
Explosive title, Brother Coat's son lies down to win life, and his wife launches a counterattack, triggering a marriage crisis!

author:Panpan 0W3o

"What else can you do but rely on your father?" What are you? It revealed the dissatisfaction and helplessness of Brother Dayi's family with his son Zhu Danwei. Since Brother Overcoat became popular, Zhu Danwei has enjoyed the fame and fortune of the family, but he has been lazy, causing his wives to complain. From Chen Yanan to Chen Meng, the changing roles of the two wives in the family caused turmoil in the marriage. Marriage requires the efforts of both parties, and if one party lacks self-motivation, is it doomed to break down?

Explosive title, Brother Coat's son lies down to win life, and his wife launches a counterattack, triggering a marriage crisis!

Brother Dayi's son Zhu Danwei was complained by his family and disliked by his wife Chen Yanan and Chen Meng in every way. The sentence "What else can you do but rely on your father?" What are you? "almost exhausted the dissatisfaction and helplessness of Brother Dayi's family with Zhu Danwei. After he became popular, Brother Dayi's family became a "big celebrity" sought after by the villagers, and behind this unexpected fame and fortune, Zhu Danwei's lazy attitude disappointed his family.

Explosive title, Brother Coat's son lies down to win life, and his wife launches a counterattack, triggering a marriage crisis!

After becoming popular, Zhu Danwei lived the life of a young master who stretched out his hands in clothes and opened his mouth in food, and was indifferent to the scolding of his family and Zhu Zhiwen's education. Brother Dayi once tried to encourage his children to learn to be self-reliant by limiting their pocket money, but Zhu Danwei's lazy attitude made his efforts come to naught. He lies at home all day playing games and watching videos, is not self-motivated in life, and doesn't even want to ask about his marriage, and completely relies on Zhu Zhiwen to handle it.

Explosive title, Brother Coat's son lies down to win life, and his wife launches a counterattack, triggering a marriage crisis!

Chen Yanan is Zhu Danwei's first wife, she is beautiful and kind, and she has expectations for Zhu Danwei. After becoming popular, Zhu Danwei became more lazy, and Chen Yanan began to doubt his motives. After the divorce, Chen Yanan used Zhu Zhiwen's fame to start his own live broadcast business, and quickly accumulated wealth and fame. Chen Meng is Zhu Danwei's current wife, at first she behaved meekly and considerately to maintain her husband's image, but later she also exposed her true face. Chen Meng did not want to rely on the resources of Zhu Zhiwen's family, but hoped to force her husband to change in her own way.

Explosive title, Brother Coat's son lies down to win life, and his wife launches a counterattack, triggering a marriage crisis!

Marriage is a matter for two people, and it takes the joint efforts of both parties to maintain and improve. If one party is lazy and unmotivated, the marriage is destined to face a crisis. Zhu Danwei's lazy attitude made his wives feel disappointed and helpless, and cracks appeared in the marriage. Family fame and fortune are not the factors that guarantee happiness, but the dedication and understanding of both parties can truly strengthen the marriage. Chen Meng's attitude is surprising, she is unwilling to rely on the resources of Zhu Zhiwen's family, but protects her marriage by forcing her husband to change.

Explosive title, Brother Coat's son lies down to win life, and his wife launches a counterattack, triggering a marriage crisis!

Marriage is a complex journey that requires both partners to work together. Zhu Danwei's lazy attitude has triggered a marital crisis, and the dissatisfaction and disappointment of his wives have highlighted the fragility of marriage. Marriage does not depend only on the fame and fortune of the family, but requires real dedication and understanding from both parties. Chen Meng's attitude shows her persistence and hard work in marriage, and she forces her husband to change in her own way to protect the stability of her marriage. Happiness in marriage requires the joint efforts of two people and does not rely solely on external factors. Whether the dilemma in marriage can be overcome and whether Zhu Danwei can be changed is a question that needs to be considered and discussed.

Explosive title, Brother Coat's son lies down to win life, and his wife launches a counterattack, triggering a marriage crisis!

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