
Li Qiming, who shouted that my father was Li Gang 13 years ago, was abandoned by his father after being released from prison

author:Ups and downs are entertaining

The arrogance and tragedy behind "My Dad is Li Gang"

When it comes to the rich second generation in the entertainment industry, I believe everyone is no stranger, and the phrase "My father is Li Gang" is even more emotional.

Parents are their first teachers, and good education and care can produce excellent children, otherwise it may cause irreparable tragedy.

Li Qiming, who shouted that my father was Li Gang 13 years ago, was abandoned by his father after being released from prison

Li Qiming's upbringing

Li Qiming was born into a wealthy family, and his father, Li Gang, was the deputy director of the local public security bureau, and he had a successful career but neglected to educate his son.

Li Gang was busy with career development and could not accompany his son to grow up, so he could only hand over Li Qiming to his grandparents to raise.

Under the doting of his elders, Li Qiming developed a self-centered, indulgent and domineering personality, feeling that he could do whatever he wanted.

Li Qiming, who shouted that my father was Li Gang 13 years ago, was abandoned by his father after being released from prison

Li Gang is dedicated to pursuing his career, and he can't care about his son's life, and he doesn't know how Li Qiming is doing in school.

Li Qiming often beat and scolded his classmates and even disrespected his teachers, but Li Gang never severely criticized him for this.

In the face of criticism from teachers, Li Gang not only did not support school education, but excused his son by saying that he did not need teacher guidance.

Such educational mistakes made Li Qiming unscrupulous, and he knew that with his father's backing, he could do whatever he wanted.

At school, Li Qiming often bullied his classmates and beat people at every turn.

Li Qiming, who shouted that my father was Li Gang 13 years ago, was abandoned by his father after being released from prison

He didn't read and had the bottom grades, but the teacher didn't dare to really discipline him.

His classmates called him "Little Bully", and he triumphantly accepted the title.

After a semester, Li Qiming was full of bad deeds, but every time Li Gang spoke behind his back, he could be punished without punishment.

Li Qiming's bad track record on campus

After Li Qiming entered junior high school, his bad deeds became more and more serious.

Not only did he often punch his classmates out of anger, but he even openly ignored the authority of his teachers.

Once, the Chinese teacher criticized Li Qiming for not learning and not having skills because he slept in class.

Li Qiming immediately jumped like a thunderbolt and angrily scolded the teacher: "How old are you, dare to say that I don't learn and have no skills."

Li Qiming, who shouted that my father was Li Gang 13 years ago, was abandoned by his father after being released from prison

The teacher was furious and sent him to the office to be disciplined.

But Li Qiming immediately dialed his father's phone and said that the teacher was unreasonable to find fault.

Li Gang immediately called the school, claiming that his son was right and asking the school to cancel the sanction, otherwise he would embarrass the teacher.

The school had to pressure the teacher and gave Li Qiming only a verbal warning.

Since then, Li Qiming has been even more lawless.

Whenever the teacher criticized him, he put on an arrogant look and said: "My father is Li Gang, what is the use of you saying two sentences about me!" ”

Li Qiming, who shouted that my father was Li Gang 13 years ago, was abandoned by his father after being released from prison

The classmates were also too scared to provoke him, and some people started beating people when they were slightly dissatisfied with him.

Li Gang never stopped his son's actions, nor did he teach him to correct them, making his bad deeds notorious on campus.

Li Qiming hit someone after drinking and driving

In college, Li Qiming often hung out with a group of rich second-generation fox and dog friends, drinking and racing all day.

One day in April 2010, Li Qiming and his friends stayed up all night drinking and partying.

In the wee hours of the morning, he was drunk and unconscious, and he got into a luxury car and sped through the campus gate.

Li Qiming, who shouted that my father was Li Gang 13 years ago, was abandoned by his father after being released from prison

Due to the blurred vision, Li Qiming quickly lost control and bumped into two female college students.

One of the girls died instantly, while the other was seriously injured.

The onlookers called the police, Li Qiming was still calm and relaxed, and said to the police, "My father is Li Gang, can you help me?" "He still wants to use his fatherhood to get out.

This time, Li Qiming hit and killed someone, the situation was serious, and it was no longer Li Gang who could save it.

Under the pressure of public opinion, Li Gang had to apologize publicly, but this could not save the female student's life.

People like Li Qiming must be severely punished and punished by the law.

Li Qiming was punished by law

The accident sparked public condemnation of Li Qiming.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the court sentenced Li Qiming to six years in prison. Six years passed quickly, and Li Qiming was released from prison after completing his sentence, but no one came to pick him up, because Li Gang had already severed relations with him.

Li Qiming, who shouted that my father was Li Gang 13 years ago, was abandoned by his father after being released from prison

After being released from prison, Li Qiming had to fend for himself. He tried various jobs and finally became a wall scraper.

The change from a rich boy to a wall scraper hit him hard, but it was also the result of his own fault.

Today, Li Qiming has not said much, but he repented too late.

Parents are children's first teachers, and what kind of evil consequences can be caused by misunderstandings in education, Li Qiming is the best example.

Li Qiming, who shouted that my father was Li Gang 13 years ago, was abandoned by his father after being released from prison

As a father, Li Gang should have given his children the right guidance, but he blindly doted and indulged, which eventually led to tragedy.

"My dad is Li Gang" used to be Li Qiming's arrogant capital, and now it reminds people of the importance of tutoring.

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