
Shengli Oilfield offshore oilfield has proven petroleum geological reserves of 498 million tons

author:Beiqing Net

Today (October 19), Sinopec Shengli Oilfield released ten major landmark achievements, highlighting the major landmark achievements of Shengli Oilfield in exploration and development, petroleum engineering, and scientific and technological research in the past two years. The reporter learned from the press conference that the offshore oilfield of Shengli Oilfield has proven petroleum geological reserves of 498 million tons.

Shengli Oilfield offshore oilfield has proven petroleum geological reserves of 498 million tons

The ten major landmark achievements released this time include: strategic breakthroughs in ultra-deep exploration in the Junggar Basin, breakthroughs in oilfield technology to greatly enhance oil recovery, the construction of Shengli Jiyang shale oil national demonstration zone, the completion of the first million-ton CCUS demonstration project in China, the completion and commissioning of the new Dongying crude oil warehouse, the completion of the first integrated intelligent energy system of "source, grid, load and storage" in the oil and gas field in China, the construction of a multi-energy complementary, clean and efficient new energy system, and the breakthrough of foreign technology monopoly and innovation with high-end intelligent equipment of Shenglitiangong." Risk sharing and win-win cooperation" integrated model to create a source of digital intelligence technology innovation.

Yuan Fuqing, chief expert of Shengli Oilfield Exploration and Development Research Institute, introduced to reporters the breakthrough of offshore oil recovery technology in Shengli Oilfield, at present, Shengli Oilfield offshore oilfield has proven petroleum geological reserves of 498 million tons, offshore recovery crude oil has entered the stage of high water cut.

Shengli Oilfield offshore oilfield has proven petroleum geological reserves of 498 million tons

According to Yuan Fuqing, due to the rapid increase in operating costs and the life constraints of the oil production platform, in order to produce more oil during the life of the platform, the oilfield used a new model of oil recovery from chemical flooding reservoirs in offshore platform tests, which increased the viscosity of water and the ability to wash oil by adding chemicals to the water, and then recovered the crude oil.

At present, the offshore oilfield has been put into operation 22 injection wells, 57 production wells, daily crude oil production has risen from 829 tons to 1427 tons, water content has decreased from 90.8% to 79.2%, has accumulated nearly 400,000 tons of oil, oil recovery rate has increased from 38.9% to 51.6%, the overall has reached the international advanced level, has applied for 56 national invention patents, oilfield greatly improved recovery technology in Shengli offshore oilfield can promote geological reserves of 220 million tons, increase recoverable reserves of 26.76 million tons.

Shengli Oilfield offshore oilfield has proven petroleum geological reserves of 498 million tons

Shengli Oilfield's onshore conventional reservoir single well production capacity in 2023 will increase by 10% year-on-year, and the capacity construction scale will continue to grow for three consecutive years, and it is expected to produce 23.47 million tons of crude oil for the whole year, an increase of 67,000 tons over 2021. (Main station reporter Pang Zhen Sun Chuan)

Source: CCTV News Client