
The School of Political Science and Law is a habitual offender, and the informed student revealed that he has had many accidents, and the male student may be expelled

author:Cousin Pi

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Recently, a matter of concern involved three students of the School of Political Science and Law, who were arrogant and domineering in front of the weak, but when they faced the strong, they showed a grievance with a rain of pears. The acting skills of these students are breathtaking, comparable to professional actors.

The source of the matter is that these three girls have repeatedly bullied a classmate and even insulted the late mother, who is a symbol of greatness for the child. However, when these three girls insulted other people's mothers, did they ever think that one day they might become mothers themselves and play this great role?

A boy who accidentally became an eyewitness and recorder of the incident saw the weak and helpless girl being abused and unbearable, trying to stop the bullying of the three girls. However, this move pushed himself to the cusp, and the three girls immediately shifted their targets and accused him without words. Their rhetoric is unpredictable, from aggressive to aggrieved, and they completely dress themselves up as victims.

The School of Political Science and Law is a habitual offender, and the informed student revealed that he has had many accidents, and the male student may be expelled

The School of Political Science and Law issued two notices after the incident in an attempt to downplay the seriousness of the incident and make no mention of the girls who had been bullied repeatedly. However, students familiar with the situation revealed that the college has become accustomed to this kind of behavior, this is not the first time they have made trouble, and each incident is more serious than the last. Fortunately, the parties involved in this incident chose to expose it publicly, otherwise they may be forced to suffer in silence.

The subject wished to remain anonymous because he feared that the school would be held accountable and that he himself had been suspended. He has repeatedly mentioned that the school is very concerned about its reputation, so it is possible to expel him. The school has also been controversial because of previous scandals, including a student suicide that was concealed and students often secretly "dated" behind the library. These issues have not been properly addressed, and the school's apathy has sparked student dissatisfaction.

The School of Political Science and Law is a habitual offender, and the informed student revealed that he has had many accidents, and the male student may be expelled

The client's decision to post the video on social media directly challenged the school's reputation, which is likely to cause more trouble when he returns to school. This also explains why these three bullies can be so arrogant, because the school is willing to sacrifice the rights and interests of some students for the sake of its own reputation, which allows the bullies to bully weak classmates with impunity. This incident has revealed serious problems in school management that require attention and improvement.


The above events have given us some profound insights. First, it highlights the presence of bullying in schools and the attitude of schools to deal with such issues. This bullying not only hurts the victim, but also affects the school atmosphere, creating a vicious cycle. Therefore, schools should be more proactive in tackling bullying to ensure students' safety and mental health.

The School of Political Science and Law is a habitual offender, and the informed student revealed that he has had many accidents, and the male student may be expelled

Secondly, the phenomenon of "acting" in the event also reminds us that some people may behave differently in different situations, which shows that people's true character and motivation are not always superficial. This behavior is especially common in the age of social media, where people may show their good side online but act the exact opposite in real life. It also reminds us to be wary of hypocrisy and superficiality and to gain a deeper understanding of people's true motives.

In addition, the incident highlights the individual's sense of responsibility in the face of injustice and bullying. The boy, as a witness, initially tried to stop the bullying, but eventually became the target of accusations. This shows that more people need to stand up to the victims in the face of injustice, rather than standing idly by.

The School of Political Science and Law is a habitual offender, and the informed student revealed that he has had many accidents, and the male student may be expelled


This incident provides us with profound reflection, highlighting the seriousness of the problem of bullying in schools and the way schools are dealing with it. It is important that we focus on and support victims, actively intervene in bullying, and push schools to take more proactive steps to address the problem. In addition, we also need to be vigilant about the different behaviors people exhibit in different situations to ensure that authenticity and motivation can be identified and understood.

Above all, everyone should take responsibility for injustice and actively support the victims, not stand idly by. Only when all sectors of society unite and work together can we better deal with and solve the problem of school bullying and create a safer and friendlier school environment.

The School of Political Science and Law is a habitual offender, and the informed student revealed that he has had many accidents, and the male student may be expelled

The incident also presented a tension between school management issues and reputational upkeeping. It is likely that the school has taken an inappropriate approach to this serious bullying problem out of concern for its own reputation. This has sparked outrage because society has higher expectations for schools to take a firm stand in the face of injustice among students.

In addition, the event highlighted the power and impact of social media. The subject's choice to publicly expose the incident on social platforms not only attracted widespread attention, but also prompted the school to reconsider its handling methods. This shows that social media can become a tool for public supervision and public opinion guidance, which can promote the exposure and solution of social problems.

However, social media can also be a double-edged sword, as they can quickly amplify events, turning them into large-scale controversies and even leading to unnecessary individual victimization. In this case, whistleblowers feared that the school would be held accountable, and the person concerned had been suspended, which shows that public exposure on social media can have a negative impact on individuals.

Ultimately, this incident reminds us that society needs to pay more attention to the problem of bullying in schools, not only when the incident comes to light, but also when it comes to light, but also in terms of prevention and education. The campus should be a safe, friendly, respectful and empathetic place where every student deserves to be supported and protected. At the same time, school management should be firm in dealing with bullying and ensure that victims receive timely help and justice. Only through the joint efforts of society can this goal be achieved and a better learning environment for the next generation created.

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