
The chief instructed, beware of the bandit Song Junnian will breathe fire; Scout Lu Zhihao: That's a flamethrower

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Revealing the Secret of the "Murderous Demon King" Song Junnian: The Bloody History Behind the Bandits In August 1950, our army launched a difficult operation to suppress the bandits, with the goal of pursuing the bandit Song Junnian and his subordinates, known as the "Murderous Demon King". Known for his cruelty and murderous acts, Song Junnian hid with a dozen bandits in a cave in Jingjia Mountain, posing a huge threat to the local people. His wide sphere of influence and brutal innocent anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians became a nightmare in the hearts of the locals. Song Junnian, formerly known as Song Qingyun, was born in 1907 in Changshiqiao, Zhuangqiao District, Cixi County, Zhejiang. Since he was a child, he was stubborn, fierce-looking, with a beard on his face, and was nicknamed "Song Beard". He never liked to read, but he loved to dance guns and clubs, make friends with bandits, kill and set fires, rob men and women, and do all kinds of evil, so he was called "murderous devil" by the locals. In 1940, when Cixi County fell, Song Qingyun defected to the Japanese and became the chief of the puppet Cixi County Security Corps.

The chief instructed, beware of the bandit Song Junnian will breathe fire; Scout Lu Zhihao: That's a flamethrower

In order to curry favor with the Japanese, he heard through his friends about the garrison of the anti-Japanese guerrillas on Huagai Mountain, led the Japanese puppet army to attack Huagai Mountain, and brutally killed many anti-Japanese fighters. Later, he attacked the offices of the New Fourth Army in Cidong, Zhenbei and other places, causing a large number of casualties. During his years of fighting for the tiger, he slaughtered more than 1,100 anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians. After the surrender of Japan, he was imprisoned, but just over two months later, through bribery, he changed his name to Song Junnian and became the chief of the Kuomintang's Ninghai County Self-Defense Corps. He continued to poison the local people wantonly, killing and setting fires. On July 5, 1949, Ninghai County was liberated, and Song Junnian fled to Jingjia Mountain in Xiangshan County. Subsequently, the 79th Division of the Kuomintang Army occupied most of Xiangshan County. Song Junnian took the opportunity to gather more than 2,000 people, including remnants of the army, landlord bullies, hooligans, and robbers, forming a huge gang of bandits.

The chief instructed, beware of the bandit Song Junnian will breathe fire; Scout Lu Zhihao: That's a flamethrower

They wantonly distributed food, money, and strong people in the local area, and brutally persecuted the people. Agricultural and local cadres were their main targets, with many killed and even their families severely tortured. The local people were angry and helpless, and called on our troops to come and suppress the bandits. At the beginning of 1950, the 21st Army of our East China Field Army set up a headquarters for suppressing bandits, stationed in Xiangshan and Ninghai counties, and began to carry out bandit suppression operations. The bandit suppression force was divided into two routes, east and west, and jointly eliminated the bandits of the Song Junnian Dynasty. The plan was to use one month to compress the main forces of Song Junnian's bandits to the area of Jingjia Mountain and Jiantou Ridge, and then annihilate them. The bandit troops formulated a perfect battle plan, but because they did not actively mobilize the masses, the troops were insufficient, and the blockade line was not tight, the bandits could take advantage of it. Song Junnian ordered his bandits to disguise themselves as ordinary people to disperse and break through.

The chief instructed, beware of the bandit Song Junnian will breathe fire; Scout Lu Zhihao: That's a flamethrower

After a month of searching and suppressing, the bandit troops finally met at Jiantou Ridge, but the results were not satisfactory, and only some small bandits were caught. The head of the bandit force decided to reinforce the detachment of our army, which was ambushed by the bandits, but also fell into the siege of the enemy. The bandits had strong firepower, while our army was clearly insufficient, and the battle was extremely fierce. Despite the fact that the enemy occupied favorable terrain, in more than 9 hours of battle, they could not annihilate a single company of our troops. Although this battle caused heavy losses to our army, it also exposed the weakness of the bandits. The commander of the bandit force ordered all the participating soldiers to pursue without fear of fatigue and sacrifice. After a fierce battle all night, the bandit troops annihilated all the bandits. Then, the bandit troops continued to carry out the clean-up operation, gradually weakening the strength of Song Junnian's bandits. They continued to achieve success, killing and capturing large numbers of bandits and capturing large quantities of weapons and ammunition.

