
A day after the death of the Guangxu Emperor, Cixi also left, is this a coincidence or another hidden plot?

author:History knows everything

For the history of the Qing Dynasty, in addition to the "prosperous era of Kangqian", the most eye-catching thing is the "Dictatorship of Cixi".

This woman who held power at the end of the Qing Dynasty monopolized the political power of the Qing government.

A day after the death of the Guangxu Emperor, Cixi also left, is this a coincidence or another hidden plot?

Many people blame Cixi for the decline of modern times and the demise of the Qing government.

Uncle Mai felt: This sentence is very one-sided, right or wrong.

You know, the decline of an era is not something that leaders can decide, and environmental factors and social relations play a crucial "point".

At the same time, Guangxu, as the emperor, also lived a life of deep water.

Empty ambitions, but can not be unleashed, everywhere by Cixi resistance and control, Guangxu can be regarded as the most "bitter" emperor in history.

Death of the Emperor

On November 14, 1908, Guangxu died suddenly at the age of 38.

In just the past 20 hours, Cixi also died in her own bedchamber at the age of 73.

A day after the death of the Guangxu Emperor, Cixi also left, is this a coincidence or another hidden plot?

Some say seventy-three, eighty-four. How can ordinary people cross the hurdles that kong saints can't get through?

Some people also say that Cixi's body has always been very weak, she has accumulated diseases, is obsessed with rights, has a deep obsession, and her body seems to be no big problem, but in fact, she is hanging in one breath.

Now, the Guangxu Emperor has died, Cixi's heart is falling, there is no breath to hang, even if you go, you have to walk behind the emperor to see who is the ultimate victor.

A day after the death of the Guangxu Emperor, Cixi also left, is this a coincidence or another hidden plot?

After she arranged Puyi, she was relieved to drive the crane back.

In any case, after all, and Guangxu one after the other, it is a curious thing, many netizens are concerned: Will there be something else in this?

It is said that the imperial doctor who treated the emperor recorded in the book that Guangxu's stomach was very painful before he died, and the pain was so much that he turned over and over, and his face was black.

A day after the death of the Guangxu Emperor, Cixi also left, is this a coincidence or another hidden plot?

Until 2008, archaeologists, together with a number of experts, after the identification of Guangxu's hair, found that it contained arsenic, and more than two hundred milligrams.

And these are all nourished from the body after a hundred years, it is difficult to imagine, how much arsenic did the Guangxu Emperor take?

At least several times the current value, or even more.

However, there are also many scholars who believe that the Guangxu Emperor could not stand Cixi's suppression, and his health became worse and worse, and he finally died violently.

The last statement, the most bizarre, has been a mystery until now:

The two died one after another, there is no such a coincidence in the world, many people say that Li Lianying and Cixi did it, so they asked the people in the palace, but did not dare to say.

In short, the cause of Guangxu's death is widely disputed.

Death of the Empress

So what was Empress Dowager Cixi doing before Guangxu died?

In 1898, Guangxu supported Kang Youwei in implementing the Pengshu Reform Law, although it was only a short period of three months, but the effect was still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

A day after the death of the Guangxu Emperor, Cixi also left, is this a coincidence or another hidden plot?

However, these affected the interests of the conservative faction, and eventually the change of law failed, and Guangxu was imprisoned in Yingtai.

It can be said that Cixi hates Guangxu to the bone, which is one of the reasons why she conspired to kill Guangxu (speculation only).

It is said that after the death of the Guangxu Emperor, Empress Dowager Cixi handled the emperor's affairs very quietly, not at all like a person who was about to "leave".

She summoned Yuan Shikai, the Prince, and Empress Longyu to discuss important matters, and her voice was loud and full, and she even presided over a morning meeting.

A day after the death of the Guangxu Emperor, Cixi also left, is this a coincidence or another hidden plot?

The purpose of the conference was to arrange the issue of a new emperor, and under comprehensive consideration, Puyi was "selected", and he was only three years old at that time.

After the meeting, Cixi went to lunch as usual, only to suddenly faint and wake up for a long time.

She also seemed to understand that her life was short, and she had arranged the aftermath, after which she was physically weak and remained in a coma until about two o'clock in the afternoon, when a generation of feminists quickly ended their lives, catching people off guard.

As for the cause of Empress Dowager Cixi's death, a book records that her roots were due to the summer dysentery for too long, and her body was seriously injured.

This means that she is not very sick herself, but after all, she is older and still hurts her body.

Later, from the records of the imperial doctor Chen Bingjun, we found that Cixi also had a serious stomach disease, and repeatedly, and her physical condition was worrying.

A day after the death of the Guangxu Emperor, Cixi also left, is this a coincidence or another hidden plot?

To be honest, today, stomach diseases are very torturous, not to mention that at that time, this directly led to the decline in the resistance of the empress dowager, and finally...

Cover coffin comments

From the perspective of the emperor, Guangxu was a loser, and his failure was not only the persecution of the empress, but more importantly, he would not deal with the relationship with Cixi.

In fact, Guangxu's biological father, Prince Gong, and his uncle Prince Gong had hinted to him: To have a good relationship with Cixi, first respect and raise Ci Min, and rule with Long Sheng.

As it turned out, he didn't listen to these words.

If the Guangxu Emperor could realize this, I believe that his fate would be very different.

A day after the death of the Guangxu Emperor, Cixi also left, is this a coincidence or another hidden plot?

On the other hand, it is Cixi who holds the power of the state, which is not as simple as a household chore.

Power is in the hands of women, and there will inevitably be disputes, and the contradiction of all this is that Guangxu wants power, and Cixi does not give up power.

Nowadays, it seems that if you want to regain power, you actually need a brain.

Guangxu grew up in the palace from childhood, and he was not familiar with human feelings, coupled with this person's flamboyant personality, years of education, let him feel "self-good".

In this way, it is also reasonable for the emperor to be controlled.

It has to be said that the Guangxu Emperor was a failed emperor and a hero of failure.

Even if the change of law fails, it has blown the clarion call for the people's ideological emancipation, in a sense: the great wisdom of Guangxu has surpassed any previous emperor.

Guangxu is a candle in the darkness and deserves to be admired by everyone.

Author: Lollipop

Edit: Wheat

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