
TAs say science fiction has an "economic account"

author:Jinguan News

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When the world's first science fiction magazine "Amazing Stories" was born, the term science fiction was born. The reader asks, "What is science fiction", Hugo Gensback said: "Science fiction refers to Verne, Wells, Poe type stories." "Technological imagination, future vision, legend... In science fiction, we see too many possibilities.

From the 17th

Chengdu Daily Jinguan News

United 36Kr Sichuan

Launched the "TAs Say Sci-Fi" series planning

Take everyone closer to science fiction

According to the "2023 China Science Fiction Industry Report":

The total revenue of China's science fiction industry in 2022

87.75 billion yuan

Turn back the clock to 2016

The total revenue of China's science fiction industry

Crossing the 10 billion mark

It has increased more than 8 times in 7 years

The sci-fi industry is running forward at a "snowball" pace

Some experts boldly predict the Chinese sci-fi "cake"

It is expected to reach 100 billion in the next 3 years

Prefixed with science fiction

Science fiction publishing, science fiction film and television, science fiction games

The industry dominated by science fiction peripherals and science fiction cultural tourism is booming

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TAs calculated an "economic account"

TAs say science fiction has an "economic account"


Ah Que:

A science fiction novel is copyrighted enough for three years

A Que, a "post-90s" science fiction writer, he has some "comedy" with science fiction. When he was in high school, Ah Que's friend was cash-strapped and asked him to borrow money, but later his friend was unable to repay, so he gave Ah Que a bunch of "Science Fiction World" magazines to "settle debts". Unexpectedly, this allowed Ah Que to enter the world of science fiction and experience a different kind of romance from space.

Ah Que's starting point for science fiction writing began in college. In his sophomore year, Ah Que completed his first science fiction novel "Quiet Awakening" and participated in the essay contest sponsored by the Sichuan University Science Fiction Association. "Before the publication of "Quiet Awakening", I handwrote nearly 500,000 words of waste manuscripts on manuscript paper, and the knuckles of my right hand felt a little deformed." Ah Que recalled.

TAs say science fiction has an "economic account"

"Good at expressing love with humorous undertones and sci-fi coats, making people see tears 'buds'", this is the evaluation of Ah Que by fantasy fans. Nowadays, the sci-fi drama "Tomorrow's Survival Guide" is a hit on station B, and "tap powder" gives a high score of 9.2. "Tomorrow's Guide to Survival" consists of six unit stories, of which the third episode, "Rhapsody of Love", is adapted from Ah Que's 2016 novel "Pick-up".

TAs say science fiction has an "economic account"

Once, Ah Que had the idea of wanting to write full-time, once, Ah Que went to listen to Liu Cixin's lecture, and someone on the scene raised the question of "whether to write full-time", at that time, "Da Liu" was not recommended, and the reason he gave was very direct - "It's hard to make a living by writing science fiction." Nowadays, with the development of China's science fiction industry, more and more science fiction novels have been adapted into film and television works, and the "economic effect" of science fiction continues to rise.

According to the "2023 China Science Fiction Industry Report", the overall revenue of the science fiction reading industry in 2022 will be 3.04 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.6%. The "plate" of science fiction literature is getting bigger and bigger, from cyberpunk, new wave, science fiction realism to amazing adventures, overhead history, Japanese freshness... The new generation of science fiction writers represented by A Que, Lu Yang, sugar bandits, etc., use diversified science fiction work styles to show the unique beauty of Chinese science fiction. Ah Que took himself as an example, "In 2020, Station B bought the copyright of several of my novels, including "Pick-up", and the copyright money of this novel alone was enough for my three years. ”


Liu Ying:

Prepare to build a visual effects R&D base in the high-tech zone

Ying Liu works for MOREVFX Chengdu, a top visual effects company in China. At the beginning of 2023, "The Wandering Earth 2" was released, and Liu Ying bought tickets early and walked into the cinema to watch the team's "achievements". At the beginning of the film, the appearance of the space elevator and the air combat footage appeared, and the audience exclaimed. As a scene producer, Liu Ying was in the corner of the cinema, instantly remembering those days and nights of "fighting". "In the opening part of the space elevator and air combat, we participated in the production of 183 shots with nearly 30 special effects types, the process was tiring, but the result was very satisfactory." After the film, Liu Ying felt "very shocking, very enjoyable!" ”

TAs say science fiction has an "economic account"

