
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise


Introduction to the event

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

Climb Mount Tai at night, watch the sunrise, watch the sea of clouds

A mountaineering experience that is different from traditional tourism

Only the brave are invited to accompany you

- Tarzan Night Climb -

Let you feel the top of the five mountains

A panoramic view of the mountains

Take a leisurely tour of Jinan Baotu Spring

Watch the sunset from the shore of Daming Lake

Check in the Internet celebrity Kuanhouli-Seremban Street

Climb Mount Tai at night and set off on the weekend

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

▌ Event time

Phase 1|10.14 Collection~10.15Dissolution (Weekend)

Phase 2|10.21 Collection~10.22 Dissolution (Weekend)

▌ Collection information

Meeting day 07:30|Huixin West Street South Exit or nearby subway station

*Subject to the collection information the day before departure

▌ Tickets can be purchased by your own reservation

1) Tarzan

Log in to the "Taishan Scenic Area" WeChat public account "WeChat Ticket Purchase" or the "Attractions/Tickets" column of Meituan's official website to complete the online real-name reservation and purchase tickets, and select "Red Gate Walking into the Mountain Pass" or "Tianwai Village Driving into the Mountain Pass" on the day of the event from 16:00-23:59 to Zhongtianmen (can save about 5 kilometers, it is recommended to choose with poor physical strength). After the reservation is successful, you can enter the park with your ID card during the reserved time slot.

2) Baotu Spring

Follow the "World's First Spring Scenic Area" WeChat public account or log in to the "World's First Spring Scenic Area" Alipay mini program and Ctrip APP, enter the ticket purchase menu, select "Baotu Spring Reservation Ticket" to make an appointment to purchase tickets, select the 13:00-19:00 time period on the day of the event, and after completing the reservation and ticket purchase, check the admission to the park with the reservation QR code or contact ID card.

▌ Fee introduction

Activity fee 388 yuan per person

▪ Fees include:

1) Transportation: round-trip air-conditioned bus chartered fee from Beijing;

2) Team leader: excellent outdoor team leader to lead the team;

3) Insurance: Travel accident insurance (please submit ID card information when registering);

▪ Fees are not included

1) Catering: Please take care of your own meals without meals in this activity, it is recommended to bring some road meals suitable for outdoor (can be replenished locally);

2) Others: Tickets are at your own expense, no accommodation is required for night climbing activities, and you need to book your own accommodation if you need it;

*This activity is a semi-self-guided outdoor activity, and you will be responsible for your own expenses other than those included.

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

D1|Beijing - Zhuotu Spring / Kuanhouli / Furong Street / Daming Lake - Climb Mount Tai at night

1) Set off after gathering at the specified time in the morning, and arrive at the first stop of this trip - Jinan [Baotu Spring Park] in the afternoon. You can take care of your own lunch around, where we can not only see the three main springs, but also find more than 30 springs scattered here!

2) Or go to [Kuanhouli], also known as Jinan Kuanhouli, Shimao Kuanhouli, brand new antique buildings, such as weaving locals and foreigners, in front of the rows of shops hanging yellow cancan, dazzling.

3) Or go to [Hibiscus Street], the name comes from the Hibiscus Spring on the west side of the middle of the street. Furong Spring is hidden in a private house, which is naturally natural. The old and disabled travelogues say that "every family springs water, every household weeps Yang", has always been regarded as a portrayal of Jinan. Therefore, it can be said that Furong Street embodies the characteristics of Jinan's spring water culture.

4) Or go to [Daming Lake], take public transportation: 41 / K109 and other buses to get off at Daming Lake Station, or walk to Daming Lake Park. In Daming Lake, we can take a boat, watch the weeping willows on the lakeside, stroll around the lake and enjoy the sunset.

*The above places are not far away, or it is very convenient to walk/bus/taxi, and the time is left for everyone to move freely.

5) We gathered at about 18:00 and set off straight to Mount Tai, arrived at the foot of [Mount Tai], prepared equipment, recommended everyone to buy small flashlights, gloves, mineral water, bread, instant noodles, chocolate, etc., you can also have dinner here. We can take the scenic minibus directly to Zhongtianmen (at your own expense), and then walk through Mount Tai's famous 18 plates to the top of the South Heavenly Gate! It is expected that in about 5-6 hours, we can all reach the top. After that, wait quietly for the sunrise on the top of the mountain, you can look at the time (you can go to occupy the camera seat at about four o'clock), and go to the "mountain tip" in advance to grab a good camera position for shooting!

D2|Mount Tai watching the sunrise - going down the mountain - returning to Beijing

1) Taishan sunrise is essential, remember the article Xu Zhimo's "Taishan Sunrise" that you read when you were in school? Let's go and experience it for yourself...

2) After breakfast, go down from the front mountain (feel the emperor's pilgrimage route Yunbu Bridge, Wudafu Pine, Yingke Pine, Jing 18 Pan, etc.);

3) At about 11:00, we arrive at Zhongtianmen (here you can take the scenic minibus down the mountain to the main gate, and those who don't want to take the car can walk to the red gate);

4) At about 12:00, we will gather after lunch in Tai'an City for the return trip, everyone sleep well in the car;

5) Arrive at the departure point at about 19:00 and enjoy the end of the tour.

*The above tour time is for reference only, subject to different influences such as weather, traffic, passenger flow, scenic spot regulation and physical fitness of team members, etc., subject to the actual arrangement of the tour leader; The physical strength of each team member who climbs Mount Tai at night varies greatly, so everyone is free to climb the mountain together, and the leader is not accompanied, please understand.

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

To climb Mount Tai at night, you need to prepare the following items

1. Mobile phone, power bank and flashlight.

Climbing Mount Tai at night must bring a mobile phone, and a strong phototube, there is no light on the Taishan mountain road at night, it is dark, and it will be safer to bring your own light source.

