
Party building leads the construction of grassroots fortresses, strengthens assistance and helps promote rural revitalization

author:Sichuan Provincial Department of Emergency Management

The Emergency Management Department adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply studies the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on visiting Sichuan, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the work of "three rural areas", fully implements the work deployment of the Central Committee, the provincial party committee and the provincial government on consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural revitalization, focuses on the regional resource advantages of designated assistance to Xide County and the functional and responsible advantages of the Emergency Management Department, accurately matches the needs of assistance, and builds a fortress of grassroots organizations and grassroots organizations under the guidance of party building. Strengthening assistance measures to promote rural revitalization, the designated assistance work has achieved remarkable results, accelerated the modernization of rural grassroots governance system and governance capacity in Xide County, and effectively promoted the steady improvement of rural revitalization. The Emergency Management Department was rated by the Rural Work Leading Group of the Provincial Party Committee as the advanced group of designated assistance work of provincial departments and relevant units in 2021; In the general office of the provincial party committee and the general office of the provincial government, the comprehensive evaluation was "good" in the designated assistance assessment of provincial departments (units) in 2022.

Strengthen the guidance of grassroots party building and build a solid ideological foundation

Since 2022, the main leaders of the department have gone to the county to village households to investigate and guide condolences many times, organized and convened 3 joint meetings of provincial direct assistance units, and organized 13 special studies of designated assistance work in relevant departments of the department. Various grassroots party organizations paired up to help 168 people enter the village and households, and sent party building guidance groups (30 people) to squat and guide them four times. Solidly carry out the "four actions" to help villages strengthen their grassroots governance capabilities, carry out the "Party Building Guidance Strong Fortress" action, subordinate institutions Provincial Disaster Reduction Center and Provincial Emergency Rescue Corps respectively form a party building work guidance group with village-based cadres, and stay in villages 3 to 5 days a year to guide the grassroots organizations of the two villages to strengthen their own construction; Carry out the action of "building and laying the foundation by branches", through jointly carrying out education and training of Party members, strictly organizing life, and standardizing the operation of branches with village branches, helping to consolidate the organizational foundation, continuously improving the political and organizational functions of village party branches, promoting the modernization of rural governance systems and governance capabilities, and stimulating the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the broad masses of the people in the villages to devote themselves to rural revitalization and build a better home; Carry out the "pairing to help consolidate results" action, comprehensively considering the family population, causes of poverty, geographical distribution, etc., and pair the unstable households in the two villages that have been helped to lift themselves out of poverty, marginal households vulnerable to poverty and households with sudden serious difficulties, and special help groups composed of provincial and departmental leaders and grassroots party organizations to provide assistance, implement "one household, one policy", establish help accounts, help solve practical difficulties, carry out the action of "alleviating difficulties and promoting revitalization", and include designated assistance in the list of practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses". Deeply understand the urgent needs of the two villages in terms of production and life, and focus on solving the urgent problems of a number of local people.

Highlight the advantages and implement policies according to local conditions, and weave dense assistance measures

Focusing on the policy of "prosperous industry, ecological livability, civilized rural style, effective governance, and rich life", adhere to precise policies, accurately help rural revitalization, analyze and judge the shortcomings and weaknesses in rural revitalization in Xide County, implement the responsibility for promoting rural revitalization, formulate the "2021-2025 Designated Assistance to Xide County Rural Revitalization Work Plan", clarify 14 specific measures and 5 safeguard measures of the five major projects, and formulate the "Designated Assistance to Xide County Rural Revitalization Work Plan" every year to decompose the assistance tasks. Sort out tasks and specific measures, clarify responsible units and responsible persons, and ensure that assistance tasks have direction, content, and responsibility. Adhere to targeted efforts, improve shortcomings and weaknesses, adapt measures to local conditions, and coordinate assistance funds in a targeted manner. Since 2021, nearly 12 million yuan has been invested in 25 projects, including emergency response to natural disasters, upgrading the management of the safety production list system, national and provincial comprehensive disaster reduction demonstration community construction, informatization construction and related training, continuously improving the comprehensive capacity of disaster prevention and mitigation at the grassroots level of urban and rural areas of Xide County, the level of safe production, and the basic guarantee capacity of safe production and life; Actively guide and help villages to implement the Regulations of Sichuan Province on Rural Collective Economic Organization, establish and improve the operation mechanism of village collective economic organizations, encourage and guide rural households in help villages to actively participate in the business activities of cooperative farms, farmers' professional cooperatives and village-level leading enterprises with property rights as the link, form a close interest linkage mechanism, and obtain dividend income and labor income. Develop characteristic industries such as cattle and sheep breeding and flue-cured tobacco planting in accordance with local conditions, help cultivate regional public brands of "Yi hometown", and enhance market competitiveness. To expand the sales of agricultural products, the Emergency Management Department actively organized the "purchase in lieu of donation" activity in the name of the Federation of Trade Unions, and guided the help villages to determine the initial sales model of "taking the local area with the surrounding area and promoting the whole province with the surrounding area" to continuously improve the influence and radiation of good products.

