
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng divorced, and slaughtered a day's hot search list when the news was officially announced yesterday.

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Yesterday morning, when I brushed that a blogger released this melon, Sven was quite disdainful, feeling that it was probably the moment when there was no melon to put in the internal entertainment and could only be blind, and there was no need to eat fake melons.

What I never expected was that the parties directly came out to claim their melons, and also released the news of divorce at the same time, seeing that they had long been ready for an official announcement ↓↓

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

The text is the same, and they said that after careful consideration and deliberation, they decided to dissolve the marriage, but they will still raise and accompany their children together as relatives in the future.

And also said that they have lived happily in the eight years together, this time choosing to separate does not mean disappointment or betrayal, but a joint decision of two adults, and will not respond to the divorce after that, I hope everyone understands.

The implication: There is no cheating and no third party, the two of us broke up peacefully, don't guess blindly by melon-eating netizens, thank you for your cooperation ↓↓

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

To be honest, Sven Zhen's heart was particularly calm when he saw their divorce statement, on the one hand, because their expression seemed to be really emotionally stable, making people feel that their divorce was a little unexpected but reasonable.

Although they have adapted to the picture of Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng openly sprinkling sugar to show affection and play model families over the years, this suddenly left is a little caught off guard. But after all, compared to their divorce, it was really explosive when the news of their marriage was first brushed.

Thinking that the heroine of the melon field is Zhang Ziyi, it is quite reasonable.

Originally, when the whole network was opposed, regardless of the controversy, they had to be together in a high profile, and now they broke up neatly when they were basically blessed, and who saw it could not sigh: it is worthy of her, the real rebellious Shuangwen heroine set into reality.

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

The parties are so open and guided, this time there are not many netizens who have to go to the bottom of the way to find evidence of the breakdown of their relationship (at least I haven't seen any reliable statements yet), and more are raising their hands to support their divorce.

Among them, the happiest is probably Zhang Ziyi's fans, yesterday can be called the "brightest moment" of her pollen.

Zhang Ziyi: My sister is divorced~

Career fan: Good to leave! Sister, go film, shoot it 108!! ↓↓

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Some melon-eating netizens also rushed to bless, saying that they couldn't believe how cheerful Zhang Ziyi's fans would be at the moment, and they also took a wave of joy by the way, hoping that their sister could also divorce as soon as possible ↓↓

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

As for this high-frequency "Sauce Garden Lane", it is the first film work that Zhang Ziyi officially came back from after divorce, adapted from the "Sauce Garden Lane Murder Case", one of the four strange cases of the Republic of China, which tells the story of a butcher who cheated on prostitution, gambled and beat his wife, and finally was murdered and divided by his wife.

According to relevant reports, the film directed by Chen Kexin will start next month, starring Zhang Ziyi and Lei Jiayin.

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

And according to the previous news on the Internet, the screenwriters of "Sauce Garden Lane" are Shi Zero, Jiang Feng and Shang Yang, and the configuration in all aspects looks quite cattle.

Especially just in time for Zhang Ziyi's official divorce, this movie of murdering her husband and revenge is more like a layer of buff, making netizens' expectations soar.

Just like the blockbuster revenge drama "Dark Glory" that Song Huiqiao took over after her divorce, the enthusiasm of netizens for eating melons also began to burn.

Of course, the main thing is to expect Zhang Ziyi to return to the previous state of ruthlessly engaging in his career and return to the film industry to kill all sides.

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Some netizens even turned out this picture back then, saying that the name of this picture is "Divorce" (because the three people in the picture have been divorced hhh in recent years

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

The joy of Zhang Ziyi's career fans is even more overflowing, and there is happiness between the lines.

They said that Zhang Ziyi was promoted to a middle-aged official to become rich and "die" her husband, and I felt that it was cool ↓↓ when I thought about it

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

And just like some fans counted, Zhang Ziyi's best roles over the years have mostly killed men or dead husbands, and now she has experienced the only way for every successful woman - divorce, which just adds a life experience to her as an experiential actor.