2. Plenty of water and food.

Be prepared to ensure that you are hungry with water, bread and other food during your ascent to avoid running out of energy and physical exhaustion.

3. Backpack and a small amount of cash.

Bring a small amount of money and go up the mountain to buy water or rent a coat. When necessary, I am really tired, and it costs money to take a car down the mountain.

4. Maps, cameras and umbrellas.

It is very necessary to bring a camera or video camera, folding a small umbrella, and a trip map of Tarzan to the mountain, these items can help you avoid some accidents. For example: it rains.

5. Hiking shoes and trekking poles:

When climbing, shoes must be worn suitable for mountaineering, if there are no special mountaineering shoes, wear a pair of flat sneakers that are not easy to slip. Trekking poles can be purchased directly on Mount Tai to save physical strength.

6. Storm jacket or light down jacket:

Night climbing Mount Tai is generally in spring and autumn, the higher the altitude, the lower the temperature, the top of the mountain will be close to zero, you can bring a light down jacket to keep warm, if you do not bring, you can also rent a military coat on the mountain. It is not recommended to bring too heavy clothes, which will increase the burden of climbing.

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

#泰 Mountain

Mount Tai is the first of the five mountains, a world natural and cultural heritage, a global geopark, a national civilized scenic tourism area, and a national 5A-level tourist area. The sunrise of Mount Tai is spectacular and moving, one of the wonders of the Peak and an important symbol of Mount Tai, breathtaking.

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

Mount Tai is also known as Daishan, Daizong, Daiyue, Dongyue, Taiyue and so on. There are so many names, it is actually the crown of famous mountains in the country. The main peak of Mount Tai, the Jade Emperor Peak, is 1532.7 meters above sea level, majestic and rises from the ground, and has the reputation of "the first mountain under the world".

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

For thousands of years, Mount Tai has become a sacred mountain where successive emperors have consecrated Zen and sacrificed to the heavens, and with the emperor's consecration, Mount Tai has been deified, so it has enjoyed the title of "the chief of the five mountains".

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

Buddhism and Taoism, literati and celebrities flocked to the city, leaving many places of interest and monuments to Mount Taishan and Tai'an. Taoism calls the second small cave heaven, and the name of its Yue god is the king of Tianqi.

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

Taishan is known as the "head of the Five Mountains" because of thousands of years of spiritual culture penetration and rendering and cultural landscape, which is the epitome of the spiritual culture of the Chinese nation and has now become a precious heritage of the world.

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

Taishan Scenic Spot is centered on the main peak of Mount Tai, distributed radially, and is formed by the integration of natural landscape and cultural landscape. From the temple of Taichengdai, where the emperor resides, to the Jade Emperor's Roof, it constitutes an axis of ten kilometers of earthly - heaven.

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

The thousands of years of cultural history of the Chinese nation have made Mount Tai a symbol of the Chinese nation. The majestic Mount Tai is comparable in popularity to the Great Wall. From Sima Qian's famous saying: "Man is inherently dead, either heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than Hongmao." To "Mount Tai does not bend down", Du Fu "will be at the top of the mountain, overlooking the mountains and small." ”...... are constantly deepening our yearning for Mount Tai.

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

Climbing Mount Tai, like climbing the Great Wall, has become the dream of many Chinese. We see the sun from the top of Mount Tarzan. It is not a miracle for those who sail across the sea to see the sun climb up from below the horizon; And I personally have been full of the incomparable suncolors of the rivers and seas and the Indian Ocean.

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

But watching the sunrise from the top of a high mountain, especially on the top of Mount Tarzan, our boundless curiosity certainly longs for a special realm, different from the plain or the sea.

Sure enough, when we first woke up, the sky was still dark, the west was livid, the east was slightly white, and the universe was just – as used in the old word – one and the same.

But this is my impression when I feel strong Xiaohan on the one hand, and my sleepy eyes are not very awake.

When I paid attention to it, I couldn't help but shout loudly—because what I saw in front of me was just a realm I had never seen before.

It turned out that the project that had been stormy all night last night had been built into a universal sea of clouds.

In addition to the Riguan Peak and the Jade Emperor Peak where we are located, the east, west, south and north are only covered with diffuse clouds, and before the morning sun is revealed, it looks like countless thick and long-wooled sheep, sleeping neck to back, curly ears and curved corners are faintly recognizable.

At that time, in this vast sea of clouds, I stood alone on a misty island, and I had a strange fantasy...

Excerpt from: Xu Zhimo "Taishan Sunrise"

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise


Located in Lixia District, Jinan City, south of Thousand Buddha Mountain, east of Quancheng Square, north of Daming Lake, Five Dragon Pond. With an area of 158 acres, it is a 5A-level characteristic garden dominated by springs and the first batch of national key parks. The spring ranks first among the 72 famous springs in Jinan, known as the "first spring under the world", and is also the earliest famous spring in Jinan to be seen in ancient documents.

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise


Formerly known as "Wangfu South Street", or "South Wangfu Street", it is named because of the east and west small palaces built on the north side

Kuanhouli is another popular food street in Jinan, which gathers food from all over the country and attracts many tourists to check in and taste food every day.

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise


Remember the summer rain lotus on the shore of Daming Lake?

It is one of the three major scenic spots in Jinan, the natural lake in the prosperous city is an important scenic spot and open window of Quancheng, famous as a tourist attraction at home and abroad, and known as the "pearl of Quancheng".

Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise
Weekend 2nd|Mount Tai night climb|Only invite the brave to accompany himの Climb to the top of the Five Mountains Supreme-Admire the sea of clouds-watch the sunrise

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