
In the autumn after the typhoon, the old lady went shopping alone and discovered this amazing fact!

author:Smart coffee GZl

On this autumn afternoon after the typhoon, my old lady was in good spirits, and just after four o'clock, she couldn't wait to walk out of the house and wander the streets. The weather is sunny, there is no rain and it is not hot, it is a beautiful autumn. The happy old lady was bored at home for three days, and finally looked forward to such a good weather and couldn't wait to go out to play.

In the autumn after the typhoon, the old lady went shopping alone and discovered this amazing fact!

She walked slowly around the side street alone, feeling bored, so she turned and walked back. Usually, she always travels with a few villagers and old ladies, chatting while walking the street, which is very comfortable, but today she doesn't seem to say hello to her partners and goes out alone. So, one by one, she looked at the stores, but did not see anything good to buy. Without her partner, she was frustrated.

In the autumn after the typhoon, the old lady went shopping alone and discovered this amazing fact!

Perhaps to save some time for dinner, or perhaps out of curiosity, she went to a convenience store where she used to eat breakfast and bought cooked pork feet. When the elderly go out, they always have to buy something to take home, which is the norm as a housewife, and so does my wife. Without hesitation, she bought two shiny cooked pig's feet and went home happily. As soon as she got home, she carefully examined the two ripe pig's feet in the light, thinking about whether they were genuine. Looking closely, she noticed that something was wrong. The pig's feet were boiled too dark, losing their orange-red appearance, and the soup was dull and dull, with a taste of soy sauce. But it doesn't matter, it's rotten pig's feet anyway, it definitely tastes good! The old lady was very happy, and busily urged me to dinner, saying that there were pig's feet to drink, and that I could not eat too late as usual. It is necessary to bite slowly, drink slowly, and drink until "on the moon".

In the autumn after the typhoon, the old lady went shopping alone and discovered this amazing fact!

What does "on the moon" mean? This is my wife's words from my hometown to urge me not to grind. This is the dialect of our hometown. It is about a peasant man in the village who drinks a lot, and always drinks some old rice wine to relieve his fatigue after finishing work in the evening. I can't stop drinking it, and I like to take advantage of the interest in drinking to count my wife and children. But the mothers-in-law waited to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, bathe the children and rest early, but the old farmer drank with great interest, which made his wife very angry, and she said impatiently: "Drink, drink!" Drink until the moon! ”。" What does "on the moon" mean? It is the appearance of the moon rising and hanging high in the sky. When the moon rises, it is not yet completely night or just night, and the crescent moon rises from the west, which is exactly what the ancients said: the willow head on the moon, a good time to drink! When the moon is full, the bright moon rises and the evening breeze blows, how happy it is to drink old rice wine at this time. Ancient literati could invite the moon to enjoy and drink alone. Why don't we peasant families have a drink when the moon is thin? When the moon falls into the night, where is the "moon above"? Without the moon, the farmhouse's house became dark, and they could only light a dim kerosene lamp and drink in the dark. The peasant family has its own humor, the farmer has the domineering of the farmer, and the peasant woman has a hard-mouthed personality, and they only respond with the phrase "Drink, drink until the moon". For many years, this has become a folk proverb often spoken by old women in our small place. For many years, this is a phrase that the old women of our small place used to complain about the farmers who loved to drink. Fortunately, the old woman did not utter cursing words: "Drink, drink, drink you!" This is my interpretation of the native language "on the moon", which has nothing to do with the black pig's feet my wife bought, nor with me, an old soldier who is good at wine!

In the autumn after the typhoon, the old lady went shopping alone and discovered this amazing fact!

My wife, who is also a country woman, is old and often uses country slang to express her joys, angers and sorrows. So this evening she said proudly: "Drink to the moon." Because this cooked pig's foot was bought by her, she wanted to show it off.

I had just come back from a turn in the street when cooked pig's feet were on the table. When I saw this scene, my heart was bad! Certainly not a good thing. Black, a plate of color stained with soy sauce, the soup is cloudy, drowned in black broth, without the orange-red appearance, without the aroma of stewed pork feet. I broke a piece with my hand and took a bite, the taste was really bad, lacking the materials and heat needed to stew pig's feet. The meat is rotten and scattered with a light break, but unfortunately it is all soy sauce smell, without the rich aroma of dry roasted pork feet or stewed pig feet. My wife also took a bite and said, "Why is this shop so stupid to stew good pig's feet like this?" "

In the autumn after the typhoon, the old lady went shopping alone and discovered this amazing fact!

Seeing that the old lady was a little disappointed, I hurriedly defended her, saying that every place has the characteristics of each place, this is the practice of Haikou people stewing pig's feet, different from our Wanning people's stewed pig's feet, don't regret it, just don't buy it in the future. This is the only time the pork knuckle rice has failed.

But my wife did not hesitate and said, "My brother and nephew, even the pig's feet stewed by my uncle, who is usually ridiculed for stupidity, are much more delicious than this." Orange-orange, shiny, chewy to eat, smell fragrant, that's called stewed pig's feet. "That's right, whenever relatives come to my wife's maiden house, this dish is indispensable, who can forget it? Hearing my wife's emotion, I quickly nodded in agreement, and my heart was full of praise for the cooking skills of my family. In fact, in the small place of our hometown, the cooking skills of the countrymen are also very good, and they will never make such unfashionable black pig's feet.

In the autumn after the typhoon, the old lady went shopping alone and discovered this amazing fact!

One side of the water and soil raises the other people. The stubborn Wanning people, whether men or women, old and young, have a character of insisting on their own opinions, and on this basis, this pork foot meal made my usually confused wife unconvinced, and my heart was full of unwillingness! This shows that even one disappointment can be frustrating. But let's go back and think that food is essential for people, and being able to make black pig's foot wine with locals on this cool autumn day also has its own unique flavor, which is not a failure, this is not a failure!

In the autumn after the typhoon, the old lady went shopping alone and discovered this amazing fact!

Luo Huazhong, male, 75 years old, member of the Communist Party of China, veteran, from Wanning City, Hainan. He served as the commander of the 131st company of the 2nd company of the 1st battalion of the 391st regiment of the army division, the commander of the 2nd battalion of the 1st Marine Brigade, and the chief of logistics (lieutenant colonel). In December 1990, he was transferred to Danzhou Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Ding'an County Party Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress of Hainan Province, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Deputy Director and Deputy Inspector of the Hainan Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

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