
The 8 actors who will never be seen again in "The Gate of the Mansion" thought that they were just silent shadows, but they had been dead for many years

author:Mystery Maple FiR

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Introduction: The TV series "The Gate of the Mansion" in the 1990s can be called one of the classics in the history of Chinese TV dramas. Although the show has been on the air for 23 years, its charm is still undiminished. However, there are some actors in this drama, and although they do not have starring roles, they are unforgettable for their excellent acting skills and contributions. Let's look back at these actors who have been dead for many years, and they have left a deep mark on every moment in front of the camera.

The seventh actor is He Qun, who played a pawnshop guy in "The Gate of the Mansion", although he only appeared for a short time, but he is remembered. However, what is less known is that He Qun is an outstanding director. His directorial works have won many awards, and he is an important figure in the Chinese film industry, comparable to similar directors of the same generation such as Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige. Although he rarely dabbles in the show business, he is equally good at acting, and even a small role can be played deeply in the hearts of the people. It is a pity that He Qun died of illness at the age of 61, and the show business lost a talented director.

The 8 actors who will never be seen again in "The Gate of the Mansion" thought that they were just silent shadows, but they had been dead for many years

The sixth actor is Ma Zengshou, who plays the role of "Master of Dali Temple" in the play, and although the role is very small, he is praised for his excellent acting skills. Ma Zengshou is a famous Peking Opera master, known as "the first ugly in Beijing", and has a pivotal position in the field of Peking Opera. Although he has limited roles in the TV series, he can always bring every role to life. In addition, he has also made guest appearances in other film and television dramas, such as "Shui De Xingjun" in "Journey to the West". However, at the age of 77, he died of illness in 2017, deeply saddening the audience who liked him.

The fifth actor is Zhang Qian, who plays "General Manager Hu" in the play, and although the role is important, Zhang Qian has always played a supporting role in the TV series. Although his role is limited, his excellent acting skills make it impossible for the audience to ignore his presence. Zhang Qian is not only widely respected in the entertainment industry, but his wife is also an actor in "The Gate of the Mansion". However, in the same year as Li Xinmin, he also said goodbye to the world forever, making the entertainment industry lose a powerful actor. Even his wife was not able to see him for the last time before he died, which is an eternal regret.

The 8 actors who will never be seen again in "The Gate of the Mansion" thought that they were just silent shadows, but they had been dead for many years

The fourth actor is Li Xinmin, who plays a villain in the play and impresses the audience with his excellent acting skills. Li Xinmin rose to prominence in the entertainment industry with his talent and superb acting skills, and even played the leading role in a drama with the theme of "Yuan Longping". Li Xinmin has created many different characters, each of which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, his death in 2018 left the entire show business sad, and the old-timer dedicated his life to his career and left countless classic roles.

The third actor is Du Yulu, who plays "Bai Mengtang" in the play, a character who is superb in medicine and adheres to principles. Du Yulu is more than sixty years old, but his acting skills are still highly recognized. Du Yulu not only performed well in TV series, but also praised for her role as "Zhang Tingyu" in "Yongzheng Dynasty". However, at the age of 79, he died of illness, ending a fulfilling acting career. His death is also a pity, a classic character who will remain in the hearts of the audience forever.

The 8 actors who will never be seen again in "The Gate of the Mansion" thought that they were just silent shadows, but they had been dead for many years

The second actor is Yu Liwen, who plays "Lu Treasurer" in the play, although there are not many scenes, but his acting skills are excellent. Yu Liwen is a proper old actor, although he only started filming at the age of fifty, he is highly respected in the entertainment industry. He plays supporting roles in many works, but no matter how big or small, he always captures the emotions of the audience. However, the old actor died of illness one year, ending an admirable acting career, and he proved the truth of a late bloomer with his strength.

The first actor is Zhang Shaohua, who plays "Xiang Xiu Niang" in the play, and although the role is only a few short scenes, her excellent acting skills are unforgettable. Zhang Shao

The 8 actors who will never be seen again in "The Gate of the Mansion" thought that they were just silent shadows, but they had been dead for many years

Hua has won audience recognition in the entertainment industry and won numerous awards. Although her role is less in "The Gate of the Mansion", her professionalism and superb acting skills are impressive. She attracted the attention of the audience for her outstanding performance in the play, especially after playing the role of "Ugly Lady", her popularity rose significantly.

Regardless of the size of the role, Zhang Shaohua is known for taking every role seriously. She has always kept a low profile in the entertainment industry, working attentively in order to provide better living conditions for her son. In 2021, she passed away at the age of 75, and the entertainment industry lost an "old drama bone", but she left many classic memories, so that the audience will always miss her talent and contributions.

The 8 actors who will never be seen again in "The Gate of the Mansion" thought that they were just silent shadows, but they had been dead for many years

These actors, although they did not play starring roles in "The Gate of the Mansion", they were remembered by the audience for their outstanding acting skills and contributions. They created many classic characters that made this TV series one of the enduring classics. Although they passed away for many years, their talents and performances will forever remain in the hearts of the audience and become a highlight in the history of Chinese TV dramas.


This article shows us some old actors who played supporting roles in the classic TV series "The Gate of the Mansion", and although they did not have many scenes, they won the respect and love of the audience with their superb acting skills. Here are some revelations and truths:

Focus and persistence: These actors are focused on their acting careers, whether it is a big drama or a small role, they all give with unwavering persistence and focus, which is the key to success.

Forbearance and low-key: Many old drama bones keep a low profile in the entertainment industry, do not hype, and concentrate on their work. This stoicism and low profile have earned them more respect and recognition.

Multi-talented: Some actors are not just actors, but also have outstanding achievements in other fields, such as directing or opera performance. This shows the advantage of versatility and can enrich one's life and career.

It's never too late: Some actors start acting in middle age, showing that there is no age limit for success and that strength and talent are always recognized.

Inheritance of the arts: Some actors are also teachers, training the next generation of actors, which shows the love and sense of responsibility for the arts.


This article introduces the veteran actors who played supporting roles in "The Gate of the Mansion", and their dedication, forbearance, versatility, and love of art have all given us many inspirations. Although their roles may not be starring, their acting skills and contributions have made the show a classic and impressive. It's also a reminder that there are no age or status limits to succeed, and that as long as we are passionate and focused on our careers, we have the opportunity to achieve excellence. At the same time, their death is also a loss to the show business, but the classic characters they created will always remain in the hearts of the audience. This article makes people think about the true nature of success and art by showing examples of these actors.

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These old actors are not just actors, they represent the tenacity and perseverance of a generation, and behind their success in the entertainment industry there are decades of hard work and unremitting efforts. Their passing is an inevitable reality, but their works and classic characters will live on forever, forever in the hearts of the viewer and become eternal memories.

It also reminds us to cherish the present moment, not only in the pursuit of career success, but also in the pursuit of relationships and family. Some actors have achieved great achievements in their careers, but they often feel indebted in their family life. This balance is very critical, and we need to find the right balance between career and family to ensure that there are no regrets.

Finally, the death of these old drama bones is also a loss in the entertainment industry. They brought countless laughter and emotion to audiences, and their work will continue to inspire a new generation of actors and continue to carry on the torch of art. No matter how far they go, their spirit and talent will always be with us.

In short, this article shows us the many faces of success and the tenacious spirit in the acting career by introducing the old drama bones in "The Gate of the Mansion". Their stories are inspiring and at the same time a testament to their selfless dedication. Their passing makes us think about the brevity of life and the importance of cherishing every moment, pursuing what we love and fulfilling our dreams. They will forever leave an indelible mark on our memories and continue to encourage and inspire us.

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