
In 1950, in the battlefield of Changjin Lake, 17-year-old Zhu Yanfu was slashed open in the stomach by the enemy in a coma, and he was awakened by sudden severe pain, and an incredible scene happened. Zhu Yanfu was

author:Bai Shike said

In 1950, in the battlefield of Changjin Lake, 17-year-old Zhu Yanfu was slashed open in the stomach by the enemy in a coma, and he was awakened by sudden severe pain, and an incredible scene happened.

Zhu Yanfu used to be like a wild deer, running among the mountains by Changjin Lake.

At the age of seventeen, he couldn't wait to leave home to join the army, wanting to guard the land with his youthful blood. However, before he could grow into a real stag, he fell in the snowstorm.

In the cold winter of 1950, the battlefields of North Korea were filled with freezing cold. Zhu Yanfu's unit was fighting fiercely with enemy forces near Changjin Lake. On that day they were deployed on Heights 250, and the line was mostly destroyed by enemy artillery.

Zhu Yanfu watched his comrades fall one by one, and the fire of revenge ignited in his heart. He made a quick decision and decided to die with the enemy, vowing to hold this last position.

He fought alone against hundreds of enemy troops, and finally fell in a pool of blood just before the enemy charged.

At this moment, an enemy soldier pulled out a knife and tried to cut his neck. But at the moment when the blade cut through Zhu Yanfu's abdomen, the sharp pain made him miraculously wake up. But Zhu Yanfu was already dying and could not fight back. Fortunately, our support arrived in time and killed the enemy with one shot.

When Zhu Yanfu's consciousness blurred again, there were already chaotic rocks and rivers of blood flowing around him. Our troops rescued him and sent him to a field hospital.

That time, Zhu Yanfu passed by with the Grim Reaper. However, an even crueler fate awaits him. Because the injuries were so severe that doctors had to amputate his limbs to save his life.

When Zhu Yanfu finally opened his eyes again, his world turned upside down. This broken body plunged him into unprecedented despair.

He stopped making a sound, like a stiff statue. He ignored what his parents and doctors pleaded with. He even refused to eat, as if he intended to die.

Until one snowy day, the commander sent by the army found Zhu Yanfu and told him solemnly that your life not only belongs to you, but also your sacrificed comrades bought it with blood. How can you fail them, how can you fail those who saved you!

Only then did Zhu Yanfu wake up like a dream and promise to regain the courage to live. Two years later, Zhu Yanfu faltered back to his hometown. The moment they saw their mother, both of them burst into tears.

He was afraid of becoming a burden to his family, so he began to lock himself in the house, studying and living alone to take care of himself. At first, it was difficult to even drink water, but later he was able to write on his own. Zhu Yanfu relied on stubborn perseverance to learn to coexist with this remnant body step by step.

After the expiration of the recuperation period, Zhu Yanfu did not choose to retire with honors, but took the initiative to apply to return to his hometown to serve. Since then, he has served as the secretary of the village party committee, trying to get the masses out of poverty.

He inspected the village's production during the day and personally taught the children cultural lessons in the evenings. Watching the lives of the villagers become more and more prosperous, Zhu Yanfu's heart was full of joy and satisfaction.

In his later years, although Zhu Yanfu had limited mobility, he still splashed ink and wrote his own war stories. He does not want future generations to forget that tragic victory, and he hopes that his experience can educate and inspire more people.

Now, whenever recruits come to the village for training, he always sits under a tree, supports the brush with his special prosthetic leg, and tells the cadets about the deeds of their fallen comrades. And those who come to Zhu Yanfu's side will also be infected by his tenacious life and deeply shocked.

Whenever he said this, Zhu Yanfu's eyes would always flash with determination. Although he is no longer a distant deer, he has turned into an old tree deeply rooted in the village. And the only remaining right eye is still quietly watching the direction of the future.

In 1950, in the battlefield of Changjin Lake, 17-year-old Zhu Yanfu was slashed open in the stomach by the enemy in a coma, and he was awakened by sudden severe pain, and an incredible scene happened. Zhu Yanfu was
In 1950, in the battlefield of Changjin Lake, 17-year-old Zhu Yanfu was slashed open in the stomach by the enemy in a coma, and he was awakened by sudden severe pain, and an incredible scene happened. Zhu Yanfu was
In 1950, in the battlefield of Changjin Lake, 17-year-old Zhu Yanfu was slashed open in the stomach by the enemy in a coma, and he was awakened by sudden severe pain, and an incredible scene happened. Zhu Yanfu was

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