
Remembering Premier Li Keqiang!

author:Fresh and energetic sunshine

When I first heard the name Li Keqiang, I saw it on TV when he became premier.

Remembering Premier Li Keqiang!

Since then, chatting with people, I always hear people say that he has made a lot of contributions to Henan, and I am very grateful to him. I was very curious and wanted to find out. Only then did I know that Premier Li Keqiang began to work in Henan in June 1998 and successively served as governor and secretary of the provincial party committee, working for seven years in this large province where the economy was at the "bottom of the pot" of the country at that time. Only then did I know that he proposed the "three modernizations" path of "accelerating industrialization and urbanization and promoting agricultural modernization". Only then did he formally put forward the idea of "the rise of the Central Plains" and implement it, which set the tone for Henan's later development and became the theoretical and practical basis for the country's later formulation and introduction of the strategy of the rise of the central region. Only then did I know that the strategic measures for the construction of the Zhengbianluo Industrial Corridor were proposed, and the construction of the Luoyang advanced manufacturing base was vigorously promoted, and the transformation of the old industrial base was accelerated, which promoted the formation of a number of pillar industries and developed and expanded a number of large enterprise groups and well-known brands. Only then did he open up the space for Henan's industrial development and promote Henan's transformation from a traditional agricultural province to an emerging industrial province, laying a solid foundation. Premier Li Keqiang has played the most important role in Henan's development.

Remembering Premier Li Keqiang!

Today, I was shocked to hear the news of his death, and the beloved Prime Minister went all the way!

Remembering Premier Li Keqiang!

Care for the people and people's livelihood.

You are committed to improving people's lives,

Dear Prime Minister all the way!

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