
Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?

author:Xiao Chen's tea affair
Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?

丨This article was originally created by Xiao Chen Chashi

丨First published in the headline: Xiao Chen Tea Affair

丨Author: Village Gu Chen


There is a friend next to me who just entered an inkstone tea tray not long ago.

As soon as the new tea ware was purchased, he put on the tea set with great interest and began to make tea.

Unexpectedly, the car overturned while making tea that day.

Because the hardness of the new tea tray is relatively high, it belongs to stone.

During brewing, a brew of tea is freshly brewed.

As usual, he picked up the fair cup and habitually looked at the soup color in the light.

When I put it down again, I accidentally put it slightly heavier, and as a result, the bottom of the fair cup was directly cracked.

Take photos and post pictures, share daily life, and post them in the circle of friends.

"Scrap another male cup..."

Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?

Seeing this, there were also comments.

"Fair cups are easy to break, my family was also knocked over and broken by children last year, fortunately, the price of glass cups is not expensive."

Then, the friend silently replied, saying that this was his favorite and the most expensive fair cup at home, and it cost more than eight hundred when he bought it...

To be honest, the price of glass cups varies from high to low.

Cheap, as long as single digits to a dozen.

Medium, dozens to a hundred dollars.

High-end, hundreds of thousands, even thousands of large, and so on.

However, when tea lovers choose, there is no need to focus only on those expensive brands and famous products.

Although, the expensive glass cup has no other problems, higher transparency, better design, and more unique style.

But if it is purely to assist in brewing tea, pour tea and divide the soup, choose a basic and affordable fair cup, which can also meet the needs of brewing tea.

In the face of a wide variety of fair cups on the market, if you fall into "choice entanglement", you may wish to take a look at these 7 points specially sorted out the key points of purchase.

Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?
Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?


First, glass fair cup is the mainstream today.

Cover bowl, generally choose white porcelain.

But "lid bowl partner" fair cup, glass selection is more common.

Glass cup, the basic model is not expensive.

Single-digit cups may be prone to problems such as no texture, low transparency, and inability to withstand sudden cold and heat.

However, among the dozens of fair cups on the market, you can choose a practical glass cup that is neat and made of borosilicate glass, even if it is put into the refrigerator and then poured boiling water.

The glass material is compact, and there is no problem of adsorbing the aroma of tea.

When washing, after carefully wiping clean, even if it is used for a long time, it can be restored to the "bright as new" state after washing.

The transparent glass body is conducive to observing the color of the soup, whether the tea soup is clear or turbid, and you can know the answer at a glance.

Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?
Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?

Second, the fair cup without a handle is actually not hot.

Most of the glass fair cup styles popular in the tea circle in recent years have no handle.

The cup body has a smooth line and a cleaner design.

The handleless design will not cause hot hands when pouring tea and soup.

But the premise is that the tea soup is not too full.

Usually, brewing a brew of tea in a covered bowl is less than 1/2 of the capacity of a fair cup.

Reach out and hold it directly on top, it won't burn at all.

Considering that the capacity of the standard white porcelain lid bowl is 110 ml, the matching glass cup, the capacity is about 300 ml.

Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?
Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?

Third, high incense, short heat dissipation.

The shape of the fair cup is tall, short, fat and thin.

There are slender and tall, there are chunky ones.

There are round ones, there are square ones.

Gourd-shaped, lateral flattened, petal-shaped, root-shaped, diamond-shaped, etc.

If it is convenient to clean in order to save trouble, it is more practical to choose a simple model with a "straight to the point" of the cup body.

If it is to highlight the individuality and have more aesthetic attributes, it does not hurt to choose a special-shaped cup as a match.

From the general direction, choosing a higher fair cup is more conducive to gathering incense.

After pouring into the tea soup, the aroma of tea is enclosed in the cup and will not spread out easily.

The design of wide mouth is conducive to piping hot tea heat dissipation, when the weather is relatively hot, use such a cup to hold tea, dry for a while, and immediately drink the tea soup with a suitable temperature.

Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?
Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?

Fourth, the water output and water break of the fair cup should be neat.

Is a fair cup good or not? There is a way to quickly test yourself.

That is, imitating pouring tea.

Pour an appropriate amount of water into the cup and pour out as usual.

At this time, focus on observing the water effect.

If the water flow is not smoothly connected into a graceful arc during pouring, it often stutters.

When you try to adjust the pouring angle and control the size of the water flow, it is still easy to accidentally pour too fast, and the whole cup of tea will overflow.

If the tea is poured, the outlet of the fair cup will have excess tea flowing outlet, and even flow backwards along the outer wall...

Fair cups with the above defects are all considered to be unsmooth out of the soup and are not recommended to buy.

Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?
Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?

Fifth, the clean water cut has nothing to do with the handle.

Perhaps some tea lovers will feel that a fair cup with a handle is more convenient to adjust the flow of water and pour out, and the water effect is more neat.

But these are two different things, with a handle is only convenient to grasp and hold, easy to pick up and put down.

Whether the water outlet is neat or not, the key point is the "water outlet" design.

Usually, the design of the soup outlet of the eagle's beak is more conducive to the drainage of the tea soup.

The water outlet is too flat, which will lead to poor water outlet.

As for imitating the teapot design, adding a spout specifically ensures that the soup is neat.

However, this closed spout design will make the inner wall difficult to clean.

The spout of the transparent glass fair cup, if not cleaned with a straw brush in time, will be very conspicuous once it leaves tea stains.

Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?
Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?

Sixth, the capacity of the fair cup does not need to be "large".

I have seen a lot of tea arrangements and the overall atmosphere is quite good.

Antique rhyme, very charmingly arranged.

But in the blink of an eye, I saw the tea set on the tea table, and suddenly there was some drama.

Because, the lid bowl inside the tea tray does not match the fair cup.

The capacity of the lid bowl is on the small side, less than 100 ml.

But on the side, there is a colored side handle glass cup with a capacity of 500 ml.

This is somewhat top-heavy.

To buy a fair cup, it is necessary to match the capacity of your commonly used lid bowl, which is basically suitable for about 300 ml.

Of course, if it is necessary to make tea, the situation is different.

The capacity of a pot of tea, let alone 400 ml, prepare a large-capacity fair cup of tea in advance to be perfectly compatible.

Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?
Village Aunt Chen's 7 tips for choosing a fair cup, compare and see, did you buy the right fair cup?

Seven, the fair cup without a handle, consider the handshake feeling.

The fair cup itself is round, square, wide, and flat.

At this time, it is important to choose a male cup that suits your hand shape.

Stretch out one hand, open your thumb, and bring the rest of your fingers together with your palm.

Pick it up with one hand and try the grip.

The fair cup design suitable for your own hand shape can perfectly fit with your palm and palm, which is more conducive to stable pickup.

If the whole cup is designed to be too wide and round, and it is rounded when picked up, it will not be able to bear the force at the mouth of the tiger.

Such a cup is prone to unstable holding.

When the soup is finished, put it back in its place.

When "letting go", in case you don't control it with a little force like at the beginning.

With a snap, the bottom of the bowl cracked, and it would be too embarrassing.

When using glass cups daily, in order to avoid breakage, in addition to paying attention to handling them gently.

Also consider the feel during use, which is conducive to stable pickup.

Finally, add loofah pads and palm pads to the hard tea tray to undertake the transition.

It can also avoid cracking and loss, and protect the tea set.

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Pay attention to [Xiao Chen Tea Affair] to learn more about white tea and rock tea!

Xiao Chen Tea Village Gu Chen, columnist, the chief writer of the original innovative media "Xiao Chen Tea Affairs" in the tea industry, has published the white tea monograph "White Tea Tasting Handbook", and has written more than 4,000 original articles from 2016 to 2020.