
The "Long Live Army" completely annihilated the US military, notified the other party to transport the corpse, and the US helicopter pulled it all morning!

author:Actinium ie

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On February 2, 1951, just three days before the Spring Festival, the Chinese people were enthusiastically preparing for the Spring Festival, but the war was still spreading on the Korean Peninsula. The U.S. 24th Division used unusual roundabout tactics intended to pose a threat to the Chinese volunteers. The incident highlighted the change in tactics and the rivalry between the armies of the two sides in the war, as well as how the army in distress overcame the odds.

Event Analysis:

The shift in U.S. 24th Division's use of roundabout tactics was due to the fact that they suffered heavy losses in battles with the Chinese volunteers and had to learn the tactics of their opponents. This shows that the Chinese volunteers performed well on the Korean battlefield, forcing the US military to change its strategy. At the same time, the actions of the US 24th Division threatened the positions of the Chinese troops on the southern bank of the Han River, triggering an urgent counterattack.

The "Long Live Army" completely annihilated the US military, notified the other party to transport the corpse, and the US helicopter pulled it all morning!

The performance of the 338th Regiment showed the tenacity and courage of the Chinese volunteers. Despite not participating in the battle for a long time, they stood up at a critical moment and successfully counter-encircled and annihilated American troops. In this battle, the Chinese military demonstrated tenacity and the ability to counter the advanced technology of the United States.

The battle also highlighted the uncertainty and tension on the battlefield. Commanders were anxious before fighting broke out, troops fought in extreme conditions, and telephone crews' reports reflected soldiers' hunger for food and supplies.

Personal opinion:

In war, all sides are constantly adapting to the tactics and tactics of their opponents. The shift in tactics of the U.S. 24th Division shows that even a strong army needs to constantly learn and improve to deal with new threats. The tenacious performance of the Chinese volunteers shows their loyalty and professionalism.

The "Long Live Army" completely annihilated the US military, notified the other party to transport the corpse, and the US helicopter pulled it all morning!

This story also reminds me of the humanitarian problems of war. Despite the hostility, the Chinese military showed a respectful attitude to life by notifying the U.S. military after the war to recover the soldiers' bodies. Casualties in war are unavoidable, but respect for the life of the enemy is still a manifestation of humanity.

Revelations and Truths:

From this incident, we can draw some important enlightenment and truth. First, war is fraught with uncertainty, militaries need to be constantly prepared and adapt to changes in adversaries, and policymakers need to remain vigilant and ready to respond to new threats.

Secondly, humanism and respect for life in war should be seen as important principles. Even in a state of hostility, respect and concern for human life is key, which can also help reduce tensions and enhance peace.

The "Long Live Army" completely annihilated the US military, notified the other party to transport the corpse, and the US helicopter pulled it all morning!

Finally, the incident also reflects the importance of military loyalty and teamwork. The Chinese volunteers worked closely together in difficult times and eventually succeeded in repelling the enemy. This underscores the value of teamwork and leadership in war.


The events of February 2, 1951, showed the tensions on the Korean battlefield and the changes in the war. The tactical shift of the U.S. 24th Division, the tenacity of the Chinese volunteers, and the humanitarian actions after the war are all key elements of the story. This event reminds us of the complexity of warfare and the importance of respecting life and teamwork. By studying history, we can better understand the nature of war and hope that the future will pursue peaceful conflict resolution.

The "Long Live Army" completely annihilated the US military, notified the other party to transport the corpse, and the US helicopter pulled it all morning!

In the deep dive into the backs of this incident, we can see more lessons and wisdom from war. The incident highlighted the tactical evolution of armies in warfare, the dynamic nature of warfare, and the critical role of teamwork. Here are some more in-depth thoughts and perspectives:

Changes and Responses to War: War is an ever-changing game, and the tactical shift of the US 24th Division was to deal with the threat of the Chinese volunteers. This shows that no matter how strong a military is, it needs to be flexible enough to adapt to the battlefield environment and the actions of its adversaries. For national decision-makers, this means maintaining a high degree of vigilance and constantly updating strategies.

Humanitarian and Respect for Life: Despite the brutality of war, the Chinese military's notification of the U.S. military to recover the soldiers' bodies in this incident was a humanitarian act. This reminds us that humanity still exists in war, and that respect for life and the reduction of casualties should be the primary goals of any military or government.

The "Long Live Army" completely annihilated the US military, notified the other party to transport the corpse, and the US helicopter pulled it all morning!

Teamwork and Leadership: The performance of the 338th Regiment highlighted the importance of teamwork and leadership. In difficult situations, the military needs to work closely together and unite to achieve victory. The success in this event is also the result of wise decision-making and strong leadership by the leader.

The urgency of peaceful conflict resolution: While war is inevitable, we must always remember its cost. This incident reminds us that international disputes and conflicts should be resolved by peaceful means in order to reduce casualties and destruction.

Finally, the event shows both the complexity and humanity of war. It reminds us to cherish peace, to constantly learn and evolve, while upholding humanitarian principles and always valuing teamwork and leadership. Through these lessons, we can better understand the nature of war and move towards peace. Hopefully, there will be no more wars in the future and that people can work together to build a more peaceful and prosperous world.

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