
1 car ignites 13 cars! Poisonous smoke, explosions... How dangerous is an electric vehicle fire?

author:Likes to eat yellow skin

Ride my beloved little tram and it will never get stuck in traffic~

1 car ignites 13 cars! Poisonous smoke, explosions... How dangerous is an electric vehicle fire?


A light and fast electric car

It's not just a delivery artifact for takeaway guys

It's also a lot of friends

The first choice for daily short trips

1 car ignites 13 cars! Poisonous smoke, explosions... How dangerous is an electric vehicle fire?

But! In addition to the convenience that electric vehicles bring us, there are also many safety risks

1 car ignites 13 cars! Poisonous smoke, explosions... How dangerous is an electric vehicle fire?

October 11

An electric bicycle in Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, spontaneously combusted

Firefighters found it when they arrived at the scene

The fire location is an electric bicycle charging point

Other e-bikes are also parked on site

1 car ignites 13 cars! Poisonous smoke, explosions... How dangerous is an electric vehicle fire?

The fire was in the stage of violent burning, which had affected the two cars parked on the side of the road, and firefighters immediately set up water cannons to extinguish it, and after intense treatment, the fire was extinguished

1 car ignites 13 cars! Poisonous smoke, explosions... How dangerous is an electric vehicle fire?

It is reported that the fire caused

A new energy vehicle and an oil vehicle were affected

Thirteen electric bicycles were burned

Fortunately, there were no casualties

When the electric bike is charging

Fires occur from time to time

A set of GIFs tells you

How terrible an electric bike fire is

1 car ignites 13 cars! Poisonous smoke, explosions... How dangerous is an electric vehicle fire?
1 car ignites 13 cars! Poisonous smoke, explosions... How dangerous is an electric vehicle fire?
1 car ignites 13 cars! Poisonous smoke, explosions... How dangerous is an electric vehicle fire?

Experimental cases

How fast is the fire speed of electric bicycle fires? What kind of damage can be caused? Let's find out through the experimental video, the duration is 02:27

1 car ignites 13 cars! Poisonous smoke, explosions... How dangerous is an electric vehicle fire?

Electric bicycles as a common means of transportation

How to use safely

What about avoiding fires, explosions and other accidents?

Please check the following safe usage guide

For your safety and the safety of others

Remember to use your e-bike safely

Prevention of "burning"

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