
"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

author:Goshi Ryuyoshi

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"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

Text|Yushi Liufang

Editor|Yushi Ryufang

«——[·Preface·] ——»

Art is the highest form of human aesthetic consciousness, art works have unique aesthetic value, art has always created and realized aesthetic value to meet people's aesthetic value, art aesthetic value is the most basic and important feature. Art has many functions, the most important of which are the following:

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

The cognitive function of aesthetics, people can understand the main ideological themes of the story through the appreciation of film and television art, can have a deeper understanding of the history of "Gesar", understand the ancient Tibetan society, film and television works can fully mobilize the production methods of television, introduce distant legends and stories vividly to the audience, and film and television art has become a medium of mass communication. Through the combination of audio-visual methods, the audience can learn a lot of cultural knowledge while receiving exquisite pictures in the pavilion.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

The function of aesthetic education, people have passed away their appreciation of art, feel the truth, goodness and beauty, the epic "Gesar" is the most universal value work, in this work everywhere reflects the content of truth, goodness and beauty.

«——[Advantages of Gesar .]——»

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

The aesthetic entertainment function, audio-visual combined with the creation of film and television, instead of the past book reading, people prefer to get a sense of physical and physical pleasure, physical rest, spiritual enjoyment, and more importantly, can be entertained, educated and enlightened.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

The theme of a classic work of art is generally to explore philosophy, excavate the sense of life, adhere to art, excavate emotions, and appeal to spirit. The setting and arrangement of storylines and contradictions and conflicts must be paid attention to in film and television creation.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

The epic poem "Gesar" addresses the great theme of man's tenacious survival in a cruel environment. It integrates music, dance, oral literature and other arts, with a high degree of comprehensiveness, strong emphasis on visual spectacle, intense war sports scenes, stimulating movements, bodies, speed, twists and turns of the plot, gorgeous scenes, etc. with dynamic visibility and realism.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

The story comes to life with hundreds of unique personalities, vivid images, and strong visibility of the film's styling. As far as the situation of the relationship between images is concerned, the montage of the film and so on can show this immortal heroic epic. The combination of high qualities is kneaded into the needs of the story and the needs of people, and everything unfolds for the characters and the story.

The environment, characters, and site design must conform to the historical era, be close to the facts, and only real things will be seen by the audience; there must be both the truth of life and the truth of art; without reality, there is no appeal, and the reproduction of life of works is expressed with verisimilitude.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

Drama is an art based on language, the core element is performance, film and television is an art based on vision, and the clever core and elements are pictures. Epic Gesar has a unique and rich language, but also has the impact of visual pictures.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

Film and television art is a comprehensive art, has its own aesthetic characteristics, has comprehensive and unique, film and television, absorb a variety of artistic elements, integrate all kinds of art into their own works, enrich the content, and serve their own works. Film master Eisenstein said: Film is a unified synthesis of literature, painting, drama, photography, dance, music, scenery and characters, visual image and vocal language.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

Similarly, each art has its own uniqueness, which is different from its artistic mouth, and the most prominent thing about film and television art is that it is a visual art, and the lens picture is its language. It is precisely because of the sympathy of the story content and various elements of the work that a unique storytelling method such as film and television dramas is formed.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

Film and television art is literary and performative, for example, the epic poem "Gesar" in this article must be adapted into film and television works through secondary creation, and only through creation can a clever image be produced. The second degree of creation is to process and perform the first creation, while the literary script is the core of the first creation, and the film and television literary script is the product of the combination of film and literature

Artistic elements are integrated through performances. With plot and protagonist, film and television works will find ways to make the characters, plots, and scenes in the center have a high degree of concentration. Through the activities of the characters and the relationship between the characters, the sharp and fierce contradictions and conflicts, the twists and turns of the bizarre storyline, and the tight grip.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

According to the basic theoretical knowledge of film and television, the cultural value and significance of "Gesar" were analyzed, and "Gesar" was adapted into film and television works through film and television language, which is the inheritance and promotion of the excellent cultural heritage of the Chinese nation and has important value significance. Through the re-acquaintance of the 1989 TV series, the mythological color in Gesar is analyzed. This chapter focuses on the relationship between the content of "Gesar" and the characteristics of film and television, from the ups and downs of the storyline, the grand war scenes, the characters with distinct personalities, the stories of contradictions and conflicts, the popularity of elegant and common appreciation, and the aesthetic characteristics that conform to art. As a result, it is concluded that this epic can be filmed into an excellent classic film and television work.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

«——[·The ecological environment on which the epic lives.] ——»

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is known as the "roof of the world," has been able to produce an epic poem like "Gesar" in the Qinghai-Tibet Merchant Plain due to harsh natural conditions, high temperatures and lack of oxygen, long mountains and long roads, and inconvenient transportation.

