
Buy 3 bullfrogs for 30 yuan, throw them in the pool and raise them for a year, and put the water dry to see if they lost or earned?

author:He Kenan
Buy 3 bullfrogs for 30 yuan, throw them in the pool and raise them for a year, and put the water dry to see if they lost or earned?

Title: Buy 3 bullfrogs for 30 yuan, throw them in the pool and raise them for a year, put dry water to see if they lost or earned?

I. Introduction

In recent years, aquaculture has become one of the entrepreneurial choices for many people. Not only can it provide a source of food for the family, but it is also possible to sell agricultural products in the market to earn additional income. In this context, someone tried an interesting farming method: 3 bullfrogs were bought for 30 yuan and then thrown into a pool for farming. After a year, they decided to drain the bullfrogs to see if the final financial gain was a loss or a gain. This article will explore the results of this experiment in detail and analyze the costs and benefits.

Second, the motivation for breeding bullfrogs

The original intention of breeding bullfrogs may be manifold. First of all, bullfrog meat is considered a delicious ingredient with broad sales prospects in the market. Secondly, breeding bullfrogs is relatively easy and does not require much expertise and equipment. Finally, farming can take place within the home, eliminating the cost of renting a site.

3. Initial investment and cost

In this experiment, the cost of buying 3 bullfrogs is 30 yuan. Then, a suitably sized pool is needed to accommodate these bullfrogs. The price of the pool varies from region to region, but can be roughly estimated between 100 and 500 yuan. In addition, equipment and materials such as feed, aquatic weeds, and water treatment equipment need to be purchased, and these costs will increase over time. Based on the actual situation, we can estimate that these additional costs may range from 200 yuan to 500 yuan in a year.

Buy 3 bullfrogs for 30 yuan, throw them in the pool and raise them for a year, and put the water dry to see if they lost or earned?

Fourth, the breeding process

Breeding bullfrogs requires certain skill and attention. Farmers need to feed regularly to keep the water clean and ensure the growth and health of bullfrogs. If farmers are inexperienced, they may be at risk of farming failure, which can lead to additional costs and losses.

Fifth, the price at which bullfrogs are sold

When selling these bullfrogs a year later, price is an important factor in determining whether to make money or not. The market price of bullfrogs varies by region and season, and is also affected by supply and demand. If the price of bullfrogs is higher in the market, then this experiment may bring a decent profit. However, if the market price is lower than the cost of farming, then it is possible to lose money.

6. Experimental results and analysis

After a year, the farmer decided to drain the bullfrogs and sell them. They sold the three bullfrogs for a total of 150 yuan. Taking into account the initial investment and additional costs in the breeding process, we can perform a simple cost and benefit analysis of this experiment.


1. Buy 3 bullfrogs: 30 RMB

2. Pool and equipment: 100 RMB

3. Breeding cost (feed, water treatment, etc.): 200 yuan

4. Total cost: 330 yuan

Income: 150 yuan

According to the above data, the result of this breeding experiment was a loss of 180 yuan (330 yuan - 150 yuan). This means that in this particular case, putting the bullfrog dry and selling it is a loss-making decision.

VII. Conclusion

Raising bullfrogs is a promising agricultural activity, but it also requires a certain amount of cost and effort. In this experiment, after buying 3 bullfrogs and breeding them for a year, the farmer ended up losing 180 yuan. This result reminds us that farming activities need to be carefully planned and managed to ensure sustainable economic benefits. When choosing a farming project, it is crucial to understand market conditions and cost factors to help reduce risk and improve the chances of success. Ultimately, successful farming requires time, patience and experience to reap considerable economic returns.

Buy 3 bullfrogs for 30 yuan, throw them in the pool and raise them for a year, and put the water dry to see if they lost or earned?

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