
Go abroad to enjoy when you are young, and return to China to retire in your old age? The wishful thinking of these 4 stars is really good

author:The motivating one is the orange

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The principle of the flow of people at high places, this ancient adage seems to have been guiding the trajectory of some stars. Once upon a time, moving abroad seemed like an infinite spectacle for so many celebrities. But the years flickered, and when the moon of the motherland gradually became complete, those children who traveled far away quietly began to return to their homeland for the elderly life. In this story, there are four stars, Yan Xiaopin, Zhang Tielin, Su Xiaoming, and Li Qinqin, each of whom has different experiences and stories.

Yan Xiaopin, a name may not be familiar to the younger generation, but to the old audience, it is like a bright star. Yan Xiaopin showed extraordinary acting skills since he was a child and was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy early. When she was young, she performed works such as "On the Water Side", "Two O'clock at Midnight", "Sun Rain" and so on. However, success did not stop her restless desire. In 1989, she went to the United States with her husband to accompany her, put aside her domestic acting career, and pursued the outside world. However, the United States is not as beautiful as she imagined, and Yan Xiaopin fell into a long period of unemployment after briefly working as a host on Chinese TV, and life was extremely difficult. Although many people persuaded her to return to China, she stayed in the United States without hesitation, and it was not until the filming of "Beijinger in New York" began in 1992 that she regained the opportunity to pursue her career. However, even after a wave of success at home, she chose to return to the United States again, spending more than a decade in obscurity. However, just when the public gradually forgot her, she returned to China, frequently appeared in major dramas, and lived a dashing and nourishing life. Perhaps, Yan Xiaopin has found the lifestyle she really wants.

Go abroad to enjoy when you are young, and return to China to retire in your old age? The wishful thinking of these 4 stars is really good

Zhang Tielin, he began his acting career as early as the late 70s, and his famous work was the film "Under the Bridge" with Gong Xue. However, he was not satisfied with fame and interests at home, but chose to join the wave of going abroad and studying in the UK. In a foreign country, he felt the gap and changed from a domestic star to an unknown international student. In order to survive, he washed dishes, read books, and firmly believed that as long as he persevered until graduation, he would be able to turn around. However, this was not the case, and he did not get professional opportunities after graduation. As a last resort, he became a teacher and started a family with Polish women. However, living in the UK was not easy, and his fame had been forgotten at home until he returned home to develop and regained career opportunities. With the blessing of the halo of returnees, he rose to prominence in film and television dramas, and eventually became the Huang Ama in "Huan Zhu Gege", which became popular overnight. But expatriate status also brings convenience and controversy. Although he has experienced eight love histories and illegitimate children, Zhang Tielin has now calmed down and lived a comfortable life.

Go abroad to enjoy when you are young, and return to China to retire in your old age? The wishful thinking of these 4 stars is really good

Su Xiaoming, a singer in the 80s, became famous with the song "Night in Military Port". However, she chose to go to France to further her vocal music and spent more than 20 years studying abroad. Although she lived happily in France, she left her music career. After the dramatic changes in the Chinese music scene, Su Xiaoming decided to return to China. However, upon returning home, she found that she had been left behind by time and that new singers had emerged. Fortunately, her friend Jiang Wen opened a new window for her and helped her return to the film and television industry. Today, Su Xiaoming frequently participates in film and television works and lives a happy life.

Li Qinqin, who has married foreigners three times, evaluated the difference between Chinese men and foreign men in the program. Despite her longing for foreign men, all three of her cross-border marriages ended in divorce. Finally, she returned to China with her son to settle down. Her choice sparked controversy, but she didn't care, she was just used to getting along with foreign men. Li Qinqin has always been active in the entertainment industry, and after many marriages, he now lives a happy and quiet pastoral life.

Go abroad to enjoy when you are young, and return to China to retire in your old age? The wishful thinking of these 4 stars is really good

These stars, whether they have been abroad or at home, have gone through different stages of their lives and made their own choices. Their stories tell us that life is full of variables and choices, and that everyone has the right to choose their own happy life. No matter who you choose

, these stars have found their own happiness at different stages. Their stories also tell us that the path of life is not static, but full of twists and turns.

Yan Xiaopin, Zhang Tielin, Su Xiaoming, Li Qinqin, each of them spent a period of time abroad, this time may be tortuous, may be full of difficulties, but it is this experience that tempers them and shapes their character and tenacity. Whether it is Yan Xiaopin's wandering life in the United States or Zhang Tielin's hard work in the UK, they have experienced setbacks in a foreign country and cultivated tenacity and courage.

Go abroad to enjoy when you are young, and return to China to retire in your old age? The wishful thinking of these 4 stars is really good

However, this is not their ultimate destination. Upon their return, they faced their careers again, and although time was gone, their passion was still burning. Yan Xiaopin regained attention by starring in film and television dramas, Zhang Tielin regained his career peak, Su Xiaoming also found a balance between music and film and television, and Li Qinqin continued to be active in the entertainment industry.

Their stories tell us that no matter how old we get older, no matter how many ups and downs we go through, it does not prevent us from pursuing our dreams and happiness. Life is a long journey, full of choices and variables, and these stars use their experiences to interpret the spirit of courage and perseverance.

Go abroad to enjoy when you are young, and return to China to retire in your old age? The wishful thinking of these 4 stars is really good

No matter where we are, we can find answers to life at different stages. The stories of these four stars show us that life is never static, but full of opportunities and possibilities. The most important thing is to maintain enthusiasm and courage for life, no matter where you go, you must firmly believe in your choice and pursue that happiness that belongs to you. Because life is a journey of continuous pursuit of happiness, and everyone has the right to find and create their own happiness.

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