Compared with other regions and other ethnic groups, the cultural and educational undertakings of the Tibetan nationality are relatively backward, and the cultural life of the masses is relatively simple and poor.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

When facing the unknown world, the ancient ancestors would have all kinds of imaginations and assumptions about Qiao, and always felt that there was a god outside nature who controlled human beings, and that the rotation of the sun, moon, and stars, the existence of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and the environment on which people lived were all created by gods.

All things in the world have their own gods and spirits to rule, and then in people's inner settlements, there is faith, reverence and dependence on this, and of course, there is also fear and hatred of the unknown world, and over time, the natural world is endowed with divinity, and the divine nature is personified.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

There is a strong witch culture in the epic, and the Tibetan nation is a nation that tells about the reincarnation of the soul, and everyone has his own soul and the soul's place of remission. Rivers, lakes, seas, flowers, plants, and trees can all be the resting places of the soul, reflecting a kind of relationship between man and nature, and the connection between all things; this is the role of witch culture in legends, and it is the ancient Tibetan people's first understanding of all things.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

For the ancient Tibetan ancestors who lived in the Qinghai-Tibet Shangyuan, this point is even more profound. In the face of a complex natural environment, the ancient Tibetans worshipped nature and exceeded everything, so the masses living here were able to create a heroic figure in line with the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau according to the objective environment and natural phenomena of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, King Gesar, a combination of divinity and humanity.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

«——[The core area of the heroic epic "Gesar".] ——»

Guoluo is located in the core tun and area of the source of the Wangjiang River, and has the Qinxue Mountain, the largest mountain system at the source of the Yellow River. Qinxue Mountain is ^Jiangyuan Heyuan 1: also blame the biggest "mountain god". In the epic, the mountain of the soul of the protagonist King Gesar is the majestic Qinxue Mountain. The most famous lakes at the source of the Yellow River, Zhaling Lake, Eling Lake, and Zhuoling Lake, are respectively the soul lakes of the H tribes in the epic.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

The two major symbols of the Lingguo, the Yellow River and Qinxue Mountain, the stories in the epic all take place in these two places, and the role of Qinxue Mountain in the epic is not a small drama, and the relationship between Gesar's affairs and the Qinxue Mountain can be seen everywhere in the history books.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

Many of the large and small battles in the epic revolve around Qinxue Mountain, such as the war between Huoling and the two countries to seize the sacrificial offerings to the snow mountain. It is the largest mountain god in Gesar, and epic stories began to circulate from the bosom of Qinxue Mountain, the place where Gesar races horses and kings, and is the mountain of Gesar's soul.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

Qinxue Mountain is the patron saint of the protagonist Gesar, in the legend, every time Gesar encounters difficulties and dangers, Qinxueshan shows mana, helps Gesar get through difficulties, helps Gesar keep his wealth and saves danger, comforts Gesar when he is down, and protects him when he embarks on a journey. Finally, in the evolution of history, in the transmission of epic poems, people's ancient identity, that is, the identity of mountain gods as ancestors, is gradually disappearing, and the memory of heroes has been strengthening.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

«——[The story of "Gesar" that takes place in the Golo region.] ——»

In the epic Gesar, Gesar fights on the battlefield, subdues demons, and fights important battles. There must be a Gesar horse racing to lay the foundation for the king, "Horse Racing King" is the starting point of the epic for thousands of years, it is precisely because of the horse racing king, it has laid the great achievements after King Gesar, when it comes to Gesar horse racing king, it is necessary to talk about the blessed land of King Gesar horse racing king, Ayudi and Zhalingyuan, located in Maduo County Zhaling Lake is the soul lake of the Jialo tribe, Gesar's father-in-law Jialuo Dongba Jian worships the dragon king of Zhaling Lake, combined with his daughter.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

