
"The Great Gatsby" golden sentence

author:Yuzu night reading

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"The Great Gatsby" golden sentence

"Everyone has a green light in their hearts that can neither be touched nor extinguished.

"Whenever you want to criticize someone, remember that not everyone in the world has those strengths that you have.

"The world doesn't care about your self-esteem, people just see your achievements. Don't overemphasize self-esteem until you don't achieve it.

"The basic morality of each person is different by birth and cannot be viewed equally.

"I can't touch you, you're like Gatsby's dream, brilliant, but untouchable. There are too many temptations on the road ahead, I am not as great as Gatsby, I may go other ways, and I can't keep chasing you in your footsteps.

"The Great Gatsby" golden sentence

"All the glamour is no match for time, and it's gone.

"When you're in an artificial predicament, don't complain, you can only silently learn your lesson.

"We continue to push forward, against the tide, and are constantly pushed backwards until we go back to the old days.

"Society is full of inequities. You don't want to transform it first, you can only adapt to it first.

"If you plan to love someone, you have to think clearly about whether you are willing to give up your God-like free heart for him, and you are willing to have bonds from then on.

"The Great Gatsby" golden sentence

"At the same time, keeping two diametrically opposed ideas can still behave normally, which is a sign of first-rate wisdom.

"Human instinct is to always chase what leaves us, while avoiding what chases us.

"All beings in the world are either pursued by others, or pursued by others, or busy, or exhausted.

"The difference between people, whether it is intelligence or race, is not as complicated as the difference between illness and health.

"People tend to give others self-righteous guidance because of the disparity in experience.

"The Great Gatsby" golden sentence