
The Qing Dynasty falsely called Houjin, but in fact it was not a descendant of the Jurchens of the Jin State at all

author:Sogu Lun scarf

Houjin (1616-1636), a state founded by Nurhachi in the 44th year of the Wanli Ming Dynasty (1616) on the basis of unifying the Jurchen tribes, was called "Houjin" to distinguish it from the Jin dynasty of the Yan clan. After two Khans and twenty years, it stood side by side with the Ming Dynasty and was the predecessor of the Qing Dynasty. So whether the so-called Manchus of the Qing Dynasty are the descendants of the Jurchens of the historical Jin Kingdom, is it reasonable for them to call themselves Dajin in this way, let me sort out the historical context of the Jurchens for you from the beginning.

The ancestor of the Sushen people, during the Zhou Dynasty, had paid tribute to the Central Plains

The Qing Dynasty falsely called Houjin, but in fact it was not a descendant of the Jurchens of the Jin State at all

Sushen is an ethnic group in ancient northeastern China and one of the ancestors of the modern Tunguska races. Also known as "rest and caution" and "grass prudence", animal husbandry and hunting as a profession, nesting in summer, caves in winter, no agriculture, domestic animals with horses, no cattle and sheep, and many pigs. Since the legendary Shun and Yu periods, tributary relations have been established with the Central Plains. During the reign of King Wu of Zhou, the Sushen people paid tribute to the "Shuya Shiyan". It can be seen that the Sushen people have always been a people who are good at archery.

Su Shen's descendant Su Mo Jingqi founded the Bohai Kingdom

The Qing Dynasty falsely called Houjin, but in fact it was not a descendant of the Jurchens of the Jin State at all

The second clan used after the title of Sushen was called Rulou, which lasted for more than 600 years (Han to Jin). After the 5th century AD, the name was changed to Beji. "Three Kingdoms Zhi Weishu Karasuma Xianbei Dongyi Biography" contains that "Ru Lou is more than a thousand miles northeast of Fuyu, by the sea, south and north Wo are frustrated, and it is unknown where the north is extreme." Its land is mountainous. His human form resembles Fu Yu, and his speech is not the same as Fu Yu and Gu Li. ”

During the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Beji people were known as Jingqi, and later became known as Jurchens or Jurchens in general. In the Tang Dynasty, Beji was also known as Jingqi, which was divided into Baishan Jingqi, Sumo Jingqi, and Heishui Jingqi. The leader of the Sumo Dynasty, Dazuorong, established the Bohai Kingdom, known as the "Haidong Shengguo".

The Black Water Dragon was attached to the Khitans after the destruction of the Bohai Kingdom

The Qing Dynasty falsely called Houjin, but in fact it was not a descendant of the Jurchens of the Jin State at all

The development of the black water tartar lags behind that of the millet tartar. Hunting for a living. After the middle of the eighth century, the Bohai state established by Sumo Jingqi gradually became stronger, and the Heishui Jingqi belonged to the Bohai state. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the Khitan tribe flourished, and the Bohai Kingdom was destroyed by the Khitans. The Bohai Sea flourished and declined, and the Blackwater Tartar took advantage of the opportunity to regain its independence. Before and after the death of Yelu Abaoji in the Bohai Kingdom, some of them joined the Khitan nationality, called mature Jurchens, and those who did not join were called Sheng Jurchens.

The Jurchens of the Jin Dynasty were descendants of the Black Water Tartar and gave birth to Jurchens

The Qing Dynasty falsely called Houjin, but in fact it was not a descendant of the Jurchens of the Jin State at all

The Finish Yan Department to which Wanyan A Bone Da belonged was one of the Jurchens, living a safari life living by water and grass, and was oppressed and plundered by the Liao Dynasty for a long time due to economic and cultural backwardness. Later, the Jurchens, who were attached to the Khitans, overthrew the rule of the Khitans under the leadership of Wanyan Ah Bone and established the Jin Dynasty.

The Jurchens of the Jin Kingdom perished, and the Huligai people were called Jianzhou Jurchens

The Qing Dynasty falsely called Houjin, but in fact it was not a descendant of the Jurchens of the Jin State at all

During the Jin Dynasty, there was a group of Jurchens called Shui Dada in the Huli Reform Road area under the rule of the Jin Dynasty, also known as the Huli Gai people, whose tribe was regarded by the Jin Jurchens as backward wild people inferior to pigs and dogs, and after the fall of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty Jurchens gradually lost their integrity after the fall of the Jin Dynasty. During the Yuan Dynasty, the former Jin State Jurchens gradually dissolved, and the Han and Korean peoples in the north disappeared without a trace. The original Huli Gai people continued to mix with the Mongols and were called the Haixi Jurchens, and when the Ming Dynasty was established, the Ming court set up Jianzhou Wei in the Haixi Jurchens, called Jianzhou Jurchens. And this Jurchen branch is the ancestor of the Manchus who later entered the Central Plains.

Thus, although the Manchus had some historical and cultural ties with the Jin Jurchens, they were not directly subordinate or inherited.

Emperor Taiji officially decided on the name of Manchuria

The Qing Dynasty falsely called Houjin, but in fact it was not a descendant of the Jurchens of the Jin State at all

On November 22, 1635, the 13th day of the tenth lunar month, Emperor Taizong of the Qing Dynasty officially ordered the unified use of "Manchuria" as a family name. This order was issued on Gengyin Day in October of the ninth year of Later Jin Tiancong, and it showed that Emperor Taiji attached great importance to the unified clan title, and also reflected the importance of the Manchu in the society and politics of the time.

Prior to this, the Manchus were called "Zhushen" because some ignorant people mistook them for descendants of Xibeichao Morgen, when in fact they were not directly related to Manchuria. Emperor Taiji ordered "Manchuria" to be used as the official clan name, emphasizing the unity of the Manchurian ethnic group and giving it new meaning. This new family name has been used to this day and has become an important symbol in Chinese history.