Career fan: If a divorce can be exchanged for a wonderful performance that may go down in film history and blood splattered five steps, then her marriage is worth it ↓↓

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

On the other hand, on Wang Feng's side, there are many people who have fun, and looking for fun has a kind of beauty that does not care about Wang Feng's life and death.

First, a wave of netizens congratulated Wang Feng in the comment area on finally grabbing the headlines on his own this time, although the bad news was on the headlines by divorcing Zhang Ziyi ↓↓ (Mr. Wang Feng's headline rotten terrier never goes out of style, belongs to yes

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

A wave of netizens pinched their fingers, thinking that this was already Wang Feng's fourth divorce, stamped him as a "divorce blogger", directly wished him a better and better next wedding, and tried to put him and the well-known marriage Internet celebrity blogger Han Anran next door into a "eight divorced family"... ↓↓

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

The most outrageous thing is that Han Anran even responded to this outrageous Lalang, saying that Wang Feng is about the same age as her father, too old-fashioned, can't like it a little, and said that he won't have a fourth divorce certificate ↓↓ (hmm... I vaguely remember that she also said this when she first divorced, don't say too much

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Some netizens belong to 2G net surfers, and when they saw the news of divorce and the above fun, they reacted and said in shock: Wang Feng is divorced for the fourth time?? Who did you go with the first three times?? No wonder that when Zhang Ziyi wanted to marry him, so many people objected, and he was married to a third-married man...

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Because I saw that a paparazzi broke the news that his daughter returned to Wang Feng, and his son returned to Zhang Ziyi ↓↓

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

2G netizens: He and Zhang Ziyi actually had two children? Isn't it just a daughter in the impression, when was the son born???

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

The youngest son was born in 2020, and not many people may have cared at that time, but Wang Feng also publicly released their group photo ↓↓

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

As for Wang Feng's first three marriages, it is also one of the key contents of this wave of netizens eating melon archaeology, and many netizens have also made a detailed inventory, strictly speaking, it should be four marriages and three divorces, because I have not received a certificate with Ge Xingjie.

But four children and three mothers are true, each paragraph is very exciting, and it is difficult to evaluate.

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen
Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

The eldest daughter Little Apple was born to Wang Feng and supermodel Ge Xingjie, and netizens who ate their melons should still have a little impression, as soon as the name is mentioned, you can think of the age difference between their 16 years old, and after the breakup, Ge Xingjie repeatedly named Wang Feng for being unfaithful and even tearing Wang Feng Zhang Ziyi's various famous scenes.

Later, probably because of Ge Xingjie's suspected drug use, netizens' attention to them gradually shifted to their love for Little Apple, feeling that the parents looked unreliable one by one.

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

This time, Wang Feng Zhang Ziyi divorced, and netizens who watched the excitement ran to Ge Xingjie's live broadcast room to deliver good news.

Although many years have passed since the relationship with Ge Xingjie, Ge Xingjie was also very happy to respond to the curiosity of netizens, not only saying that "Sister Ziyi has finally opened her eyes", but also broadcast a song "Beer Shuang" ↓↓ in the original location of the live broadcast room ↓↓ (The smile of the ex-wife sister really can't hide a little hahahaha.)

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

However, she also said that Wang Feng's divorce is already very painless for her, after all, he is always seamless, and she has not yet scolded him for starting the next one, but thank him for taking good care of the child, they can't control their affairs, the child doesn't suffer.

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Wang Feng's second daughter was born to him and Kang Zuoru. We don't know when they got married, and when we knew that there was this marriage, it was already Wang Feng's unilateral official divorce.

And Kang Zuoru's ex-wife's name was still her response in a self-revealing way, and hammered Wang Feng to be "unfaithful" and was only learned by netizens when she was still breastfeeding when she proposed divorce.

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Some netizens who lack virtue even want to give Wang Feng and Wang Feila Lang, Faye Wong: Thank you for the invitation, don't miss ↓↓

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

The third daughter woke up and the youngest son was born with Zhang Ziyi, this marriage is super high-profile, and everyone is familiar with it.

