
#Farming experienceEveryone talks about #Isn't growing your own vegetables for the sake of food safety and avoiding pesticides and bad poisons? Of course not! Originally, living in the city is enough pollution! With health

author:ONEFood Wanfu Ecological Garden

#Farming experienceTalk about it# Isn't growing vegetables by yourself to eat food safely and avoid pesticides and bad poisons? Of course not! Originally, living in the city is enough pollution! Purify the food you eat with healthy soil!

Living soil can be raised - > living food Eat healthy food (deep vegetable cultivation)

🌟 How can you be healthy by eating sick vegetables raised with medicine? Like who would be okay taking medicine all day?

Sickness? In the eyes of Chinese medicine, it is an imbalance, and what is needed is to adjust back to balance! Stopping good medicine is authentic Chinese medicine! Let you take medicine for a long time should be cautious! It is a person who knows that it is a three-point poison, both Chinese and Western medicine!

Vegetables grown with over-quantified fertilizer, lacking other trace elements, can still lead to diseases, plant diseases and then human diseases. Only with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium will lack other trace elements, and food will not have so much nutrients!

🌟 The book I recently read mentioned that pesticides and fertilizers were used, and plants that grew too fast had more diseases and pests, and fruit trees were also, and they were changed to be sweeter and there were more insects, and then they needed medicine? This is so strange! Engaging in it for half a day, is it to exhaust yourself and spend more money???

When many people show off pictures (photos) of their vegetables being gnawed by insects, when I see that this soil is not growing, it is no wonder that it is eaten by insects like this. Or the soil is too fat, there are many insects in the fertilizer, the pro-test is effective, use more compost, and there are more aphids in warm climates, because the plant has excess nutrition, and the insects like it. Nothing can be excessive, no matter how good it is, it will become bad!

The key to growing vegetables with fertilizer is that no more, no less, just right! Such a dish eats people, in order to be healthy!

Why grow your own roots, because I saw the video and heard that local farmers would sprinkle medicine into the soil when planting sweet potatoes! And grow it yourself, you know what will happen, what temperature and what soil conditions will have pests and diseases.

No one is sure, see it yourself! I use earthworms to compost the purple sweet potato vines planted in the soil, which grow very luxuriantly and are free of diseases and pests. Sweet potatoes too, so why take medicine in advance? As for cold-loving vegetable foods such as onions and beetroot, summer or high temperature, high humidity must be pests and diseases! When it's cold, it's good to balance the moisture. Just water it so that it does not grow too well, use earthworms to compost black gold soil.

🌟 Agricultural non-point source pollution That is, the pesticide fertilizers used will pollute water, air, soil, etc. It's not just food for the mouth! Especially in farming.

⚠️ "Silent Spring" is highly recommended to see how far-reaching the harm of pesticides is, and some "inexplicable" diseases are caused by soil problems to animals, water to people. And this is caused by the people themselves! It's ironic but factual.

#农业面源污染 [Topic]# #Peak Seed Ecological Planting Method# #Deep Vegetable Cultivation # #农业面源污染#

#Farming experienceEveryone talks about #Isn't growing your own vegetables for the sake of food safety and avoiding pesticides and bad poisons? Of course not! Originally, living in the city is enough pollution! With health
#Farming experienceEveryone talks about #Isn't growing your own vegetables for the sake of food safety and avoiding pesticides and bad poisons? Of course not! Originally, living in the city is enough pollution! With health
#Farming experienceEveryone talks about #Isn't growing your own vegetables for the sake of food safety and avoiding pesticides and bad poisons? Of course not! Originally, living in the city is enough pollution! With health
#Farming experienceEveryone talks about #Isn't growing your own vegetables for the sake of food safety and avoiding pesticides and bad poisons? Of course not! Originally, living in the city is enough pollution! With health
#Farming experienceEveryone talks about #Isn't growing your own vegetables for the sake of food safety and avoiding pesticides and bad poisons? Of course not! Originally, living in the city is enough pollution! With health
#Farming experienceEveryone talks about #Isn't growing your own vegetables for the sake of food safety and avoiding pesticides and bad poisons? Of course not! Originally, living in the city is enough pollution! With health

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