
"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Just over a month after the start of the new semester, some elementary school students are tired of school.

Chen Xiangxiang, who just entered the first grade in September, recently came home and always shouted that he did not want to go to school.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Because at school, she rarely goes to the playground to play. In addition to gymnastics and physical education classes, the teacher did not allow students to leave the classroom for ten minutes between classes, except for fetching water and going to the toilet, everyone could only sit in their seats.

Xiangxiang's mother, Zhang Pei, had heard about the rules of primary school that did not allow recess activities, but she didn't care very much.

When everything really happened to her daughter, she felt strange: the ten minutes of class that she was familiar with as a child had disappeared in her daughter's generation...

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Is the situation encountered by Xiangxiang an example? We interviewed parents, students, and teachers in schools in different urban areas of Beijing, and the results were lamenting, with the exception of some private, private and international schools, many public primary schools have strict restrictions on students' recess activities. And not only Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu... The disappearance of ten minutes between classes has become a national phenomenon.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Source: Public number box XIII

Without recess, children not only do not exercise enough, but also have difficulty socializing.

Zhang Pei found that her daughter has been in school for more than a month, and she still doesn't know a few classmates, let alone make friends, but recently she met a child from outside the class, which she often encounters when she goes to the toilet.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Full, who is in the fourth grade, has adapted to this quiet recess.

In order for their children to get a better education, the Man family spent a lot of money early on to buy a school district house in Xicheng District.

Speaking of the schooling name, Man Man shook her head in disappointment. There is a small name, but there is no recess for ten minutes. Also because it is a so-called famous school, the management is stricter, not only is it not allowed to go out to play during class, but also is not allowed to move indoors, and it is forbidden to chat between classmates.

When she was just in the first grade, Manman's mother was often complained by teachers.

The reason is that Man Man and a classmate from kindergarten happen to be in the same class.

In the unfamiliar environment that has just entered, children who have already known each other like to get together. However, if there are four groups and the other children are in one group, the class stipulates that it is not allowed to "sit together" in the classroom between classes.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

The teacher looked for the parents, the parents were helpless, the child was aggrieved, saying that the feet sitting on the seat were numb.

Now that Manman is in the fourth grade, the teacher says that the child is getting better and better, no longer moving around casually, and has become accustomed to reading in his seat between classes.

Full of mother's heart is mixed, she doesn't know whether this habit is good or bad, she only knows that Man Man, who has just been in the fourth grade, is already short-sighted. 

At an age when you like to run and jump the most, why would children want to sit in the classroom? How did the fun-loving nature become a sedentary habit?

The little mother said that in many schools, the matter of not going out between classes has become a slogan, a rule, and a reward and punishment, which has been integrated into the child's life.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

The little school put forward the initiative: less shrill shouting, less wanton running...

Not only initiatives, but schools also give extra points to the quietest classes during recess and deduct points for children who run outside to play. This involves the selection of mobile red flags in the class.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Going out to play is not only personal criticism, but also related to the honor of the class, so that many children dare not "act rashly".

However, there are policies and countermeasures, and children have children's methods.

Because you can only leave the classroom by going to the toilet during recess, many children must go to the toilet to clock in if they have urine or not.

Going to the toilet has also become the happiest time for elementary school students, if you meet a good friend in kindergarten in the cold toilet, which is excited, can not be expressed in words.

Gradually, the toilet became a meeting place for elementary school students.

Xiaolin, Haidian's mother, said her son told her that many of her friends met in the toilet, and that they would ask their classmates to go to the toilet together when they were not allowed to speak. Chatting in the toilet, playing games, and stealing snacks in the toilet.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Xiao Lin often found "unknown origin" snacks in children's school bags recently, and only after asking did he know that he was exchanged with his classmates with paper airplanes in the toilet.

Xiao Lin pity the children, when we were children, we ran around in the playground and played in the classroom. Compared with us, this generation of children wants to talk like an underground party.

The toilet is so lively, does the school know?

The answer is yes.

In the third grade, Zitian went home and happily reported to his parents that he had become a class leader. When parents asked, they learned that their children recently liked to mention "director", and the main task was to catch classmates who did not return to the classroom in time after the toilet in the men's toilet during recess.

Mom and Dad were speechless.

Adults who sit for a long time at work are easy to cause cervical spondylosis, lumbar prolapse, and they also need to find time to stand up or go out to wander.

Unexpectedly, children whose bodies are growing and developing, before they reach adulthood, have become a sedentary generation.

Children stay indoors for a long time, and the first hazard is the high incidence of myopia.

According to data from the National Health Commission, the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents in the country in 2022 is close to 60%!

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Zitian's mother told us that her son began to wear glasses in the first grade (not myopia, other eye diseases), and at that time it felt quite different, because it was a minority, but now in the fourth and fifth grade, most of the children in the class wear glasses, all of them are short-sighted.

