
Seven giant ships from the mainland advanced into the Taiwan Strait, and the US military officers sensed that something was wrong.

author:Happy day of eighteen

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In this complicated world, for many years, the United States has been flaunting its might on the Taiwan issue and colluding with Taiwan's "Taiwan independence" elements in an attempt to stifle the possibility of cross-strait reunification. However, no matter how crazy the US and Taiwan authorities are, the determination of the Chinese government and the Chinese people is indestructible and will not be influenced by any external forces.

Once upon a time, the US military suddenly saw an anomaly. According to media reports, seven Chinese passenger ships suddenly sailed to the Taiwan Strait, an extremely rare occurrence in the past two decades and immediately attracted widespread attention. This is not just an ordinary passenger ship, but a giant ship that is regarded as a key link in the strategic projection system, and has considerable military value. U.S. military experts estimate that seven such ships are enough to transport ten to fourteen standard composite battalions at once for large-scale landing operations.

Seven giant ships from the mainland advanced into the Taiwan Strait, and the US military officers sensed that something was wrong.

Why is the US military so closely watching these civilian passenger ships? Perhaps, this is not just a simple military exercise, but also a practical measure taken by China to respond to the arrogant attitude of "Taiwan independence" elements. As the Chinese government has emphasized, we will never renounce the option of using force and reserve the right to take all necessary measures at any time. This is where our strength lies in defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

However, the world is unpredictable, and although we are firmly determined to safeguard national unity, China has no choice but to constantly upgrade its strategy in the face of the complex and ever-changing international situation. In recent years, China's passenger ship strength has been increasing, and the United States is well aware of this. Therefore, they try to interfere with and suppress China through various means in an attempt to create greater friction on the Taiwan issue. However, China will never be swayed by their threats.

Seven giant ships from the mainland advanced into the Taiwan Strait, and the US military officers sensed that something was wrong.

The "Taiwan independence" elements have always been the object of fanatical support of the United States. They are trying to sow the seeds of division on the island of Taiwan in the hope of splitting China. However, their plot was doomed to failure. China has become one of the most powerful countries in the world through hardships, and we have enough wisdom, determination and ability to safeguard the integrity and unity of the country. We resolutely oppose interference by external forces and will never leave any room for "Taiwan independence" elements.

There is nothing on this planet more sacred and great than national unity. Chinese people have always regarded safeguarding the unity of the motherland as a top priority, and we know that the strength of the country comes from internal cohesion and external harmonious coexistence. In the face of external threats, we will unite to overcome the difficulties together.

Seven giant ships from the mainland advanced into the Taiwan Strait, and the US military officers sensed that something was wrong.

To sum up, no matter how the external situation changes, the Chinese government and Chinese people have always adhered to the position of safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We have the determination and confidence to defend national unity, and we will never allow anyone, any force or any country to cut off China's territory at any time and in any form. This is China's bottom line and the guardian of world peace.


On the Taiwan issue, the US move has aroused widespread concern and concern. This incident enlightens us that no matter how external forces intervene, the Chinese government and Chinese people are unswervingly determined to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We should realize that safeguarding national unity is the common will of the Chinese people, and any attempt to separatist "Taiwan independence" will face resolute opposition and resistance.

In modern international relations, the role of public opinion and external assistance is becoming increasingly important. The concerns of the United States demonstrate that public opinion and outside assistance play an important role in conflicts. Therefore, China needs to participate more actively in international public opinion, convey China's position of adhering to peaceful reunification, and increase the international community's understanding and support for China's reunification. At the same time, China needs to safeguard its national interests while adopting a pragmatic and flexible foreign policy, promote the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan issue, and avoid triggering regional conflicts.

In addition, we should also see that the US concern about China's passenger ro-ro ships shows that modern warfare is no longer limited to traditional military means. Concepts such as civil-military integration and strategic projection have become an important part of military strategy in today's world. Therefore, while developing modern military strength, China also needs to strengthen military-civilian integration, improve the strategic flexibility and comprehensive combat capability of the military, and adapt to the needs of modern warfare.


On the Taiwan issue, the position of the Chinese Government and the Chinese people is clear and firm: China must and will be reunified. This firm determination is not only a promise to the people at home, but also a warning to external forces. China will take all necessary measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and will never allow any form of "Taiwan independence" separatist activities. This position is not based on conflict and confrontation, but on the need for peace, stability and development.

In dealing with the Taiwan issue, China has always adhered to the principle of peaceful settlement. China's proposal of "one country, two systems" provides a feasible way to resolve the Taiwan issue. In practice, China has successfully applied "one country, two systems" to Hong Kong and Macao, and achieved remarkable results. This not only provides Taiwan with experience for reference, but also provides useful enlightenment for realizing the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait.

At the same time, China should also strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Taiwan. Increasing cross-strait people-to-people contacts and strengthening economic, cultural, educational and other exchanges will help enhance understanding and friendship between the people on both sides of the strait and create a good atmosphere for the eventual realization of peaceful reunification.

In general, the Taiwan issue is the core issue of China's national interests and the common will of the Chinese people. China will adhere to the principle of peaceful settlement and take firm and decisive measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. At the same time, China is willing to realize the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait through peaceful and friendly means and make new contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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