
Germany, France, Belgium and others support China, the United States, Japan and Europe are in trouble, and the Western media frankly said that the US-led order is collapsing

author:Ann PR

Introduction: On the world stage, there is a country that is frequently involved in wars, manipulating geopolitical conflicts and creating chaos. This country is known as a troublemaker, and unlike it, there is another country that is becoming the leader of a new era. These two countries, the United States and China, are key to shaping the world order today.

(Paragraph 6) The United States' attempt to win over allies to confront China has failed, but Western countries such as the United States, Japan, and Europe have themselves fallen into various troubles. Mass demonstrations in the United States over the Supreme Court's wrong decision on abortion continue, vicious shootings in the United States continue, and hyperinflation shows no signs of abating. The hopes of the United States to increase oil production in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and thus lower oil prices have also been dashed. Saudi Arabia and the UAE have said at the same time that they are close to the limit of oil production, and there is no room and possibility to increase production. The Fed chairman reluctantly said that there is no confidence in lowering oil prices. The latest data shows that the final revised data released by the US Department of Commerce on the 29th shows that the US real GDP in the first quarter of 2022 has been revised down again, falling by 1.6% on an annualized basis. Peter Schiff, an American economist, has warned that the United States will face an economic crisis worse than the Great Recession of 2008. There is no doubt that the United States is in great trouble.

Germany, France, Belgium and others support China, the United States, Japan and Europe are in trouble, and the Western media frankly said that the US-led order is collapsing

Japan, which closely followed the United States, is also in trouble, and is beginning to encounter crises such as economic recession, energy shortage, and power shortage. Japan began to suffer from an energy crisis and a power crisis due to the energy shortage caused by sanctions against Russia, coupled with the impact of nuclear power plants. After suffering the worst heat in more than 100 years, Japan's power shortage has become even more serious. Since the 27th, the Japanese government has issued a "power supply shortage alert" for two consecutive days, urging enterprises and households in some areas of Tokyo to save electricity and turn off unnecessary electrical appliances. The power shortage is only one concrete manifestation of Japan's current troubles, such as the depreciation of the yen, increasing inflationary pressures, economic recession, and people's living difficulties. Europe, which has suffered huge losses in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, has also encountered various troubles in a row. The EU has become more divided, the refugee crisis has begun to ferment, and various social contradictions have worsened across the board.

Germany, France, Belgium and others support China, the United States, Japan and Europe are in trouble, and the Western media frankly said that the US-led order is collapsing

Even more serious is that the EU is no longer able to avoid the coming recession, and even very rich countries such as Sweden have begun to experience vicious incidents such as riots. In the face of isolated China, no one applauds, and the United States, Japan and Europe are in trouble at the same time, the Western media also gave pessimistic judgments. The Japanese media frankly said that although Western countries led by the United States are unwilling to accept the cruel reality, they must admit that the order led by the United States is collapsing. The understanding that the United States is the destroyer and China is the builder is becoming a world consensus, and it is natural that the US-led order will collapse. The Australian also publicly commented that the United States was a "magical country" a long time ago, but now the United States is no longer beautiful, and it has become a failed country. The Spanish media, the German media, the French media, etc. have also pointed out that the US-led order is collapsing, and the era of belonging to the West is almost over. It is clear that the media in Western countries have also recognized reality and are pessimistic about the future.

Germany, France, Belgium and others support China, the United States, Japan and Europe are in trouble, and the Western media frankly said that the US-led order is collapsing

(second paragraph) After World War II, the United States directly launched and indirectly participated in most of the world's wars, becoming a veritable troublemaker. In addition to directly initiating or participating in wars, the United States also frequently interferes in the internal affairs of other countries in direct or indirect ways such as supporting proxy wars, inciting civil wars in other countries, providing weapons and ammunition, and training rebels, creating chaos around the world. Every time the United States creates a war, it holds a beautiful flag, but in fact, behind it are explicit interests, vividly showing the robber nature of the United States. Statistics from March 2021 show that the United States and its allies have dropped 326,000 bombs and missiles on other countries since 2001

Germany, France, Belgium and others support China, the United States, Japan and Europe are in trouble, and the Western media frankly said that the US-led order is collapsing

From the end of World War II to 2001, the United States initiated 201 of the 248 armed conflicts in 153 regions of the world. Counting the wars and conflicts provoked by the United States after World War II, it is not difficult to find that the history of the United States after World War II is also a history of war.

