
In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

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In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

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On November 4, 1995, which was supposed to be the Jewish Sabbath, Rabin, then Israeli Prime Minister Rabin, led more than 100,000 Israelis in the center of Tel Aviv to pray for peace.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

When he finished his speech and was about to leave in a car, three gunshots suddenly rang out, plunging more than 100,000 people into a panic, and Rabin himself collapsed in a pool of blood and died.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Rabin was assassinated not by hostile forces in Arab countries, but by Jews in Israel, and what is even more surprising is that the Jew who assassinated the prime minister, who was only 25 years old and in his prime age, risked assassinating his prime minister?

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

What is even more strange is that after being imprisoned for assassinating the Prime Minister, not only was this Jew not executed, but many Israelis vindicated him in the hope that he would be acquitted, and even he himself married in prison and gave birth to a son.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son


In 1922, when Palestine was still under British rule, Rabin was born in Jerusalem, and although he was in Palestine, he was a Jew by the root.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Deeply influenced by Zionist thought, Rabin was determined to give Jews a living state from an early age, so in 1941, Rabin joined a commando force against fascism, the first Jewish armed force in Palestine.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

However, after the end of the war, the Jewish armed forces did not disband, but under the influence of Zionist thought, Jews from all over the world continued to come to Israel and join the army.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Moreover, under the mandate of the United Nations, the Jews formally established a state of Israel in Palestine, but this directly ignited the anger of the Arabs, who believed that the Jews were robbers who occupied the Magpie's Nest.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Subsequently, the Arab countries united to drive all the outsiders out of Palestine, and soon the two sides broke out into fierce conflict, but with huge funds behind Israel and the support of the United States, the Arab resistance could only end in a crushing defeat.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

And Rabin himself quickly entered the core of Israeli politics because of his outstanding performance on the battlefield and his long-term achievements in the battlefield line, but Rabin himself did not want to resolve the dispute between the two sides through war.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Rabin, who has been on the front lines of the battlefield for a long time, knows that war is not the only way to solve the problem, and even if Israel can defeat the Arab countries again and again, Israel at that time could not afford to lose, even a single battle.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Therefore, after entering the political arena, Rabin did not advocate taking tough measures against Palestine, but hoped to seek a peaceful and reasonable solution to the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

In 1992, at the age of 70, Rabin became Israel's prime minister and ascended to the top of the country's power, which also provided an opportunity for him to achieve a peaceful settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

After Rabin became prime minister, he held 14 secret talks with the Palestinian side, and Arafat, the founder of the Palestinian armed forces, was also interested in "reconciliation" with Israel.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

In addition, at that time, coinciding with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States was the only one in the world, and Israel had the support of the Americans, reconciliation, and let the people live a stable life, which became the common desire of the leaders of Palestine and Israel at that time.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Oslo Accords

Then-US President Bill Clinton also did not want Israel to be mired in war for a long time, because it was not in the long-term interests of the Americans, so under the leadership of the United States, Israel and Palestine began a long road of negotiations.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Under the mediation of the United States, Palestine gave up a great deal of its interests, not only recognizing the existence of the State of Israel, but also relinquishing a large amount of Palestinian territory, bounded by the 1967 Line of Time Control between the two sides.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Similarly, the Israeli side recognized the existence of a Palestinian state, pledged not to use violent expansion, and renounced the territories acquired through aggression after 1967, under which the Oslo Accords were signed.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

It can be said that this time period is the closest thing to reconciliation between Palestine and Israel, and it also allows the two peoples who have been mired in war for a long time to see the dawn of peace, which is why Arafat and Rabin were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

It stands to reason that this should have come to an end, but something unexpected happened.

The unwilling people of Israel

On the day of the official signing of the Oslo Accords, a large number of Israelis organized protest marches, and in their opinion, Rabin's actions had betrayed the country of Israel to the Arabs, and this method of exchanging land for peace was unacceptable.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Even if the land spit out was stolen by war plunder, but what was eaten could not be justified, angry Israelis blocked the door of Israel's parliament, especially those extreme Jews, who could not listen to Rabin's explanation.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Rabin was where the protesters had gathered, explaining the reasons for this:

I used to be a soldier, tens of thousands of protests and demonstrations, will not let me compromise, because this is far less shocking than the tears that the mother of a soldier killed in war gave me, I am a person who has experienced war, and I am looking for a peaceful way out...
In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Although Rabin's explanation was tough and perfect, it did not offset the anger of the people, and one of them, a young Jewish youth, Igal Amir, gradually developed a terrible idea - assassinate Prime Minister Rabin!

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son


Born into a high-class intellectual family, his father was a lawyer and his mother a teacher, Igal was himself an extreme Zionist who was himself opposed to peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Coupled with the fact that at that time, due to the long-term war, there were also a group of extremely cruel and violent terrorists in Palestine, so Igar was even more opposed to reconciliation with Palestine.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

At that time, Igar joined an extremist terrorist organization in Israel, and at the behest of another crazy extremist, Igar carried out a plan to assassinate Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

On November 4, 1995, after three gunshots, Rabin collapsed in a pool of blood with a blood-soaked copy of "Song of Peace" in his arms, and Rabin died since.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Rabin's death also marked the complete bankruptcy of the Oslo Accords, even if Arafat wanted to continue to implement it, but without Rabin's cooperation, he could not stand alone, and the short-lived Palestinian-Israeli reconciliation was completely stillborn.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Almost all of the Israeli prime ministers who came to power were extremely tough on Palestine, and most of the people in Israel did not support the peaceful termination of the dispute between the two sides, and the extremist ideology of "leaving people behind" occupied the majority of Israeli public opinion.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

And Igar, the assassin of Rabin, is regarded by many Israelis as a hero of the country, so they do not approve of his sentence, but rather hope that he will be acquitted.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

In the end, Igar was sentenced to life imprisonment by Israel, without commutation or parole, and after being imprisoned, Igar was able to see his family for 15 minutes a week, and it was these 15 minutes that gave him the opportunity to get married and have children.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

When word spread about Ighar's story, Jewish ultra-nationalists around the world admired his "heroic deeds," as did one of the immigrant Jews from the former Soviet Union, Trim Bobble.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

With her efforts, it didn't take long to get involved with Igar in prison, and used the 15-minute weekly call time to continue to learn more about Igal.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

In 2001, Trim Bob Lier came to visit the prison under the pressure of public opinion, and the relationship between the two continued to heat up, but this woman is not single, she has not only been married for many years, but also has four children, and she herself is much older than Igal.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

In 2003, Trim Bob Leer officially divorced her husband and applied to marry Igar six months later, although Israeli law allows prisoners to marry in prison, but this application was rejected due to Igar's status.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

But Trim Bob Lier still performed the wedding on behalf of the groom according to Jewish religious ceremonies, and with the help of Igar's father, completed the exchange of wedding rings, and finally in 2006, the local government of Israel recognized the legitimacy of the marriage relationship.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

In October 2007, Igal's son was born with Trim Bobrell, and coincidentally, on November 4, 2007, exactly 12 years after Rabin's assassination, Igal personally participated in the circumcision of his child.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son


Although Rabin's argument failed at the time, it actually tells us that in this world, those who support peace and justice have not completely disappeared.

In 1995, the Jew who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Jim Rabin was married in prison and had a son

Although the world is not at peace today, as long as there are more and more such people who support peace, then I believe that peace will always come to the "Promised Land"!

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