
Looking back at the emotional revelations that shocked the whole network in 2006, Wei Zai's father-in-law couldn't help but be furious!

author:Happy Beam KKL

In 2006, the entertainment industry shook a scene: Alan Tam's sentence "Wei Zi, congratulations on your promotion to father-in-law" angered Zeng Zhiwei! Zeng Zhiwei and Alan Tam, their friendship can be said to be the closest in the entertainment industry. 40 years of brotherhood now stands at a fork in the road, is it to maintain friendship or tear up brotherhood? Now, let's unveil the true face of their friendship. Tsang Zhiwei met a girl named Lin Yuen in the mainland, saw her appearance and potential, and decided to bring her to Hong Kong for development.

Looking back at the emotional revelations that shocked the whole network in 2006, Wei Zai's father-in-law couldn't help but be furious!

However, Zeng Zhiwei claimed to be Lin Yuan's "righteous father", but the relationship between the two was ambiguous, which caused criticism from the outside world. Later, Lin Yuan and Side Field came together, which made Zeng Zhiwei very dissatisfied. The media even sided with Side Field, laughing at Zeng Zhiwei's "marrying a daughter and ascending to his father-in-law." Zeng Zhiwei was angry about this, but he didn't expect that his good brother Tan Yonglin actually joked in public: "Ah Zhi, congratulations, married daughter Rong Sheng father-in-law."

Looking back at the emotional revelations that shocked the whole network in 2006, Wei Zai's father-in-law couldn't help but be furious!

Saying that, Zeng Zhiwei was furious, and the two fought at the airport! The embarrassing scene only stopped Chen Baixiang's stop. It's not just this one thing that separates them. Zeng Zhiwei's friend opened a foot spa shop, and he hoped that Alan Tam could bring his celebrity friends to the scene to increase his popularity. However, Alan Tam refused the invitation, fearing that being photographed would have a negative impact on her image. Zeng Zhiwei was very dissatisfied with this, and felt that the good brother was too calculating, and this little help did not help.

Looking back at the emotional revelations that shocked the whole network in 2006, Wei Zai's father-in-law couldn't help but be furious!

Despite many twists and turns, Tsang and Alan Tam reconfirmed their brotherhood. When Zeng Zhiwei's son decided to become a director, Alan Tam came thousands of miles to help with the platform. This friendship of more than 40 years is emotional. With the prevalence of hypocrisy and interests in the entertainment industry, it is not easy to have such a close friend. It is normal for friends to have quarrels between friends, but in the end, it is necessary to cherish this precious relationship.

Looking back at the emotional revelations that shocked the whole network in 2006, Wei Zai's father-in-law couldn't help but be furious!

Zeng Zhiwei's naughtiness and Alan Tam's humor have allowed them to break into the entertainment industry as comedians. Alan Tam once joked that Tsang was a "small child", while Tsang called Alan Tam his best brother. Their friendship has survived the storm and remains indestructible. According to rumors, the friendship between Tsang Zhiwei and Alan Tam is much more than that. They originally worked together as TVB actors and often collaborated on TV dramas. This experience made the relationship between the two deeper.

Looking back at the emotional revelations that shocked the whole network in 2006, Wei Zai's father-in-law couldn't help but be furious!

They also teamed up to hold a large-scale concert with unprecedented spectacles. The warm atmosphere made their friendship more recognized and praised. Today, despite their respective successes, their feelings remain the same. Meet regularly and joke with each other in public. Despite being over half a hundred years old, they were still as young as teenagers when they saw their old friends, which made them all deeply gratified. Whether in acting career or life, Zeng Zhiwei and Alan Tam are inseparable.

Looking back at the emotional revelations that shocked the whole network in 2006, Wei Zai's father-in-law couldn't help but be furious!

In the ups and downs of 40 years, they have maintained a teenage mentality. Their friendship is the most ironclad in the entertainment industry, and has also become a model for latecomers to learn. Thank you to these two artists for bringing us so many wonderful memories, their stories will live on forever!

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