(fourth paragraph) The United States is a country hijacked by Wall Street elites and the military-industrial complex, and many decisions are more about reflecting the interests and needs of capital. American capital has pirate genes, and solving problems through violence is also the undertone of its culture, and it has gradually evolved into a mindset and tradition. The American approach has the distinctive characteristics of the old era, but it is clearly out of step with the new era. The United States' sabotage of practices that bring great hidden dangers to global governance runs counter to the aspirations of the people of the world to establish a more just and reasonable international order and usher in a more peaceful and secure world. The vast majority of the wealth that the United States reaps through chaos and disaster has fallen to elite capitalists, and it is difficult for ordinary people in the United States to win the favor. The hyperinflation caused by the intervention in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict began to be borne by most ordinary people in the United States, which also caused huge dissatisfaction in the United States. For the benefit of a small number of elite capital, the United States has deprived tens of millions of people in regional countries of the most basic right to subsistence and development, as well as the development interests of its allies and ordinary American people.

Germany, France, Belgium and others support China, the United States, Japan and Europe are in trouble, and the Western media frankly said that the US-led order is collapsing

(Paragraph 5) Unlike the United States, China has conformed to the trend of the times, the development needs of the vast majority of countries, and the basic laws of the world's development, and has become a leader in the development of the new era. What China brings to the world is opportunities for development, hope for peace, and vision for prosperity. However, Western countries led by the United States manipulate the global pattern for their own selfish interests, creating geopolitical conflicts, ethnic contradictions, religious hatred, and continuing to plunder world wealth through financial and war means. In stark contrast, the vast majority of the world's countries can see who to distance themselves from and who to work with. Against the background of the formation of the tide of the new era, the United States is still moving against the tide, trying to form small circles, win over allies and junior brothers to build small gangs, trying to divide the world, divide the world, and hinder global exchanges and cooperation. However, the US scheme runs counter to the general trend of world development and the interests of the vast majority of countries, including US allies. ASEAN refuses to side with the United States and to help the United States confront China. Most countries in the Americas also firmly support China and cooperate with China, refusing to follow the United States.

(Paragraph 9) Against the background of the United States instigating confrontation with China, many countries such as Germany, France, and the Netherlands firmly support China and hope to cooperate with China, openly contradicting the United States. According to the latest survey of business confidence of German companies in China by the German Chamber of Commerce in China, about 72% of the 5,200 German companies in China plan to increase their investment in China. Volker Chapke, honorary president of the German Prussian Association, pointed out that in the past five years, China has been Germany's most important trading partner, and the investment cooperation between the two countries is mutually beneficial and win-win, and he hopes that the two countries will have more cooperation. At the G7 summit, Germany also made it clear that China and Russia cannot be juxtaposed for confrontation and isolation. Germany calls for active cooperation with China on the basis of competition to create a new development model. Michael Schumann, president of the German Federal Federation for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, has publicly pointed out that the spirit of cooperation in "building bridges" should be encouraged when facing China, rather than advocating confrontation. It is clear that a large number of German companies and experts firmly support China on the issue of cooperation with China.

