
Reverse "limiting"? In response to Mongolia's 31 million tons of rare earths, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences officially spoke

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Competition in the field of science and technology has always been the focus of international politics and business strategy. In recent years, the United States and Western countries have been trying to limit China's technological development, especially in the field of semiconductors. However, China has not only made important breakthroughs in the field of semiconductors, but also has strong advantages in the field of rare earth resources. This article will explore the latest developments in China's technological development, including the return of Huawei's Kirin 9000S chip and China's advantages in rare earth resources.

Reverse "limiting"? In response to Mongolia's 31 million tons of rare earths, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences officially spoke

The return of Huawei's Kirin 9000S chip

Reverse "limiting"? In response to Mongolia's 31 million tons of rare earths, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences officially spoke

Huawei, as one of China's most important tech giants, has been attracting attention around the world. However, Huawei has faced great challenges for some time due to a series of sanctions imposed by the US government, including a ban on US companies supplying chips and technology to Huawei. But recently, Huawei announced that they will launch the Kirin 9000S chip, which marks a significant breakthrough in the semiconductor field in China.

Reverse "limiting"? In response to Mongolia's 31 million tons of rare earths, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences officially spoke

The highlight of the Kirin 9000S chip is its advanced process technology, which provides excellent performance and energy efficiency. This chip will provide faster processing speed and more powerful graphics performance for Huawei's smartphones, bringing users a better experience. In addition, the Kirin 9000S chip also has excellent artificial intelligence processing capabilities, which can support a variety of intelligent applications and services. This breakthrough means that despite the suppression of sanctions, China's semiconductor industry is still developing and has achieved improved its ability to develop independently.

Reverse "limiting"? In response to Mongolia's 31 million tons of rare earths, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences officially spoke

U.S. restrictions and China's response

Reverse "limiting"? In response to Mongolia's 31 million tons of rare earths, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences officially spoke

The United States has been trying to limit China's development in the semiconductor field through a series of restrictions. The measures include banning U.S. companies from supplying advanced chip technology to China and imposing sanctions on Chinese tech companies. However, the Chinese government and tech companies have been looking for alternatives to bridge this gap.

Reverse "limiting"? In response to Mongolia's 31 million tons of rare earths, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences officially spoke

The return of Huawei's Kirin 9000S chip is a clear example of China's search for alternative resources. In the face of US sanctions, Huawei has increased investment in independent research and development of chips and has made significant progress. This will not only help maintain Huawei's competitiveness in the smartphone market, but also help improve China's independent research and development capabilities in the semiconductor field.

Reverse "limiting"? In response to Mongolia's 31 million tons of rare earths, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences officially spoke

The criticality of rare earth resources

In addition to the semiconductor field, rare earth resources are also another key area for China's scientific and technological development. Rare earth elements play an indispensable role in modern technology and industry, including electronic equipment, green energy technology and defense equipment. China has the world's richest rare earth resources, accounting for almost 80% of global rare earth production.

This advantage makes China the dominant player in the global rare earth resource market. In recent years, however, the United States and other Western countries have been trying to reduce their dependence on China's rare earths and find alternative resources. Although some countries have begun to invest more in the development of rare earth resources, they face huge technical challenges. China is leading in high-end rare earth refining technology, which makes it difficult to replace China's rare earth resources.

The challenge of technical bottlenecks

Although the United States has been looking for alternative resources, technical bottlenecks remain a serious challenge. The refining and processing of rare earth elements is a complex project that requires advanced technology and equipment. China's technological strength in this area is far ahead of other countries, which makes China's rare earth resources difficult to replace. In addition, the supply chain of rare earth resources is also very complex, involving multiple links, including mining, refining, processing and production, each of which requires highly specialized technical support. Therefore, to achieve the replacement of China's rare earth resources, many technical challenges need to be overcome.

American deterrence is no longer effective

The United States has been trying to limit China's scientific and technological development through deterrence, but as China's scientific and technological power continues to grow, these means are no longer effective. China has the ability to produce independent high-end chips, and the monopoly position of rare earth resources has not been shaken. Chinese technology companies are showing increasing competitiveness in the international market, attracting global investment and cooperation.


China's scientific and technological development has been booming, whether in the field of semiconductors or rare earth resources, China has made remarkable progress. The return of Huawei's Kirin 9000S chip marks the improvement of China's independent research and development capabilities in the semiconductor field, and China's advantages in rare earth resources will continue to support the development of the domestic technology industry. Despite facing sanctions and competition from the United States and other countries, China's scientific and technological strength continues to grow, injecting new vitality into global scientific and technological innovation and development.

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