According to legend, Jialuo Dongjian originally lived in Tibet and wandered and begged to the source of the Yellow River, and at that time, he was a poor boy penniless, but because of his diligence and honesty, Master Padmasambhava let him take root on the shores of Zhaling Lake and gave him Zhumu, the daughter of Hualuo Yueqiang, because Jialuo Tianjian worshipped the dragon god in the lake, so he was able to become a rich man in Lingguo.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

The starting point of Gesar's horse race's claim to king, Ayudi, was also in Maduo County, Guolo Prefecture, where Gesar ascended the throne and married Zhumu, a concubine reborn from Bai Tara, and it can be said that the starting point for Gesar to start a family was in the grassland of Goluo.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

Many of the stories in "The Battle of Huoling" revolve around the war that took place in the Yellow River region of Guoluo and the war between Huoling and the two countries over the Qinxue Mountain, both of which took place in the Guoluo grassland, and the ±territory of the kingdom of Xingguo was divided into the Shilanyue of the Upper Ma Domain and the Nine Sacred Mountains of the Lower Ma Domain in the epic, both of which were located in the territory of Maduo County, Gander County and Jiuzhi County of Guoluo.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

Guoluo is the core area of Lingguo and is known as the place where Gesar races horses claim kings, so in Shuili, the part of "Horse Racing Calls Kings", translated by Wang Qiaonuan and Tang Jingfu in 1988, divides the part of the horse racing king into tunzhang, and narrates in the form of folk rap the story of Zhu Mu's love for young Gesar and how Gesar won the throne and obtained the return of beauty in horse racing.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

The first chapter is a prophecy of wisdom and deception, and a horse racer; Bai Luo gathered and decided to spread the good news on the throne. Chapter 2 is Xie Lu Yi Ying Jueru, sending Zhu Mu to Mamai; Overcome obstacles and difficulties, and wish to be a princess for life. Chapter H In order to follow Juoru's instructions, Jum catches the Wise Horse: the BMW is dedicated to the owner, and the horse racing story is passed on. Chapter 4: In order to be invited to the ridge, Zhu Mu offered a golden saddle; Eight wishes, vows, stories tell the treasure of the family. Chapter 5 is the Baiyin Brothers Competition, Jue Ru Hidden at the End of the Ranks;

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

Zhu Mu introduces the centaurs, and Xiangbao tells the story. Chapter 6 is like a horse race, and the trick is revealed; Test the doctor and pass on the treasure story. The first chapter is the accession of the horse race, and the people of God wish good luck: King Gesar, and the great treasure of the last Ni preaches good news. This part introduces in detail the wonderful content of horse racing king, and the content of the story takes place in the Goluo grassland. Not only this part of the content, but also many stories played out in the Goluo grassland.


As mentioned earlier, in the epic, King Gesar's Soul Mountain Qinxue Mountain is in the territory of Maqin County in Guoluo Prefecture, and the Parasitic Soul Lake of the three major tribes is in the territory of Maduo County in Guoluo Prefecture. Time, people, places, and events constitute the content of a story, and Guoluo Prefecture not only has many wind and object relics, but also because it is located in a remote area and has a natural ecological environment, the relics and relics are well preserved. The adaptation of each play must respect the original work, so it is of great significance to put the ancient epic on the hot screen in such a favorable time and place environment through the language of film and television characteristics.

"Gesar" adapts the aesthetic characteristics of the art of the art of the film and television drama

Guoluo has a strong Gesar cultural atmosphere, and in the Goluo Gesar horse racing department, the Guoluo Song and Dance Troupe has choreographed the drama, set up different chapters, and fully demonstrated the heroic temperament of Gesar through wonderful story content performances. As a comprehensive art, film and television art can learn from the plays that have already been choreographed.

«——[References] ——»

1. Jin Shi, Peng Min. The Prosperity of Depth and Breadth: On the Transmission Form of Gesar.Journal of Tibet University.2013

2. Hao Yajing. Research on educational thought contained in the Tibetan epic "Gesar"].Minzu University of China, 2012

3. Mado Qiaoji. Historical Memory and Cultural Identity: The Cultural Function of the Epic of Gesar[J].Qinghai Social Sciences.2011(06)

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