
Why was Qiu Jin buried 10 times? The bumpy aftermath of the quack woman

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Edo Yadanchen, the head of the Emperor approved of the Alliance; Xuan Ting spilled blue blood, ashamed that I am summoning a heroine soul today!

In Sun Yat-sen's eyes, there is no doubt that Qiu Jin has a lofty status, and he also has many titles such as "the first Zhejiang people to join the alliance". In the view of the prime minister, Qiu Jin also has an indelible brilliance, that is, "Don't forget the legacy of the Jianhu woman, I hope to win glory for my Yuedong daughter!" Many other literati did not hesitate to use their pen and ink to highly praise, so that her deeds and spirit were widely spread, and together created Qiu Jin's sassy and heroic posture standing in the long river of history!

1. Quack Woman

Regarding Qiu Jin's life, it is difficult to describe the heroism in three words. Compared with the Chinese women who were enslaved by feudal ideology at that time, Qiu Jin was undoubtedly a maverick existence. She strides high and strides with a woman's body, not afraid of the oppression of power, not afraid of life and death. She used both hands, holding the revolutionary banner with one hand and holding feminism with the other, knocking on the door of the new era with her head. And the name of the heroine is not only because she once advocated revolution and feminism with the name of "Jianhu Woman" and the pen as a knife. It is also a true portrayal of his dashing and heroic sassy and heroic posture. However, this woman was persecuted by the Qing court at the age of only thirty-two, and when she died generously, she also thought of waking up the sleeping fighting spirit in the hearts of countless Chinese sons and daughters at the cost of her own life. "The crisis is so that you dare to spare your life? May life be sacrificed. "Just like this popular chapter from her hand, she put it into practice with her life.

Twenty or ten burials, a bumpy aftermath

In the early morning of July 15, 1907, Qiu Jin was generous and righteous. It is worth mentioning that before that, she was detained in San'in prison, and Li Zhongyue, who was the governor of San'in County at the time, carried the pressure of her superiors, but she also felt Qiu Jin's revolutionary spirit, did not torture and forced a confession, and promised Qiu Jin not to strip her clothes or behead, and only let Qiu Jin write a confession. And Qiu Jin waved no ink, leaving only the seven-character desperate poem "Autumn wind and autumn rain are sad". Because of this "crime of cover-up", Lee Jong-wook was dismissed. Or because he was guilty of executing Qiu Jin, Qiu Jin died less than 100 days ago, so he hanged himself in order to seek relief.

However, after Qiu Jin left, everything did not end there. Let's jointly reveal why Qiu Jin was buried 10 times? Take a look at the bumpy aftermath of this charismatic woman.

The first time to collect the bones for Qiu Jin was the Shaoxing Tongshan Bureau. Obviously, this is unexpected, why is there no one to collect the corpse after a generation of women has a brilliant life? In fact, it was because Qiu Jin himself was deeply aware of the great righteousness, fearing that his family members and revolutionary comrades would throw themselves into the net, so as early as when he decided to die generously, he told them how far to hide, and not to be implicated. That's why this bleak scene happened.

On the other hand, Xu Wei, who confessed to Qiu Jin and others after being arrested, is not the same as the world. Although it is said that "people do not perish for their own sake," the country's righteousness comes first, and it is a truth that all children understand. It is really heinous that in order to survive for oneself, the life and death of several revolutionary comrades have been put on the line. Of course, anyone facing life and death can make their own choices, but the achievements of their destined life must also be left to posterity.

The second burial is Yin Qiu Jin's eldest brother. Two months passed quietly, but for his brother, it was like a year, and his sister's bones were hastily collected, which made it difficult for him to sleep. Therefore, seeing that the limelight was gone, the brother quietly hired someone to dig out Qiu Jin's body and put it in a coffin, which was temporarily stored in a funeral home. However, when the owner of the funeral learned that it was Qiu Jin's remains, he ordered his brother to move it quickly. In desperation, the brother had to find another nearby wasteland for temporary resettlement, covering it with grass fans to protect it from the rain and sun. As a brother, his actions are deserved and precious.

Counting the ages, how many people have abandoned their family affection for fear of incurring incurring involvement? It was not easy for his brother to risk angering the Qing court and finding a place to live for his sister's body. Although it is not properly placed, it is also rare. On the other hand, the face of the funeral owner is quite familiar. Such a person is greedy for life and afraid of death, lest he be "harmed by the pond fish", how can he have "the rise and fall of the world, and the responsibility of the husband" in his heart? Look at the period of the War of Resistance, the puppet army millions of people were willing to be lackeys and enslaved by people, how similar are the two? I don't know if Qiu Jin's woman is cold when she sees this scene, this is the people she dedicates everything she wants to rescue.

The third burial occurred because of Qiu Jin's two sisters, Xu Zihua and Wu Zhiying. After learning the news, the two remembered Qiu Jin's "building a stone burial on the bank of the Xiling Bridge in Budi West Lake." ", immediately began to arrange.

