
Theshy said in an interview that he could win the championship in 18 years because he was not burdened, and now he is under a lot of pressure

Theshy said in an interview that he could win the championship in 18 years because he was not burdened, and now he is under a lot of pressure

The recent news about the esports circle is a lot of people talking, during this time the S13 World Championship is in full swing, all the major teams want to get good results, but the final championship is only one team, for these teams, they have to play step by step, a little careless can go straight home.

Theshy said in an interview that he could win the championship in 18 years because he was not burdened, and now he is under a lot of pressure

For example, we see that this year's S13 World Championship is obvious, never underestimate the enemy, we see that in the Swiss round, the WBG team is the most worrying team, they played well in the Swiss round, the first round was very smooth, but the second round was turned over by G2, and the economic lead of nearly 10,000 was really uncomfortable.

Theshy said in an interview that he could win the championship in 18 years because he was not burdened, and now he is under a lot of pressure

So, no matter which team you meet, you can't underestimate the enemy, of course, you can't be unconfident, but then they lost to KT and directly pushed them to the edge of the cliff, and after this match, many players were also interviewed and expressed their thoughts in the interview, so a lot of content was moving.

Theshy said in an interview that he could win the championship in 18 years because he was not burdened, and now he is under a lot of pressure

For example, Theshy said from the bottom of his heart in an interview, he expressed the reason why he could win the championship in 18 years, because there was no burden, and also said that the current situation, that is, the pressure is very high, when the reporter asked him: In the past few years, you have decided to learn to grow and change?

Theshy said in an interview that he could win the championship in 18 years because he was not burdened, and now he is under a lot of pressure

Theshy thought for a while and replied: In the year when iG won the championship in 18, I didn't play games with too many ideas, and now when I play for WBG, I will play games with a sense of burden and communicate with my teammates more! Indeed, he used to be unknown, and in 18 years, he was already very good at reaching the final four, and he didn't think much about it.

Theshy said in an interview that he could win the championship in 18 years because he was not burdened, and now he is under a lot of pressure

And now don't talk about the top four, even if you get the runner-up, you will be sprayed, because we have won the championship 3 times, in the eyes of everyone, this year's championship must also be won, otherwise it is a stunned meal, everyone only likes the championship, not really like e-sports, which is what many people feel.

Theshy said in an interview that he could win the championship in 18 years because he was not burdened, and now he is under a lot of pressure

Of course, no matter what results WBG finally gets this year, the editor will always support theshy, in the entire e-sports circle, there is no scandal, no wood, no negative news outside the game, no rhythm, such players in addition to faker, there is only theshy, do you have anything to complain about?

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