The chief instructed, beware of the bandit Song Junnian will breathe fire; Scout Lu Zhihao: That's a flamethrower

However, Song Junnian did not tie his hands and capture, but gathered more bandits and formed a "guerrilla column in eastern Zhejiang". They claimed that they were to "welcome the Luohan soldiers of a hundred steels: the truth is revealed The political commissar of Ningjin County, Shandong, Fu Kunyong, has always been an old eighth road, and he is skeptical of the so-called "Luohan soldiers who have been refined into steel". He believes that this is just a tool used by Song Junnian to fool people, and there is no so-called "knife and gun" ability. However, some of the soldiers who participated in the bandit campaign claimed that these Arhat soldiers could spew out three true fires, burn stones to ashes, and could not even extinguish water. These terrifying rumors spread quickly, and the soldiers began to develop a strong fear of the Luohan soldiers. In order to dispel the fears of the soldiers, Fu Kunyong ordered a military operation, using the method of shelling the bandits' nests. Fu Kunyong ordered the two battalions to set out overnight, while urgently mobilizing artillery batteries to follow. He hoped to avoid direct engagement with the Luohan soldiers by saturating the bandits' nests.

The chief instructed, beware of the bandit Song Junnian will breathe fire; Scout Lu Zhihao: That's a flamethrower

When the battle began, the Arhat soldiers were routed by artillery fire and some of the survivors scattered. The enemy's mechanized artillery squadrons were also destroyed by the superior firepower of our troops. The soldiers found that the Luohan soldiers did not have the ability to spit fire, they were blown up to the point of blood, and they did not see anyone spewing out real fire. As a result, the fighters were greatly morale, bravely killed the enemy, annihilated the bandits' cannon squadron and the guard special report team, and captured more than 400 bandits. However, the bandit suppression operation did not end, and there were still more than 100 bandits left under Song Junnian. Fu Kunyong decided to send scouts to form several plainclothes reconnaissance teams to go deep into the mountains and forests to search for the bandits. At this time, the young reconnaissance hero Lu Zhihao stood up. Lü Zhihao participated in the Huaihai Campaign and the Battle of Crossing the River and has rich combat experience. He led his comrades in a search operation and eventually succeeded in capturing dozens of bandits. Lu Zhihao was rewarded, but he was not satisfied.

The chief instructed, beware of the bandit Song Junnian will breathe fire; Scout Lu Zhihao: That's a flamethrower

He hopes to catch the fire-breathing bandits and execute them to avenge his fallen comrades. Lu Zhihao and his comrades set out again, and they found a cave. In the corner near the cave, they caught a bandit who admitted to being the orderly of the bandit captain Lou Buyun. Lou Buyun and other important bandits hid in Jieao Village, and Lv Zhihao decided to move on. After entering the village, they managed to capture several bandits and obtain intelligence about where Song Junnian was hiding. However, when they arrived at the cave, Song Junnian had already fled. The bandit forces did not give up, and they surrounded Jingjia Mountain and launched a search operation. After several hours of searching, they found no trace of Song Junnian, and only captured seventy or eighty bandits. However, Lu Zhihao noticed that the militia company commander Lai Shengqiao searched particularly quickly, and they searched the least area.

The chief instructed, beware of the bandit Song Junnian will breathe fire; Scout Lu Zhihao: That's a flamethrower

Lu Zhihao suspected that Lai Shengqiao might be an inner ghost, so they re-searched the militia's area and eventually found a cave hidden in the woods. Lu Zhihao and his comrades quietly approached the cave, and they heard the voice of someone talking inside. Lü Zhihao threw a grenade to the mouth of the cave, and then shouted loudly, demanding that Song Junnian surrender. However, a flame suddenly erupted from the mouth of the cave, and one of Lu Zhihao's comrades unfortunately died. The soldiers moved quickly and threw firewood and grass at the mouth of the cave, forcing Song Junnian and his men who were hiding in the cave to surrender. In the end, they managed to capture Song Junnian and 17 of his men. The actions of the bandit forces were appreciated and praised by the local population. However, Fu Kunyong rejected Lü Zhihao's offer to execute Song Junnian. He hopes to let the local people identify Song Junnian's body to eliminate their fear of him. Five months later, Song Junnian was executed and became a "murderous devil" in the eyes of the local people.

The chief instructed, beware of the bandit Song Junnian will breathe fire; Scout Lu Zhihao: That's a flamethrower

Song Junnian's death confirmed the correctness of the actions of the bandit troops. Looking back at the entire bandit eradication operation, we can see the bravery and perseverance of fighters such as Fu Kunyong and Lu Zhihao. They braved the odds and forged ahead to victory in the end. However, this operation also made us reflect: why did the rumors spread so quickly? Why do people have a fear of Luo Han Bing? Does this mean people's fear of the unknown? How should we address this fear? Readers are invited to leave their own comments and share your views and thoughts. We look forward to hearing from you.

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