
In 1953, at the Queen's coronation, Prince Philip was the first to kneel before her and make a vow

author:Only eight buckets of Coke iY

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It's a story full of grandeur and complexity, a love that leaves you feeling. The protagonists of the story are Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip. Their marriage is a legend, a love story at first sight, but also full of cheating and troubles. This marriage is intertwined with loyalty and betrayal, responsibility and desire.

In 1953, at the Queen's coronation, Prince Philip was the first to kneel before her and make a vow

Elizabeth II's father, the King of England, took her to visit Prince Philip's naval school. This encounter became an eternal turning point in their lives. On that sunny day, Elizabeth's gaze fell on a handsome teenager. This boy is Prince Philip. This instant encounter doomed them to be together.

In 1953, at the Queen's coronation, Prince Philip was the first to kneel before her and make a vow

The wedding day has finally arrived. On November 20, 1947, Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip were married. In order to marry Elizabeth, Prince Philip renounced his status as a Greek prince and changed his name to Philip Mountbatten. Although the wedding is full of romance and grandeur, the marriage did not start smoothly.

In 1953, at the Queen's coronation, Prince Philip was the first to kneel before her and make a vow

At the Queen's coronation in 1953, Prince Philip, as a citizen, pledged his loyalty to the Queen. His oath deeply touched the queen, but it was a promise that could not be kept. Prince Philip's life has been mired in extramarital affairs many times.

In 1953, at the Queen's coronation, Prince Philip was the first to kneel before her and make a vow

His first infidelity occurred in 1948, when he was exposed to a romantic love affair with a cabaret dancer, Pat Kirkwood. The news shocked the whole of Britain, especially the Queen. Queen Elizabeth was only 22 years old and eight months pregnant. However, she chose to forgive her husband and continue her duties as queen.

In 1953, at the Queen's coronation, Prince Philip was the first to kneel before her and make a vow

But Prince Philip did not stop there, and his extramarital relationship lasted for 73 years. Princess Alexandra became his lover, and she was Queen Elizabeth's cousin. Despite the Queen's efforts to endure it all, the pain of betrayal from this marriage stayed with her.

In 1953, at the Queen's coronation, Prince Philip was the first to kneel before her and make a vow

However, when Penny appeared in Prince Philip's life, everything changed. She was not from a famous family, but the daughter of a shrewd and capable rich businessman. Her sincerity and strength attracted Prince Philip, and their relationship gradually deepened.

In 1953, at the Queen's coronation, Prince Philip was the first to kneel before her and make a vow

The queen acquiesced to the affair, and the relationship lasted 46 years until Prince Philip's death. During this period, the Queen's work occupied most of her time, and she also maintained her responsibility to the country.

In 1953, at the Queen's coronation, Prince Philip was the first to kneel before her and make a vow

When Prince Philip died in 2021, the Queen's physical condition also plummeted. A year later, she also died. The Queen's last wish was to be buried with her husband, Prince Philip, to end this imperfect and loving marriage.

In 1953, at the Queen's coronation, Prince Philip was the first to kneel before her and make a vow

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