Scientists have long proven that outdoor activities are recognized as the most economical and effective way to prevent myopia in children and adolescents. Many studies at home and abroad have also confirmed that increasing outdoor activity time can reduce the risk of myopia incidence and progression, especially in non-myopic children.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Because when we do outdoor activities, the average outdoor light received is about 20 times that of ordinary indoor light, such strong light exposure will increase retinal illumination, increase dopamine release, and thus inhibit the growth of the eye axis.

The study also found that children with less time outdoors and long hours of close work were 2.3 times more likely to have myopia than children who spent more time outdoors and worked in close proximity. Therefore, bathing in bright natural light can effectively prevent myopia.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

So the conclusion is that as long as you spend enough time outdoors, you can effectively prevent myopia, whether you are exercising or not. As long as the child is not indoors, but in the sun, no matter what you do, you can reduce the risk of myopia.

Primary and secondary school students spend more than 2 hours outdoors during the day each day, while kindergarten children need more than 3 hours of daytime outdoor activities per day.

But the situation now is that children don't spend enough time outdoors.

In fact, many years ago, members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference proposed at the two sessions that primary schools might increase the number of physical education classes, five hours a week, to ensure that primary school students have one hour of exercise time a day.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Ye Rensun, a deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, also suggested: Take a good physical education class and carry out targeted treatment of the phenomena such as crowding out physical education classes and "yin and yang class schedules" in the past.

Although the official introduction of relevant policies for physical education in the middle school entrance examination has improved the status of physical education classes in terms of the proportion of scores, parents are generally tired and they are also concerned about physical education classes, but can the most basic "recess activities" be implemented first, so that children can walk out of the teaching building first during recess.

Who the hell deprives the children of their recess?

If the responsibility is placed on the school and the teachers, they will also be aggrieved.

A teacher in Haidian District explained to the parents, Xiao Lin, the school's difficulties: the school did not intend to restrict children's freedom, but mainly wanted to protect children's safety.

There are many children, the floor is high, it is more dangerous to go up and down the stairs, the children's small self-control is poor, and the teacher cannot stare at the whole class one by one.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Therefore, the range of activities can only be controlled, and at the same time, it can avoid the situation that children cannot enter the learning state when they return to the classroom after activities.

Xiao Lin also expressed his understanding that if something really went wrong, some parents' complaints would make the school and teachers, they were under great pressure.

There are countless cases, such as "A Primary School Student in Beijing Injured During "Recess Activities" and Paid 7,000 Yuan", caused by classmates Li and Zhang playing a game of throwing sandbags during the morning recess, but unexpectedly Zhang caused Li to fall to the ground during the game, resulting in Li's broken lip and damaged front teeth. Li and his guardian sued the school and Zhang's guardian to the court, demanding compensation.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

"Recess play pushes and shoves caused injuries The court orders three parties to be responsible", the accident occurred in the playground balance bar, primary school students Wang and Li pushed Jiang to play with too much force, causing Jiang who could not grasp firmly to fall to the ground and was injured. Afterwards, the plaintiff's parents sued the school and classmates in court.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Teachers were "scared" by parents. The above cases are only those serious enough to need to "go to court", and more campus accidents are actually solved in the form of school compensation on campus. And individual local government departments will also emphasize the responsibilities and obligations of schools and teachers in campus safety in order to calm the people.

To avoid these risks, some schools have resorted to maintaining student safety by reducing or eliminating physical activities and reducing the difficulty of sports programs.

Although he understands the school and the teacher, Xiao Lin does not agree, and if he is worried about danger, he will raise the child in captivity, and the child will not have a sense of danger.

What's more, children must not be in danger in the toilet and corridor? What is the difference between blind one-size-fits-all and ignoring students' right to recess freedom and "laziness"? This practice of "choking on food" is by no means a good policy.

Avoid the immediate "fear" and ignore the long-term consequences, the child's future can only be more worrying.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

Ten minutes between classes, which was once the most common time for student activities, has become controversial.

Zhang Pei called the 12345 hotline and also left a message on the website of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission to reflect the problem of missing classes. The other party reported that it would investigate, but so far in the past month, there has been no effective response.

She can't change the general trend, she can only ask for herself and her children. She and her daughter said to drink more water, go to the toilet more often, and pick up more water so that she could look out a little further down the hallway.

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

For herself, she tries to take her children to the park on weekends. "That's all I can do."

When he was a child, Zhang Pei often heard teachers say that he should be a small tree that has experienced wind and rain, not a seedling in a greenhouse. Because the seedlings are too fragile and have no future,

And now these children raised in captivity, is there a future, Zhang Pei is very confused...  

"Spend 20 million to buy a school district house, and children can only eat in the school toilet"

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