
Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

author:Electrical engineer S100695547
Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

Xu Jiayin was taken away for many days, and all kinds of news around him were true and false.

For example, it is rumored that Xu Jiayin's eldest son Xu Zhijian, who graduated from Tsinghua University, lost to his younger brother Xu Tenghe, who graduated from Harvard University, in the internal palace fight of the family, and as a result, he inadvertently completed his Evergrande incident, was able to retreat with his whole body, and successfully fled overseas, and by the way, he also became the exclusive beneficiary of the 2.3 billion unchangeable trust fund left by his father Xu Jiayin to his children.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

Xu Jiayin's eldest son, Xu Zhijian

For example, Xu Jiayin's ex-wife Ding Yumei divorced him fakely, just to facilitate Xu Jiayin's transfer of property.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

And when it comes to the women who have appeared successively in Xu Jiayin's life (of course, this woman is not necessarily a lover, but also a benefactor), in addition to his most worthy ex-wife Ding Yumei of the steel factory "factory flower" (because of the divorce, the ex-wife took 50 billion and ran to Canada), Xu Jiayin also has 3 women, which is what he should say sorry to them the most.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

The first is Xu Jiayin's first love.

This woman surnamed Zhang, who is struggling to stay in the village health center of Xu Jiayin's hometown, is the first woman who was disappointed by Xu Jiayin on the road to fame.

Back then, it was Xu Jiayin who first saw Xiao Zhang at a glance, and he asked his father Xu Xiangao to run to Xiao Zhang's house to raise a kiss.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

However, Xu Jiayin's family was too poor in the countryside, but Xiao Zhang's eyes saw that Xu Jiayin was not a virtuous person.

Sure enough, Xu Jiayin became the first talent in the history of the village to be admitted to university. Before going to school, Xiao Zhang took out almost all of his savings, and he wanted his fiancé Xu Jiayin to be in college and not be financially stretched.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

The cemetery where Xu Jiayin gave his father Xu Xian Gaoxiu is amazingly large

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

Discerning people can see that after Xu Jiayin finishes college, it is impossible to return to the countryside, but Xiao Zhang is obsessed with this man, and in the end it is difficult to escape the fate of being dumped.

There is also a bridge in the market, saying that Xu Jiayin returned to his hometown after making a fortune, and there was Xiao Zhang among the people crowded in the crowd to watch the excitement, and she had already turned into a look that Xu Jiayin didn't know at all.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

The beautiful women around Xu Jiayin are like clouds, how can he remember the woman who used to be stupidly waiting for him to come back and get married in the village.

The second woman Hui Jiayin "sorry" is his good brother and the current wife of Hong Kong's super-rich Liu Luanxiong - Gambi.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

Gumby was just a Hong Kong ordinary entertainment reporter who was appreciated by Stephen Chow, and now she has become the richest woman in Hong Kong, relying on her rich husband - Liu Luanxiong, who supports her behind her.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

Don't look at Liu Luanxiong when he was young, he had one debt after another, entangled with stars such as Li Jiaxin and Cai Shaofen, but in his later years, he completely accepted his heart, and he was also sincere about Gamby, who gave birth to a pair of children for himself.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

In 2007-2008, under the recommendation of his wealthy friend Zheng Yutong, Liu Luanxiong also entered Evergrande, and when Xu Jiayin's company was most difficult to list, in the case of Evergrande's first capital cutoff, real money took out a lot of money to help Xu Jiayin.

Coming and going, the two of them really developed brotherhood outside the business and in their private lives.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

To this end, Liu Luanxiong also introduced his wife Gambi to Xu Jiayin to get acquainted, and by the way, he let himself, the little brother, make a lot of money with his wife.

According to rough estimates, Liu Luanxiong took Gambi before and after to inject billions into Xujiayin's related extended industries, and even the scale may reach tens of billions.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

Gambi is also best friends with Miss Fan in private, and it is rumored that Xu Jiayin is the matchmaker

Because, later relevant reports showed that Gambi lost a lot, and the funds involved in the Evergrande project were almost one or two hundred billion.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

These numbers, for us ordinary people, are astronomical. For the rich, it is nothing more than these broken and lost money, which can help them quickly recognize a person, and accelerate away from it, grasp on the next good project, and then get it back.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

To say that the third woman who was "pitted" by Xu Jiayin is Bai Shanshan, the head of the Evergrande Dance Troupe, who was reported by various media.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

In a set of photos of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe circulating on the Internet, all the actors have a face that resembles the female star Jin Chen, and I really doubt that this is the picture made by the AI according to Jin Chen's face, not the real photo of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

But on the Internet, there is an overall picture of the new assessment of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, because the banner behind it clearly states that this is the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, and the credibility is higher.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

In the description of many articles, the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe is one of the symbols of Evergrande's loud dogs and horses, and even in the 42-story building of Evergrande's headquarters in Shenzhen, more than 40 floors, only a very small number of people can enter, and netizens have set up that only the beauties of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe can enter and exit this top floor.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

Among the mysteries, Bai Shanshan's name stood out as the leader of the legendary Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"
Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

She was described by the outside world as an adult with a salary of tens of millions, living in a mansion, driving a million-dollar luxury car, and huge wealth coming inexplicably.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

In addition, she is a woman close to Xu Jiayin's side, which makes people feel that her money is not coming from the right way.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"
Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

This time, after Xu Jiayin became a prisoner, Bai Shanshan's photos, texts and videos on her own personal social platform were deleted by her overnight.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

According to the opinion of ordinary netizens, you don't have a ghost in your heart, why did you delete it.

Xu Jiayin is most sorry for 3 women, one is a brother and wife, one is his first love, and the other is a "group leader"

If Bai Shanshan really exists, and really has the same identity, status and wealth as the outside world rumors, then this time Boss Xu's accident, her reputation and wealth are basically equivalent to "ruin".

How important a woman's reputation is, how miserable Bai Shanshan falls.