
Stir-fry cabbage, avoid blanching water and direct stir-frying, remember these 2 points, the taste is crisp and delicious, no strange taste

author:Wenqi kitchenette

Stir-fry cabbage, avoid blanching water and direct stir-frying, remember these 2 points, the taste is crisp and delicious, no strange taste

Cabbage, kohlrabi, kale, these names are actually a thing, you can see it in the vegetable market all year round. Cabbage has high nutritional value, rich in vitamin C, folic acid, minerals, dietary fiber, etc., often eaten to promote metabolism, enhance immunity, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis.

Stir-fry cabbage, avoid blanching water and direct stir-frying, remember these 2 points, the taste is crisp and delicious, no strange taste

The price is also cheap, 1 yuan a pound, who can afford this? Even Chinese cabbage is 1.5 yuan, make a hand-torn cabbage, stir-fried cabbage, children's favorite food, but also a rice artifact.

But why do many people stir-fry cabbage taste very strange, and it is not crisp and tasteful?

Stir-fry cabbage, avoid blanching water and direct stir-frying, remember these 2 points, the taste is crisp and delicious, no strange taste

When everyone is stir-frying, do you fry directly in the pot, or blanch the water in advance, and then fry again? Either way, it's wrong, if you want to eat more crispy, more delicious, and have no strange taste, you have to remember these 2 points and take a look together.

Stir-fry cabbage, avoid blanching water and direct stir-frying, remember these 2 points, the taste is crisp and delicious, no strange taste

【Small stir-fried cabbage】

Used: cabbage, garlic, dried chili, light soy sauce, vinegar, oyster sauce, salt, sugar

1. Garlic and dried peppers are ready, minced and cut into sections for later use, and then tear the cabbage into pieces, try not to cut with a knife, I don't know if it is a psychological effect, the taste of hand tearing out is better.

Stir-fry cabbage, avoid blanching water and direct stir-frying, remember these 2 points, the taste is crisp and delicious, no strange taste

2. Put the cabbage in water, wash it, if you have work, it is best to soak it in salt water for 10 minutes, so that it is cleaner and more assured. After the cabbage is washed, we need to drain it completely, the moisture on the surface, it is best to dry it with kitchen paper, so that there is no moisture, and the pan is fried more crispy and tastes better, which is the first trick.

Stir-fry cabbage, avoid blanching water and direct stir-frying, remember these 2 points, the taste is crisp and delicious, no strange taste

3. Pour oil into the pot, after heating, pour garlic and dried chili into it, stir-fry the aroma, pour the cabbage into it and stir-fry. When stir-frying, be sure to stir-fry over high heat, so that it can be out of the pan in a short time, and the taste is more crispy and tender, which is the second trick.

Stir-fry cabbage, avoid blanching water and direct stir-frying, remember these 2 points, the taste is crisp and delicious, no strange taste

4. After stir-frying until soft, then seasoning, seasoning, add 3 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of vinegar, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, a little salt, half a spoon of white sugar, or adjust according to personal taste, after adding it, continue to stir-fry a few times, so that the seasoning is fully grilled on the cabbage, so that it can be out of the pot.

Stir-fry cabbage, avoid blanching water and direct stir-frying, remember these 2 points, the taste is crisp and delicious, no strange taste

The cabbage stir-fried, sour and crispy, especially rice, is a very good meal, when there is no appetite, just stir-fry this dish to eat, 2 yuan can fry a large plate, adults and children love to eat.

Stir-fry cabbage, avoid blanching water and direct stir-frying, remember these 2 points, the taste is crisp and delicious, no strange taste