Xu Zihua purchased a piece of land on the bank of West Lake in 1907, and then went to Qiu Jin's house to arrange a burial, and the following year buried Qiu Jin on the bank of West Lake, erecting an eight-character inscription, "The Tomb of Qiu Jin, the Heroine of Jianhu". It is impressive that the two sisters who married Jinlan with Qiu Jinyi can spare no effort to help. They had no relatives or reasons between them, but came together with the same inside, and then sent their sisters on their last journey, and placed their bones in accordance with Qiu Jin's last wishes. The affection here is really rare in the world.

If Qiu Jin's remains were to be safe, then many people's wishes would have been granted, but the Qing government, which was more evil, was not among them. They would never want to see this end for those who oppose them. Therefore, there is the fourth and fifth burials of Qiu Jin. In the same year that Qiu Jin was buried on the bank of West Lake, the Qing court imperial history Changhui asked Ping Qiu Jin's tomb with a letter and wanted to persecute the two sisters who dared to build a tombstone for him. The Qing court agreed, so Qiu Jin's family had to move his remains back to the outside of Shaoxing for temporary release. This is the fourth burial of Qiu Jin, from which it is not difficult to see what kind of ugly face the Qing government has.

At that time, the Qing government was unscrupulous, and as the flame of revolution rose in the land of China, it was like dry firewood encountering a blazing fire, sweeping the north and south of the country in an instant, including men, women and children. However, the Qing government not only did not consider the changes of the times because of the birth of the revolution, and made changes in line with the times through self-reflection, but blindly suppressed and brutally slaughtered them. They vainly attempt to suppress the revolutionary ideals and the burning flames in the hearts of people with lofty ideals through force. Their act of wielding the butcher's knife, which should have been used to confront the great powers, at innocent Chinese people and at their own compatriots, is truly chilling and deplorable, and is destined to be spurned by future generations.

As for Qiu Jin's fifth burial, it was because her husband's family came forward to move her to Hunan and was buried with her husband Prince Fang. In the eyes of others, "life should be the same, death should be the same cave" is also a good ending. But for Qiu Jin, this may not be the case. Her husband, Prince Fang, has always been virtuous, like a rich son who does not learn and has no skills. Even before his death, the relationship between the two was never harmonious.

Qiu Jin traveled all year round, but in addition to working for the revolution, there were also reasons why she and her husband were speechless and did not understand their ideas. After the success of the Xinhai Revolution, the Hunan government moved Qiu Jin's remains to the Yuelu Mountain in Changsha to build a martyr's cemetery. Later, at the request of the Zhejiang revolutionaries, the remains of Qiu Jin were moved back to the old site of West Lake, and the Wind and Rain Pavilion and Qiu Jin Ancestral Hall were built. This is the sixth and seventh burials of Qiu Jin.

However, in 1964, for unknown reasons, Qiu Jin's tomb was moved to Jilongshan, and it was restored again the following year. Such an act is so incomprehensible that Qiu Jin went through the eighth and ninth burials. Years later, someone suddenly excavated a clay pot at the site of the Martyrs' Cemetery, which was identified as Qiu Jin's bones, so that the tenth burial occurred, and the heroine Qiu Jin of this generation finally entered the soil for safety.

Just like the events of the woman's life, the things behind her are also ups and downs, which is embarrassing, but fortunately, she died on the shore of West Lake as she wished.

Looking at the past and the present, it is precisely because revolutionaries like Qiu Jin spared no effort and threw themselves into the revolution one after another, that the success of the revolution, the liberation of the people, and the revitalization of feminism were achieved. It is precisely because of this that our current era has been liberated from the decadent system, our minds have been able to break free from the cage of feudal thinking, and only then can we have a new China that is now earth-shaking.

As the successors of the times, when we are suffering the well-being of the changes of the times, we should also "never forget the well diggers", and firmly remember the blood and enthusiasm of our revolutionary ancestors in this land of China in the past. We should inherit the legacy of our ancestors, dare to speak out for the injustice of the world, dare to fight for the revitalization of the country and the nation, only the rise of youth is the rise of China's future, and only through continuous inheritance, can generations of Chinese young people become the mainstay of China's continuous progress and development.

Why was Qiu Jin buried 10 times? The bumpy aftermath of the quack woman
Why was Qiu Jin buried 10 times? The bumpy aftermath of the quack woman
Why was Qiu Jin buried 10 times? The bumpy aftermath of the quack woman
Why was Qiu Jin buried 10 times? The bumpy aftermath of the quack woman
Why was Qiu Jin buried 10 times? The bumpy aftermath of the quack woman
Why was Qiu Jin buried 10 times? The bumpy aftermath of the quack woman
Why was Qiu Jin buried 10 times? The bumpy aftermath of the quack woman
Why was Qiu Jin buried 10 times? The bumpy aftermath of the quack woman