Solidly promote the change of customs and customs, and establish civilized rural customs

Actively advocate a new style of civilization in the villages, persist in supporting the will and wisdom, strengthen propaganda and education, make full use of such means as "village sound" broadcasts, night schools for farmers, dam meetings, and visits to villages and households, and strive to convey to the villagers the lines, principles, policies, and relevant laws and regulations of the party and governments at all levels in rural areas, strive to eliminate the villagers' ambiguous understanding in their thinking, and promote the implementation of rural policies. Carry out education on gratitude and endeavor in a down-to-earth manner, and actively guide the masses to listen to the party, feel the party's kindness, and follow the party. Innovate learning methods, improve the organizational strength of the branch through the implementation of the theme party day, "three sessions and one lesson", and organize life meetings, give full play to the role of the branch as a fighting fortress in consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation, and always remind party members to play a vanguard and exemplary role for villagers and poor households in taking the lead in getting rich and changing customs. We should promote the change of customs, organize the study of the "Regulations on Changing Customs", strictly enforce village rules and people's agreements, rectify the indiscriminate organization of banquets in rural areas, and oppose feudal superstition. Timely publicize the results of assistance on platforms such as the portal website of the Emergency Management Department and the Party Building Network of Sichuan organs, and further enhance the enthusiasm of the majority of Party members and cadres to actively participate in the designated assistance work. In 2022, the party branch of Orze Russian Village was rated as a "provincial 5A-level advanced village party organization", and CCTV4 "Remember Homesickness" column and CCTV17 agricultural and rural "Three Rural Heroes" column specially promoted Orze Russian Village, filming and broadcasting special propaganda videos for 2 issues.

Go down to the grassroots level to do solid work and consolidate the results of poverty alleviation

Actively promote the village "two committees" to do a good job in forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing related work, guide the initial fire handling team at the village level, and actively carry out emergency fire prevention and extinguishing drills. And guide the village "two committees" to carry out rural revitalization e-commerce leaders and help work on-site business training. According to the requirements of "one household, one measure, one person, one plan", deep people find the risk points of returning to poverty, continue to track income changes and "two worries and three guarantees" and safe drinking water conditions, identify the crux of the problem, refine measures, organize village-based task forces, persons responsible for help, and village "two committees" to visit the income, expenditure, production and living conditions of the masses every month, monitor the people in the village who may be at risk of falling back into poverty in an all-round way, formulate assistance measures for newly added risk households, and do a good job in policy guarantees. In order to promote rural revitalization by doing practical things for the people, visit a round of Party members and the masses, and go to villages and households together with township and village cadres, members of the "two committees" team, village-based help and support teams, Party members who are able to get rich, and villagers' representatives, and collect the demands of the masses; Conduct a consultation and sincere discussion, in response to the opinions and suggestions collected and the reasonable demands of the Party members and the masses, hold a public sentiment discussion meeting to negotiate and resolve, and if it can be solved on the spot, clarify the working time and solve it within a time limit; As the leading unit of designated assistance to Xide County, the Emergency Management Department takes "integrating resources and precise assistance" as an important work idea and effectively assumes the work responsibility of the lead unit. Timely implement the establishment of daily contact, learning exchanges and joint research work mechanisms between the seven provincial directly supported units and the relevant departments of rural revitalization in Xide County, organize visits and investigations, guidance and inspections, and consultation on problems in villages and households, timely study and implement project construction and other issues, coordinate a number of key projects, give play to their respective resource advantages, and actively strive for county-to-village projects such as infrastructure, agricultural industry, and collective economy for helping counties and villages, so as to further consolidate the foundation for development and enhance the momentum of revitalization; Focusing on tasks such as policy theory publicity, conflict investigation and resolution, caring for the "one old and one small", and helping particularly poor groups, actively coordinated and linked social organizations to carry out more than 20 public welfare activities such as "Wish Plan" and "Old Clothes Warm People's Hearts", and collected and donated more than 40,000 pieces of clothing, shoes, books, etc., covering more than 2,000 people.

Party building leads the construction of grassroots fortresses, strengthens assistance and helps promote rural revitalization

Source: Sichuan Organ Party Building