the same as the gun, can't it be retracted? But my dear friend, AMBT is an 8-gold medium, and its combat position is generally higher forward, and its defense is not reliable. If you stand in place and wait for the circle to shrink, it is extremely dangerous. However, if relying on the terrain, the problem of AMBT expansion - gun control is not so obvious at close range, but once the combat distance exceeds 150 meters, it still affects the feeling. And even my own high-end AMBT, this gun feels a little strange to play, you can look at the above two guns, the shell landing point is very interesting.

The "Advanced Main Battle Tank" that once sucked 300 million gold coins in the national service is back! Is it worth buying?

You can't carry it, but you can carry it a little

AMBT's HP of 1300 is no problem, but the specific defensive power of this car is a bit weak in actual combat. It seems that the turret is good, in addition to the hatch, there is a "neck" nest area, and the head of the hull is a forced ricochet design with a small thickness and a large angle, and the head of the hull is very poor. In addition, the side of this car body is only 40 mm, so don't think about selling the side. My specific feeling in actual combat is that it is really not very reliable, and the low armor base thickness makes it really uncomfortable for the artillery to hit it, so I default to the fact that I will lose blood if I am lit.

The "Advanced Main Battle Tank" that once sucked 300 million gold coins in the national service is back! Is it worth buying?

This reverse is really bad

As early as the 2022 super test preview, I told you that AMBT's 40 extreme speed will definitely be wrong. It's hard to get started - although the weight is better than 18, and the actual resistance of the track is okay, the extreme speed of 40 is that AMBT can't make it strong, and the taste of the old FV4202 in 2013 is almost exactly the same. And the most important thing is that without a turbo, AMBT's reverse speed is only -11, which is almost unacceptable for a Zhongtan that mainly supports the outbreak, and it is really funny that you can't run away after fighting. In addition, 14% of the basic concealment and 380 basic field of view are barely qualified as a level 8 middle tan, but as an M series middle tan, it is obviously almost meaningful.

The "Advanced Main Battle Tank" that once sucked 300 million gold coins in the national service is back! Is it worth buying?

The 215 is not very good to wear APCR

To sum up, AMBT has the following advantages and disadvantages:

  • The only preloaded magazine for M-series tanks, which can be loaded at any time
  • The DPM problem is not particularly large, and it is acceptable for 3 seconds to load a small load
  • A shuttle 1080 can seriously damage tanks of the same class
  • The depression angle of -9° is good and suitable for the current map design
  • The turret has a decent defense and can be slightly hit
  • For Zhongtan, the gun penetrates deep and the damage of a single shot is a heavy tan level
  • The turret is positioned backwards, posing/hand-to-hand combat
  • The elevation angle of +10 ° is really strange, and part of the terrain will "not be able to raise your head"
  • The gun control is poor, and the expansion circle after firing is extremely large, and if you want to break out, you can only fight in close combat
  • The extreme speed is even lower than that of some heavy tanks, and the point grab/long-distance transition suffers
  • The reversing speed is very poor, and the key moment is wrong
  • The ammunition reserve is slightly less, and 35 rounds is easy to cause "ammunition ratio/residual ammunition anxiety"

I personally believe that AMBT is not a weak car, its advantages and disadvantages are obvious. Problems in fire control, circle expansion, maneuvering, etc., are all limitations imposed on AMBT by WG designers, and if you can accept these problems, then it is a good car for you. Everyone enjoy the holiday with peace of mind, give yourself a good rest of body and mind, and wish everyone a happy holiday! I am Anabel, Cardo, always thinking about the vital interests of our players. If you like my car review, please also retweet and share the publicity to let more commanders go home.