
This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

Let's start with a question.

Mobile phone with the same configuration, two different battery combination versions.

How do you choose?

In fact, I have discussed this issue with everyone before, and the conclusion is:

"Fast" and "long-lasting", there will be more friends who like the latter.

In fact, if you can really let go of the choice, large battery and high power, it is best to have them all.

But alas, these two things are difficult to coexist.

Blogger @数码闲聊站 said that the current 200W+5000mAh± battery specifications have actually been worked out in the laboratory.

But neither cost nor stability is ideal.

So... In the short term, it is still difficult to see a mass-produced mobile phone with a large battery + high power.

And roar, from the current situation, several flagship phones to be released have also temporarily abandoned the high power of the 200W level.

iQOO's new machine does not have 200W, and realme's new machine does not have 240W.

Even next year's mobile phones, most of them will use 100W+ level fast charging.

In this regard, the views of netizens are:

"200W perception is not strong."

"The fast charging specification of 100 watts is also enough."

"I don't need higher power, I just want a bigger battery."

It can also be seen that everyone is gradually "feverishing" to the higher and higher charging power.

One thing is to say, since the mobile phone fast charge entered the 200W level, the marginal effect has become more and more obvious.

What does it mean?

Take a few models of Realme as an example.

The 65W realme GT Neo2 takes 36 minutes to fully charge 5000mAh.

The 150W realme GT Neo3 takes 17 minutes to fully charge 4500mAh.

The 150W Realme GT Neo5 officially says it takes 16 minutes to fill 5000mAh.

The 240W True Self GT Neo5 takes 10.5 minutes to fully charge 4600mAh.

This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

Although the battery capacity and charging technology of several machines are different, such as the 150W of the Neo5, it is obviously faster than the 150W of the Neo3.

But we can all see a little.

When the power goes from two digits to three digits, the charging time jumps from more than 30 minutes to about 15 minutes.

The perception is quite obvious.

But when the power changes from 100W to 200W, the time goes from 15 minutes to 10 minutes.

Let's just say, since the charger is plugged in, there is no hurry for these few minutes, right?

It is better to choose the "less powerful but larger battery" version, which is more fragrant.

The attention of machine friends to the charging power of mobile phones probably began with the "Lu Shiwa incident".

This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

During the warm-up of the Redmi Note 8 Pro in 2019, Lu Weibing passionately opened the microphone and mocked friends for models of the same price, with only 10W charging speed.

After all, their new machine supports 18W charging, rounding twice as much as the opponent.

This wave of mouth cannons is still quite tough.

This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

It is precisely because of this incident that there is a terrier of "1 Lu=10W" in the machine circle, and President Lu also has the nickname "Lu Shiwa".

But I have to say that it is also "Lu Shiwa" that makes friends and manufacturers pay more attention to the charging power of mobile phones.

At least in the following year, the power of 10W is basically invisible to mobile phones above 1,000 yuan.

In the first two years, many friends will think:

Charging power from 10W volume to 30W, 65W, and even to 120W, 200W.

Will it rush to 18000W metamorphosis fast charging in the future?

This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

Gee, I can only say that your pattern is too big.

Charging power this thing, each period is an upper limit drop.

Rolled up to now, the 240W in the mass production model has basically rushed to the upper limit of the charging power of the USB-C cable.

This 240W cap specification was actually revised by USB-IF (USB Developer Forum) in 2021.

Previously, the upper limit was 100W.

Although there are also laboratory solutions like Redmi that rush to 300W through magic modification.

This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

But from the perspective of stable mass production, 240W is estimated to be the upper limit of the current version.

Unless USB-IF subsequently revises a wave of fast charging specifications.

But as mentioned earlier, whether it is a manufacturer that will release a new machine in the near future, or a user who pays for a mobile phone, they have begun to "reduce fever" for ultra-high power.

In fact, in addition to charging power, mobile phone batteries have many areas waiting for manufacturers to roll up.

For example, Xiaomi has been insisting on exploring better single-cell battery solutions.

This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

Compared with the two-cell series connection that the blue-green factory loves, although it is more difficult to stack the fast charging power (which is why most of the Mi flagships only have 100-watt power).

This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

OPPO Find X6 Pro

However, a single cell has a longer service life, lower loss, and larger capacity in the same class.

From the actual experience of using the machine, it is obviously more dominant.

This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

Xiaomi Mi 13

There is also the Qinghai Lake battery technology that Honor did some time ago.

This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

The silicon-carbon anode battery material is adopted, which has a higher energy density than the traditional graphite anode battery.

It not only achieves a large capacity of 5450mAh, but also controls the thickness of the mobile phone at 8.77mm.

This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

The big manufacturers have also rolled up the charging parameters, and hope to put more research and development efforts on other areas of battery technology.

After all, the essence of high-power fast charging is also for users to have a better battery life experience.

This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed
This kind of brutal domestic mobile phone may be completely changed

Sharp tide evaluation room

Apple: What alien technology is the 240W?