
1942: Heroic sacrifice! The anti-Japanese heroine Dong Jianmin fought bloody battles and went to Huangquan with her beloved son

author:History of flowers
1942: Heroic sacrifice! The anti-Japanese heroine Dong Jianmin fought bloody battles and went to Huangquan with her beloved son

In the spring of 1942, when the bitter cold had passed and spring was in full bloom, China was deeply mired in the quagmire of the War of Resistance Against Japan. At this time, a heroine named Dong Jianmin emerged, and her bravery and wisdom made people marvel and admire it.

Dong Jianmin's life was spent in war and blood. She was born in a turbulent era, as early as a child, she had been fond of the "heroic female general" for a long time, and a seed of standing up for the country had long been planted in her heart.

Growing up, Dong Jianmin's intelligence and diligence made her stand out. Although her family was not well-off, her parents were willing to smash pots and sell iron to help her go to school for her future. She lived up to her expectations, achieved excellent results, and won the praise of the villagers.

1942: Heroic sacrifice! The anti-Japanese heroine Dong Jianmin fought bloody battles and went to Huangquan with her beloved son

However, the quiet life of Jinghai Village was completely shattered after the July Seven Incident in 1937. The iron feet of the Japanese invaders stepped on the soil of China, the war was full of smoke, the people lived in misery, even if the family was broken and the people died, the determination to defend the homeland made Dong Jianmin resolutely choose to join the ranks of the anti-Japanese struggle.

Dong Jianmin came to Shanghai, and her uncle Dong Qiusi was a member of the Communist Party and a strong supporter of Dong Jianmin. After receiving her letter, his uncle did not hesitate to let her come, because he knew that the feelings of family and country had been deeply rooted in Dong Jianmin's heart.

The study and tempering in Yan'an made Dong Jianmin gradually grow into an excellent intelligence worker. The confidential sector became the starting point of her career and the battlefield on which she dedicated her life to her country. Zhong Qi, who was like-minded with her, became her best friend in life, and the two hit it off and joined this magnificent revolutionary struggle together.

Dong Jianmin and Zhong Qi shouldered the heavy responsibility entrusted by the Party organization, they became the "agents" of that era, and their task was very arduous, because their actions were not only related to their own life and death, but also to the survival of thousands of compatriots. The Party organization handed them an important password, and this password pinned the hope of thousands of lives on them.

One day, they received an order from the organization to go to the northeast to carry out an extremely important mission. They had to take their two-year-old son with them and disguise themselves in the name of the family, because in the war years, any seemingly inconspicuous detail could reveal their identity.

1942: Heroic sacrifice! The anti-Japanese heroine Dong Jianmin fought bloody battles and went to Huangquan with her beloved son

However, this mission became the last mission of their lives. On the way across the sea, the enemy's artillery fire suddenly struck, and the situation was critical, but Dong Jianmin and Zhong Qi were unwavering, they knew that they were facing not only death, but also the hope of a nation.

The child was seriously injured in this sudden artillery fire, and Dong Jianmin's eyes flashed with determination, they must protect the intelligence in their hands, even if life and death follow, they cannot let the enemy succeed.

"We are the Communist Party!" Faced with the threat of the Kuomintang, they chose not to submit to the enemy. They hugged tightly, ready to face what came next.

In the end, Dong Jianmin and Zhong Qi threw themselves into the sea with their children, choosing to resolutely refuse to become prisoners in the hands of the enemy and choosing to die heroically.

Dong Jianmin's story is a touching and profound history, she used her life to interpret what is loyalty, silently dedicate herself to the cause of the Communist Party of China and the people with strong faith, and also let us see the extraordinary courage and wisdom of a woman in the war years.

In this era of heroic resistance, Dong Jianmin is that vivid epitome, and her deeds will always be remembered. She is a bright star in the history of the Chinese War of Resistance, forever shining in our hearts, paying tribute to this heroic female warrior!