
What is Wu Yanni's level? At present, the results achieved in the women's sprinting category in China are difficult for Yuan Qiqi to achieve

What is Wu Yanni's level? At present, the results achieved in the women's sprinting category in China are difficult for Yuan Qiqi to achieve

At present, the Hangzhou Asian Games, an Asian sports event that has attracted the attention of sports fans across Asia, is in full swing. There is no doubt that as a world sports power, for the sports event held at the doorstep, the goal of the Chinese team is naturally to be the first place in the gold medal list and the medal table. In fact, it is true, judging from the competitions that have been held so far, the Chinese team is the first in the gold medal list and the medal table. In this, it is natural that the hard work of athletes is indispensable. However, Wu Yanni, a popular athlete before, seems to have overturned at this Asian Games. She has been receiving applause in the spotlight before, but this time she has directly become the object of criticism and questioning by many netizens. In fact, for Wu Yanni, we don't need to question her too much, after all, everyone has everyone's style. Moreover, from the current Chinese women's sprinting category in terms of obtaining the right to participate in the Paris Olympics, Wu Yanni should indeed not be questioned and blamed too much.

What is Wu Yanni's level? At present, the results achieved in the women's sprinting category in China are difficult for Yuan Qiqi to achieve

With the end of the women's sprint competition at the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese women's sprint competitors were treated very differently. Among them, two players received completely opposite treatment after the match. The first is Wu Yanni, a female 100-meter hurdler who finishes first, and the other is Yuan Qiqi, a sprinter star runner known as a tank runner. After the end of their own competition tasks, netizens evaluated the two players in two different directions. Yuan Qiqi was praised, saying that it made the Chinese men's football team and men's basketball players shame. Indeed, the muscles of Yuan Qiqi's body are enough to make most boys sigh at themselves. It can only be said that the appearance of Yuan Qiqi has changed the inherent impression and thinking of the vast majority of people on the 100-meter dash.

What is Wu Yanni's level? At present, the results achieved in the women's sprinting category in China are difficult for Yuan Qiqi to achieve

For Wu Yanni, this 100-meter short span athlete with a good appearance can be called an Internet celebrity athlete before coming to Hangzhou. She is known as the "female version of Liu Xiang", and she is high-profile, and has been controversial since she became famous. It can be said that she is an athlete who has been paid attention to by many netizens at the Hangzhou Asian Games. Perhaps too eager to express herself, she snatched in the final of the 100m hurdles. Most importantly, she actually attributed this rush to the influence of the Indian athlete next to her. In fact, she lied, and the evidence after the match proved that the Indian player not only did not affect her, but on the contrary, she also affected the Indian player. Since then, Wu Yanni has also publicly apologized to the Indian player, admitting that she blamed her wrong. Although Wu Yanni apologized, many people questioned her character.

What is Wu Yanni's level? At present, the results achieved in the women's sprinting category in China are difficult for Yuan Qiqi to achieve

It was this rush that made Wu Yanni fall to the altar in the Chinese sports world. Many people are questioning and criticizing her, the most is that she has no good results, but she acts so high-profile that she is not liked by everyone. Indeed, from the current point of view, Wu Yanni does not have any particularly outstanding honors in the competition. This time at the Asian Games, she who originally won the silver medal was also canceled because of her previous rushing behavior.

What is Wu Yanni's level? At present, the results achieved in the women's sprinting category in China are difficult for Yuan Qiqi to achieve

But in fact, there is one achievement that Wu Yanni can indeed be high-profile, that is, the right to participate in next year's Paris Olympics. Judging from the current situation of China's women's sprinting category, only two women have won the right to participate in next year's Paris Olympic Games. One is Lin Yuwei, who won the 100m hurdles this time, and the other is Wu Yanni. In addition, it should be noted that Wu Yanni is also the first Chinese women's sprint category to win the right to participate in the Paris Olympics. At this year's Universiade, Wu Yanni qualified directly to the Paris Olympics with a career-best time of 12.76 seconds, and was the first Asian athlete to qualify for the Olympic event. This Olympic right is not easy to get, you must know that the current popular Yuan Qiqi is also difficult to get a direct qualification for the Paris Olympics.

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