Visual effects footage of the space elevator

In fact, "The Wandering Earth 2" is not the first sci-fi blockbuster produced by MOREVFX Chengdu. As early as 2018, MOREVFX Chengdu participated in the visual effects production of "The Wandering Earth". In 2019, "The Wandering Earth" was released, opening a "window" for Chinese science fiction films to go to the world and setting off a science fiction boom. "At that time, director Guo Fan gave us a high evaluation of the visual effects production at the premiere, and the audience also recognized it very much." In the past, when it came to sci-fi special effects lenses, the film side mostly tended to look for visual effects companies in Europe, the United States or Japan and South Korea, "but since "The Wandering Earth", sci-fi movies have begun to find us. ”

TAs say science fiction has an "economic account"
TAs say science fiction has an "economic account"

"The Wandering Earth" 4.688 billion, "The Wandering Earth 2" 4.029 billion, "Alone on the Moon" 3.103 billion... Just counting the above three films that Liu Ying's team participated in visual effects production, the cumulative box office has exceeded 10 billion, and the ability of sci-fi movies to attract gold is amazing. After the fame of "The Wandering Earth", the MOREVFX team successively participated in the visual effects production of many science fiction films such as "Alone on the Moon", "Tomorrow's War", "The Wandering Earth 2", "Space Exploration Editorial Department", the company's scale is getting bigger and bigger, and the next step is to build a visual effects research and development base in Chengdu High-tech Zone.

TAs say science fiction has an "economic account"

Visual effects modeling

The data of the "2023 China Science Fiction Industry Report" can speak, and the science fiction mini-drama has become a new growth point for the science fiction film and television industry, and Liu Ying, who is a science fiction practitioner, told Xiaojin with confidence, "At present, we are producing the visual effects work for the adaptation of Liu Cixin's novel "Ball Lightning", and we hope to meet you as soon as possible. ”


Pan Bo:

Young people are the "blue ocean" of the memory and science fiction industry in the eastern suburbs

Chengdu Media Group's Eastern Suburb Memory is located in the east of Chengdu, and a three-body "Cosmic Flicker" augmented reality observatory (hereinafter referred to as "the observatory") is on fire during the National Day Golden Week in 2023. From before the National Day to the end of the Double Festival, you can always see Pan Bo coming in and out with a walkie-talkie near the observation station. Pan Bo is the head of Chengdu Wenqu Planet Technology Co., Ltd. and the "builder" of the observatory. Pan Bo calculated the account, and judging from the feedback of the audience and the exhibition data, the exhibition was a success, and the ticket sales during the double festival exceeded one million. Science fiction + cultural tourism, Pan Bo saw the crossover of science fiction to cultural tourism, and collided with a different spark.

TAs say science fiction has an "economic account"

Pan Bo looked at the endless stream of "three-body fans" coming to check in, and he was very touched in his heart. You know, it is not easy to build this observatory, and it took three months just to get the official authorization of the three-body universe. How to tell the story of "The Three-Body Problem" made Pan Bo and the team's heads "picked", and finally after many discussions, they decided to introduce the three-body perspective to tell the story of "The Three-Body Problem".

TAs say science fiction has an "economic account"

The memory of the eastern suburbs was transformed from an old factory building, and the "traffic password" was found in the iterative renovation, and it became a trendy gathering place for young people. "Don't you think sci-fi is a special match here? There is a cyberpunk feel. ”

TAs say science fiction has an "economic account"

The cultural temperament and cultural tourism flow of the park made Pan Bo's team decide to land the observatory in the eastern suburbs to remember. "Young people are the 'blue ocean' of memory and sci-fi industry in the eastern suburbs, and the exploration of this sci-fi cultural tourism is very meaningful."


They say science fiction

A Que

It is hoped that through the Chengdu Science Fiction Conference, a complete science fiction industry chain will be promoted, and product forms such as film and television games will blossom and bear fruit in Chengdu, so as to realize a virtuous circle of feeding back science fiction literature.

Liu Ying

The gathering of science fiction people from all over the world in Chengdu will surely bring new ideas and perspectives and provide "nutrition" for our science fiction workers. It is hoped that the majority of science fiction workers can work together to create more local excellent science fiction works and let Chinese science fiction influence the world.

Pan Bo

The development of China's science fiction industry is inevitable, and I believe that under the guidance of pure Chinese original IP such as "The Three-Body Problem" and "The Wandering Earth", the wave of Chinese science fiction will soon come. I am looking forward to the hundreds of salon activities of the Chengdu Science Fiction Convention, and hope to achieve exchanges and mutual learning in rich salon activities.

Produced by Chengdu Daily Cultural City Special Class Reporter Wu Yating Video Zeng Shurui Poster Design Su Ying Responsible Editor He Qitie Editor Wang Qi

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