
Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

author:In-depth documentary commentary
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At this year's Spring Festival Gala, CCTV's gold medal host, Ren Luyu, once again gave his voice.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

When we look back at the moment when he first stepped on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala 13 years ago, the glory and twists behind it are worth digging deeper. At that time, he chose to give up his familiar homeland, give up the achievements he had, and follow his dream north.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

But later he lamented: "If I could choose again, maybe I would not choose to come to Beijing." "What kind of emotions and encounters are hidden in this? Combined with Zhu Jing, who has a net worth of billions, is his life truly happy?

In 1977, Ren Luyu was born in an ordinary family in Henan. There are three older brothers and sisters in the family, and as the little treasure in the family, he has received a lot of pampering. His name, which blends his mother's Henan background with his father's Shandong background, is full of deep meaning.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

His childhood was full of laughter, but his tutoring was strict. Although his father loved him deeply, he did not relax his education. Whenever he made a mistake or was lazy, his father's severe punishment always followed. For little him, this is incomprehensible. However, he slowly realized the true meaning of education from his father's words and deeds.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

I remember that year, my father injured his leg and had difficulty moving, but he firmly walked into the classroom, afraid that he would miss the children's schoolwork. That commitment to education deeply influenced Ren Luyu and made him re-examine his life goals.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

Growing up, Ren Luyu had the dream of becoming an announcer, and he made great efforts for it. After graduating from high school, he was fortunate enough to enter the Chinese Department of Henan University, specializing in broadcasting. During his college years, he was actively involved in various hosting activities and became a member of the school's radio station. As his voice echoed across campus, he was proud and gained a lot of popularity.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

In 1997, Ren Luyu was fortunate enough to enter Henan TV Station as an intern, but he did not immediately get the opportunity to shine. Despite this, he never complained, always studied hard, and was afraid of missing out on any opportunity to grow. Just when everyone thought that he would be sent back to school, a chance opportunity allowed him to show his talent, which was recognized by everyone and left a deep impression.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

However, there are always unexpected turns in life. Although Ren Luyu gradually won recognition, his father still made higher demands for him. He received a letter from his father detailing all the mistakes he had made while hosting, which deeply touched him and made him realize his shortcomings again. This deep father's love and pursuit of perfection has become the greatest motivation for him to work hard.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

Understanding my father's deep emotions, he silently watched over me, even though he never showed love in words. After several years of hard work, he has become a pillar figure of Henan TV. Under his father's careful teaching, he was never complacent and always looked critically at his hosting performance.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

In 2000, CCTV held a national host competition to find outstanding hosts. Despite much opposition, he insisted on racing. My mother was worried: "If you have a successful career in Henan, go to Beijing to start anew, and everything may be lost." But his father, the only one who supported him, encouraged him: "Although I am reluctant, I hope you will strive for your dreams." Even if you can't come back to see me one last time in the future, I'll be proud of you. Ren Luyu lived up to his family's expectations, won the male host group championship, and was invited to join CCTV.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

However, he hesitated, not only for the sake of his parents in his hometown, but also because the contract with Henan TV has not yet expired. Two years later, the contract expired, and CCTV was planning to launch a service program to invite him again. Looking at his elderly and frail father, he hesitated. Finally, encouraged by his father's determined eyes, he embarked on the train to Beijing.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

In 2002, shortly after he joined CCTV, he took the helm of "Traffic Online" and also hosted the Western Folk Song TV Competition. Going hand in hand with the steady development of his career is his love. One day on the way to work, he saw a beautiful woman fainting on the side of the road, and although he urgently needed to rush to work, he did not hesitate to take her to the hospital. After leaving only his name and phone number, he hurried back to the station. From this time the hero saves the beauty, romantic love sprouts.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

The rescued girl is named Zhu Jing, a high-achieving student at the University of London, with a wealthy family and a value of more than 100 million, and is a veritable "Miss Qianjin". When she woke up, she desperately searched for a lifesaver, and immediately dialed when she got the phone and invited him to dinner as a token of gratitude. Feelings mostly start with a meal, but Ren Luyu modestly refused: "It's just a show of hands, no need to thank you." Zhu Jing became deeply interested in him and kept "bombarding" him with phone calls, eventually forcing him to agree to meet.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

At the first meeting, Zhu Jing was deeply impressed by this man. He was handsome and courteous, with a pleasant voice, and soon she took the initiative to pursue him. At the beginning, Ren Luyu felt unmatched, especially after knowing her birth background. However, at Zhu Jing's insistence, he was deeply moved. Another time, when the two were in love, the family called and asked: "Did you go to CCTV?" Why can't I see you on Channel 1 and Channel 3? "Although I didn't host on a high-rated channel, maybe love brought career opportunity.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

In 2009, they entered the palace of marriage, and in 2010, Ren Luyu hosted the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. In the same year, Zhu Jing gave birth to their eldest son, Ren Hongyuan. Since getting married, Zhu Jing has been willing to become a housewife, support her husband's career, and take good care of the family. When Ren Luyu is busy, she is responsible for all household chores and does not distract him. Sometimes, she also goes back to her hometown to visit her parents in her husband's place.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

When Ren Luyu hosted the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, a small episode occurred. They were on their honeymoon in Vienna when he suddenly received a message on his phone.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

When he received the invitation to the Spring Festival Gala, Ren Luyu was originally on the journey, but was told that he must return immediately. If time is fleeting, the original opportunity may have to be replaced by another person. Despite this, his wife did not blame, but gave deep support and understanding. Subsequently, he gradually rose to prominence in CCTV and his career flourished. But a phone call in May 2018 left him with the bad news from his brother: their father was seriously ill.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

Ren Luyu, who was in between recordings, rushed to the hospital, but was recalled by work. Facing his father on the hospital bed, he was full of struggle and helplessness. The old man smiled slightly and told him softly: "Go back to work, Dad will wait for you." Unexpectedly, this became the last words, and he missed the last moment with his father. The guilt and regret in his heart made him sigh: "If time could be repeated, I would definitely not choose to leave home." ”

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

In order to accompany his mother and prevent her from being too sad, he decided to take her to live with him. In the days that followed, life also gave him new meaning, and he and his wife welcomed a new life at the age of 45, and he shared the happy news with joy. Year after year, Ren Luyu once again became the focus of the Spring Festival Gala.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

In the journey of life, he has encountered ups and downs, but he has the firm support of his family. His father taught him the philosophy of being human, and his wife created a warm harbor for him.

Ren Luyu: Marrying Zhu Jing, a young lady worth hundreds of millions of gold, his father is his biggest regret in this life

Despite his heartache, he always believes that a rainbow will come. I look forward to this year's Spring Festival Gala, and he can once again bring his sincerest wishes to the audience.