
DNF: 3 counterattacks per second, official "statistics ignore outer G"? The first white hand of the national service leads to controversy

author:Gaming Esports Express

#Dungeons & Warriors#Recently, the official release of the third week leaderboard of the Nightmare Corridor, in which the first white hand actually counterattacked three times per second! This news caused a controversy, some players questioned whether the official "statistics ignore plug-ins", such an obvious low-level plug-in score, actually gave the title of champion? The detection of the TP system is a joke, and the statistician is also negligent.

DNF: 3 counterattacks per second, official "statistics ignore outer G"? The first white hand of the national service leads to controversy

DNF: Official "statistics ignore outer G"?

First of all, let's take a look at the results of the first white hand: the clearance time is 586 seconds, and the number of counterattacks is only 1800 times, which means 3 counterattacks per second, to be honest, even the operation of the top master, can not be completed. It is obviously a forced blood cutting plug-in.

DNF: 3 counterattacks per second, official "statistics ignore outer G"? The first white hand of the national service leads to controversy

Subsequently, the official also gave a response, saying that the data is being retested, and the probability is that it will not be done, after all, the dungeon official is like this every time, as long as it does not involve the interests of the official, it is delayed to the end, let time dilute everything!

DNF: 3 counterattacks per second, official "statistics ignore outer G"? The first white hand of the national service leads to controversy

Counterattack 3 times per second, the first white hand of the national service leads to controversy

The ability to fight back three times per second is considered by some players to be an official "statistical disregard". It is actually placed in the weekly official ranking, are bullying national server players fools? Don't know statistics? The controversy has also sparked discussions about skill balance and game fairness. Some players believe that the TP system should be upgraded officially, and manual testing should also play a minimum role. "Dungeons & Warriors Game Esports Jun Quick Information" Issue 3,451 "DNF: Official Statistics Ignore Outer G"? Counterattack 3 times per second, the first white hand of the national service leads to controversy", the old rule to hurry up, directly on the actual measured screenshot of the Bakar Raid version of the national service feature BUG display:

DNF: 3 counterattacks per second, official "statistics ignore outer G"? The first white hand of the national service leads to controversy

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DNF: 3 counterattacks per second, official "statistics ignore outer G"? The first white hand of the national service leads to controversy

Summary: To sum up, the news that the DNF officially released a counterattack three times per second caused controversy. While some have questioned the official "statistical disregard for foreign G", others argue that the controversy is somewhat superfluous. In any case, the controversy also gave officials an opportunity to reflect and adjust the skills of the profession to ensure that the game is balanced and fair. For players, the most important thing is to choose their favorite profession and enjoy the game.