Since the beginning of their relationship, they have followed a high-profile mode, such as Wang Feng's passionate confession for eight minutes at a concert.

The text version is shallow to reminisce, now look at this paragraph is a little embarrassed, love words are only the moment when they are said the most sincere ↓↓

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Wang Feng's proposal scene with a drone to send a big diamond ring was also out of the circle that year, although Zhang Ziyi's family seemed to have strongly opposed it at that time, but obviously the opposition failed, Zhang Ziyi was in love at that time, very much eating Wang Feng's set, or carrying the certificate secretly obtained by the family ↓↓

A hot knowledge: The "first marriage to Peking University talent" mentioned by Zhang Ziyi's brother is the "Fangxin arsonist" Sa Bening, who is Zhang Ziyi's ex-boyfriend.

For netizens who have only recently eaten melons in this sea, it is difficult to say that Zhang Ziyi has talked to Sabine, and Zhang Ziyi married a three-married woman with a bad reputation, and used to be a stepmother to other people's children, which of these two things is more explosive... (I don't mean to look down on the second and third marriages or rolling people with babies, but that's Zhang Ziyi, the queen of the big movie!)

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Although Zhang Ziyi has talked about many boyfriends, this divorce even brought her ex-boyfriend Huo Qishan many years ago to the hot search, with the picture is still 27-year-old Zhang Ziyi and 23-year-old Huo Qishan dating in Hong Kong in 2006 and then kissing in front of the camera.

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Who is 2023 is still snorting, this pair ah I don't say, shallow shed a little tears of the times ↓↓

Wang Feng at this moment: You really don't care if I live or die, right? (Support)

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

However, everyone plays terriers and plays terriers, not so much that they do not bless Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's marriage, and wish they divorced early, but that Zhang Ziyi's career fans still accounted for the majority after all.

For most Zhang Ziyi's fans or career fans, Zhang Ziyi is Yujiaolong in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", Meng Xiaodong in "Mei Lanfang", Shang Qinqin in "The Favorite", Mr. Gong Er in "A Generation of Grandmasters", and Wang Minjia in "No Question Xidong", which can be anything on the big screen.

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

Even after getting married, Zhang Ziyi changed her previous style, especially after becoming a mother, the whole person softened a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye, allowing the audience to see the motherly side of her.

But it is hard to deny that compared with a good mother and wife with a husband and godson, fans will still look forward to her career in domestic entertainment with bold ambitions.

Such a flamboyant ambition is rarely placed in the current internal entertainment film and television industry, so it is even more precious, not to mention, she is still a rare type of strength that can match ambition in Dahua.

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

As for Wang Feng, who has always been labeled as a "scumbag", we are not experienced in private life, it is difficult to comment objectively, and what kind of person he is in private is only known by those who have lived with him.

But he has actually been a little spoiled by the rotten terrier over the years, and the first is the "curse" that "every time he posts a song, there must be a big melon" that cannot be on the hot search.

At first, everyone still ridiculed him for always almost singing luck, obviously he was serious about making music, but he was always robbed of the limelight by some traffic stars.

But this terrier really no one cares about his music when he plays, and more treats him as a symbolic fun, so that he, a rebellious rock musician who has criticized these entertainment culture and commercial culture in songs, has gradually been shaped by the Internet into a symbol representative of entertainment culture, which is also quite emotional.

Zhang Ziyi: 44 years old when she returned, she became the heroine of Shuangwen

At this point, for their eight-year marriage, we as bystanders actually do not have much praise to judge right or wrong, as they wrote in the official announcement copy, the joys and sorrows of life are not simple judgments of right and wrong.

Choosing to divorce is not necessarily because of who cheated and who failed whom, or it may simply not love, as part of the life experience, each other does not regret having this experience.

After all, it is not easy for adults to end up decently when they are not in love, so bless the future, look forward to witnessing Mr. Wang Feng's fifth marriage as soon as possible (no), and look forward to seeing Zhang Ziyi on the screen as soon as possible~