
This year's frost is not ordinary, the old saying "frost meets heavy sun, ten families burn fire and nine families die", what does it mean

author:The demon says the text

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Autumn is deepening, the chill is intense, and a thin layer of frost covers the earth, as if to tell us that winter is quietly approaching. This thin layer of frost is the "frost fall", the last solar term of autumn, and the prelude to winter.

The word "frostfall" does not only mean dew freezing, but also means that the temperature has plummeted, and nature's hibernation is about to begin. The first 10th day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar usually marks the arrival of frost, which is also an important node in the "24 solar terms". To confirm that frost falls exactly on this date, we sometimes need to rely on the aid of leap months, which glimpses the subtlety of the ancient lunar calendar system, which ensures that the beginning of each year falls at the end of winter or early spring, while clearly defining the alternation of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Although modern society uses more calendars and scientific methods to calculate time, these traditional lunar solar terms still occupy an important place in Chinese culture.

This year's frost is not ordinary, the old saying "frost meets heavy sun, ten families burn fire and nine families die", what does it mean

This year's "frost fall" presents a special feature, that is, it intersects with the traditional Chinese festival, the Chongyang Festival. Chongyang Festival has a long tradition in China and is usually celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, when the "frost falls". Due to the relative stability of the "twenty-four solar terms", this coincidence has triggered speculation and thinking. In particular, the old saying "the sun and frost fall, ten households are burned, nine families die", although exaggerated, reflects the importance people attach to this moment. Traditionally, if the festival encounters frost, it is considered a bad omen, a sign of a possible poor harvest and even famine. But advances in modern society and technology have allowed us to understand weather conditions more accurately, and no longer need to rely solely on ancient proverbs and traditions to determine future fate.

This year's frost is not ordinary, the old saying "frost meets heavy sun, ten families burn fire and nine families die", what does it mean

This year's early frosts have also sparked interest in meteorology. The ancients used "early frost" and "late frost" to describe the time of frost fall, referring to the fact that the frost fell before and after the 15th day of the ninth lunar month, respectively. This year's early frost means that cold weather may arrive early, which also makes people worry about next year's "spring cold". Therefore, people show great curiosity about the changes in frostfall.

This year's frost is not ordinary, the old saying "frost meets heavy sun, ten families burn fire and nine families die", what does it mean

Although ancient proverbs and traditions have a special place in Chinese culture, advances in modern society have allowed us to understand weather and climate changes more accurately. However, we should still cherish these traditions because they are part of Chinese culture and connect our history and customs. Whether the old proverb is still true requires us to think in a more scientific and objective manner, while retaining respect for tradition.

This year's frost is not ordinary, the old saying "frost meets heavy sun, ten families burn fire and nine families die", what does it mean

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