(Paragraph 10) Germany's unwillingness to cooperate with the United States in confronting China as it does against Russia is also the need for Germany's practical interests. NATO will adopt its latest strategy document in a decade, which again defines Russia as a "threat" and for the first time mentions "the challenge of China's rise." But in the face of NATO's new strategy document, France has a different view. French President Emmanuel Macron has previously warned that NATO should not distract itself and form "biases" in relations with China. France, like Germany, insists on a rising China

Distinguish yourself from Russia and avoid malicious confrontation and separation, thereby minimizing losses for Europe. France and China have deep cooperation and have good interaction in many fields. France's firm support for cooperation with China and opposition to the malicious confrontation of the United States is actually the voice of most European countries. Belgian Prime Minister De Crowe publicly pointed out that China is an important trading partner of Europe and has a realistic basis for mutual benefit and win-win results with Europe, and China cannot be treated as "another Russia".

The Belgian Prime Minister supports China and speaks publicly for China, mainly because China is too important to Europe. Belgium is China's seventh largest trading partner in the EU, and China is the third largest trading partner outside the EU. Serbian President Vučić also publicly accused the EU, complaining that the EU did not understand how important China and Russia really are, and did not consider Serbia's practical interests. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte also made it clear that he opposed the EU confronting China because of the problems in reality. Mark Rutte stressed that the EU should actively solve the current problems, rather than choosing to isolate countries that do not meet European standards, which leads to a lose-lose situation. Diplomats from Lithuania and Portugal said that China's situation is different from Russia's, and that "NATO countries do not have any direct border with China". Many European countries such as Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands rejected the vicious confrontation policy of the United States against China and called for a new way to deal with China, reflecting the common aspiration of the vast majority of countries in the world.

Against this backdrop, the U.S. strategy of co-opting allies against China is facing failure. The United States is not only isolated on the international stage, but also faces problems at home. Its economy is underperforming, its society is in turmoil, and it is trying to maintain its leadership position on a global scale. Instead, China is rising, offering opportunities and cooperation to attract more and more countries to partner with it. The comparison between the two countries shows that a new international landscape is taking shape and that the world is gradually recognizing this reality. Instead of clinging to the prejudices of the past, it is more meaningful to seek cooperation and win-win results to create more opportunities for global development.


From the provided article, we can draw some of the following insights:

Deep Understanding of History and International Relations: The article points to the behavior of the United States after World War II, as well as its history of wars and interference in the internal affairs of other countries. This prompts us to delve deeper into international relations and history to better understand the complexities of today's world.

Conflict between Interests and Morality: The article mentions that there is often a clear profit motive behind the actions of the United States. This raises reflections on the eternal conflict between morality and interests in international politics. State policy is often influenced by a variety of factors, including domestic interests and international morality.

New Era Clashes with Old Thinking: The article emphasizes that U.S. practices no longer apply in the new era because they run counter to global trends. This reminds us to recognize the constant evolution of international politics to adapt to the new challenges of today's world.

The choice of cooperation and confrontation: China is seen in the article as a development leader, while the confrontational policy of the United States has caused concern in many countries. This underscores the importance of the international community's need for wisdom and caution in choosing between cooperation and confrontation in order to achieve the common good.

The importance of multilateral cooperation: The article mentions that many countries reject the vicious confrontation policy of the United States and emphasizes the importance of multilateral cooperation and international solidarity to solve global problems and maintain international peace and stability.


In the current international political environment, we can draw some key conclusions:

U.S. global behavior has a long history but is increasingly being questioned. Its direct and indirect military intervention and conduct of war have raised global suspicions and concerns about the role of the United States.

China has emerged on the international stage and is regarded as a development leader in a new era. China's cooperation-oriented policies and development opportunities have brought a vision of peace, prosperity and development to the world.

Cooperation and multilateralism are essential in current international relations. Many countries have made clear their rejection of a policy of confrontation with the United States, stressing the need for the international community to work together to solve global problems.

Western media are generally pessimistic about the U.S.-led order, believing that the era of the West may be coming to an end. This shows that profound changes are taking place in the international political landscape.

Ultimately, international politics needs to adapt to changing realities, balancing domestic interests and international cooperation to achieve a vision of global peace, prosperity and sustainable development.

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