
My cousin-in-law makes seven or eight hundred a day, and I suspect that he now has at least 500,000 deposits

author:Extraordinary Artist VW

My cousin-in-law's experience of making money is eye-catching. He cleverly bought a tram for Didi, a wise choice because the tram is both environmentally friendly and money-saving. Every day, he starts taking orders from six in the morning and stays busy until twelve in the evening. Such working hours, although long, were the key to his wealth.

My cousin-in-law makes seven or eight hundred a day, and I suspect that he now has at least 500,000 deposits

In order to increase his income, he adopted a variety of strategies. First, he uses five phones to take orders online at the same time, so he can process more orders, which means more revenue. Secondly, he chooses to take orders in busy areas, which can ensure order continuity and reduce waiting times. In addition, he is good at picking long-distance orders, which usually have higher fees, which is also an effective way to increase revenue.

My cousin-in-law makes seven or eight hundred a day, and I suspect that he now has at least 500,000 deposits

At the same time, his cost is relatively low. Every month, he only needs to spend 600 to 800 yuan on charging, which is almost negligible compared to the fuel cost of a traditional car. This not only saves him money, but also helps protect the environment and reduce emissions.

My cousin-in-law makes seven or eight hundred a day, and I suspect that he now has at least 500,000 deposits

Despite his hard work, he saves at least 20,000 yuan a month. This number is already quite considerable for an ordinary person. People in the village knew he could make money, but some people didn't believe Kaidi could earn such a good income. To these doubters, he can only laugh and say nothing, because facts speak louder than words.

My cousin-in-law makes seven or eight hundred a day, and I suspect that he now has at least 500,000 deposits

The success story of my cousin-in-law not only inspires people, but also triggers more thinking about ride-hailing platforms. With the rise of ride-hailing platforms such as Didi, more and more people are beginning to consider employment opportunities in this field. After all, Didi not only offers flexible working hours, but also generates good income. However, we should also be aware of the challenges and risks. For example, Didi industry competition is fierce, the number of orders is uncertain, and the impact of customer evaluation on drivers. Therefore, choosing to engage in the Didi industry requires rational thinking and comprehensive consideration.

My cousin-in-law makes seven or eight hundred a day, and I suspect that he now has at least 500,000 deposits

In general, my cousin-in-law's experience of making money has given us a lot of inspiration. It teaches us that starting a business doesn't have to be a big project, and sometimes a simple idea can bring unexpected wealth. At the same time, it also reminds us to seize the moment and be good at spotting opportunities. After all, success can only be achieved if you dare to try.

This article recounted my cousin-in-law's experience of earning a good income by Kadi Didi, which left a deep impression on me. First of all, he chose to buy a tram as a tool, which is both environmentally friendly and saves money, which is a wise choice. He started taking orders from 6 a.m. every day and was busy until twelve, and although he worked long hours, it was this perseverance and hard work that made him rich. To boost his income, he resorted to a variety of strategies, such as using five mobile phones to take orders online at the same time, choosing busy areas to take orders, and picking long-distance orders. These strategies help him process more orders and increase his revenue.

Secondly, in terms of cost, driving a tram saves a lot compared to traditional cars. It only costs 600 to 800 yuan per month to charge, which is almost negligible compared to the fuel cost. This not only saves money, but also helps protect the environment and reduce emissions. Despite the hard work, saving at least 20,000 yuan a month is already considerable for most people.

The story of my cousin-in-law's success in making money gives us inspiration and reflection. It teaches us that starting a business doesn't have to be a big project, and sometimes simple ideas can bring unexpected wealth. At the same time, it reminds us to seize the moment and be good at spotting opportunities. The rise of ride-hailing platforms such as Didi has made more and more people start thinking about employment opportunities in this field. However, we should also be aware of the challenges and risks. Fierce competition, uncertain order volumes, and the impact of customer reviews on drivers are all factors that require comprehensive consideration and rational thinking.

In short, my cousin-in-law's success in making money from Didi has given us a lot of inspiration. Through his experience, we have learned that starting a business does not have to be complex and tall projects, and that simple and practical can also be successful. At the same time, the courage to experiment and seize the moment are also necessary qualities for success. But before choosing to engage in the Didi industry, we must also think deeply about the challenges and risks involved, and make rational decisions.