
Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

author:Dr. Xie said health
Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

Since childhood, my grandmother often told me stories about this silver bracelet. It is said that this is our family heirloom with a history of more than 100 years.

Grandma said that by wearing it, you can absorb toxins in the body and decompress the body, which is a family saying.

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

I trusted my grandmother's words a lot as a child, but as I grew up, I doubted it.

That day, when I received the bracelet, I was ready to wear it. Suddenly, I remembered the rumors about gold and silver jewelry on the Internet - saying that they produce radioactivity and cause cancer when worn for a long time. I hesitated.

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

At this moment of hesitation, a thought crossed my mind. Why not use medical knowledge to test these rumors? So, I decided to start a series of experiments.

As a first step, I brought this silver bracelet with me and watched its color change every day. Sure enough, after a while, I found that the bracelet really turned black. But is it really absorbing toxins from my body?

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

I started researching. Combined with the medical knowledge I had learned, I found that this was a complete misunderstanding. The real reason why the silver bracelet turns black is the chemical reaction that occurs with oxygen in the air and sweat on the skin.

Next, I further investigated the radioactivity of gold and silver jewelry. Finally, it was found that although gold and silver jewelry does have some radioactive substances, their impact on the human body is minimal and basically negligible.

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

At the end of the experiment, I put on the silver bracelet again. This time, I didn't have any concerns.

Because I know that true knowledge can break superstitions and bring us true peace.

That's the story I want to share with you. In the face of various rumors, we should use a scientific attitude to analyze and verify, rather than blindly believe.

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

Only in this way can we better protect ourselves and live a truly healthy life.

First, the radiation and carcinogenic risk analysis of gold and silver jewelry

In recent years, the claim that gold and silver jewelry may carry radiation, which leads to carcinogenic risks, has attracted widespread discussion and attention on some online platforms and communities.

However, according to the latest scientific data and research, most of these concerns are based on misconceptions of information and superstitions that lack scientific basis.

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

Gold and silver as elements, their atomic numbers are 79 and 47 respectively, and in general, elements with an atomic number above 83 may have radiation that is harmful to the human body.

It is true that the few gold isotopes do have some radioactivity, but the radiation of these isotopes weakens to harmless levels in a year or so.

This means that under normal circumstances, gold and silver jewelry will not cause any radiation damage to the human body.

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

Furthermore, in order to ensure the safety of products, regular gold and silver processors will take a series of necessary measures during the production process to remove radioactive substances that may be contained in the production process to ensure that their products are harmless to humans.

When purchasing, consumers only need to choose gold and silver jewelry produced by reputable and quality assured formal manufacturers, and do not need to worry too much about the health risks it will bring.

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

Therefore, these rumors about the radiation carcinogenesis of gold and silver jewelry are untenable under the authoritative test of science, and people do not need to cause unnecessary panic and concern.

While enjoying the beauty and joy brought by gold and silver jewelry, we can be more at ease and at ease.

Second, the blackening phenomenon of silver bracelets and its causes

The fact that silver bracelets turn black does exist, and some believe that this is because silver jewelry absorbs toxins in the body.

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

But in fact, there is no scientific basis for this claim. The main reason for the blackening of silver jewelry is related to its long-term exposure to human sweat and air.

Our sweat contains chloride ions, sodium ions, etc., which are electrical conductors that accelerate the oxidation reaction of silver jewelry, resulting in black silver rust.

On the other hand, the sulfur element in human proteins also reacts chemically with silver, causing the jewelry to turn black.

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

The claim of wearing silver jewelry for detoxification lacks scientific basis. The waste of the human body is mainly metabolized by the liver, kidneys and other organs, and excreted through breathing, perspiration, urine and defecation.

Silver jewelry has nothing to do with this process. In order to maintain the luster of silver jewelry, we can use a special silver cloth to wipe it.

Third, the health threats and countermeasures of bad jewelry

We should indeed be wary of jewelry that may pose health risks, such as rubber seed jewelry containing cyanide, and walnut bracelets that are highly moldy and produce aflatoxin.

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

These bad jewelry can cause a range of health problems such as difficulty breathing, fever, nausea, etc. Therefore, we should keep our eyes open and avoid buying these jewelry that may be harmful to health.

In addition, imitation jewelry often contains excessive amounts of heavy metals, such as lead, nickel, cadmium, etc., which can have adverse effects on the human body.

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

We should try to choose jewelry produced by regular manufacturers, and keep the jewelry clean to avoid health problems caused by wearing bad jewelry.


When enjoying the beauty and decorative effect of jewelry, we must remain rational and distinguish between right and wrong.

Gold and silver jewelry does not pose a carcinogenic risk, and blackening of silver jewelry is not a manifestation of absorbing toxins in the body. We need to make informed choices based on scientific facts and avoid buying bad jewelry that contains toxic substances or heavy metals.

Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, wearing it for a long time will cause cancer? Reminder: 4 kinds of jewelry as little as possible, it hurts too much

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the cleaning and maintenance of jewelry to ensure its beauty and ensure our health.

I hope that while wearing jewelry, everyone can also pay attention to their health and live a healthier, more beautiful and happier life.
