
The person who proposes not to burn straw is a spy: he knows the scientific false proposition behind burning straw

author:Watch the world at night

The expert who proposed that the countryside should not be allowed to burn straw has been arrested, and it is rumored that he was a spy who was countered by a national policy, and then we are still chattering about straw burning.

Where there is smoke, the alert tower will notice, and real-time upload information report, the personnel on duty quickly take action, send instructions to the relevant villages, inform the situation, and deal with it quickly, mainly referring to extinguishing the fire and extinguishing the smoke, when the high-tech is used in the ban on burning straw, the response is rapid, the supervision does not leave a dead end, and it is always easy to capture the information, so as to achieve disposal.

But the farmers who farm almost without exception have reflected the attitude towards burning straw, not to burn, but if not to burn, how to deal with it, burning straw and manure is an ancient custom handed down for thousands of years, an important measure to preserve soil fertility, if not burned, the next year will be troublesome.

The person who proposes not to burn straw is a spy: he knows the scientific false proposition behind burning straw

But burning straw everywhere, there will be a sense of wolf smoke everywhere, the scene of smoke billowing is very spectacular, but the ensuing environmental pollution is inevitable, our beautiful environment, blue sky and green water need everyone to participate, the pollution caused by burning straw is the constraint on the blue sky defense war.

When all walks of life play a game of chess, pollution reduction and carbon reduction is the common task of all places, and the most important part of it is to fight the battle of air pollution prevention and control, up to industrial production, down to agricultural cultivation, are in it, the burning of straw after the autumn harvest poses a challenge to this battle, and the ban on straw burning has come into being.

But farmers have something to say: the pollution caused by burning straw is also industrial, the industrial chimneys that are smoking all year round can be opened as usual, why should it be forbidden to burn straw that can be burned in a few days, air pollution is an important national economy and people's livelihood, why point to the burning of straw, which is closely related to agriculture!

The person who proposes not to burn straw is a spy: he knows the scientific false proposition behind burning straw

The importance of agriculture is self-evident, the importance of industry is equally important, but there can be no industrial production, but you can not burn straw, after all, it is not necessary to burn, to win the battle of atmospheric defense, when the industry can not be arbitrarily shut down, if you want to carbon emissions are reasonable, exhaust emissions are in an acceptable range, and the ban on burning straw is one of the few available methods for atmospheric control.

Even those professionals in the field of the environment admit that the drastic changes in the climate are still blamed on production after the industrial revolution, but when they need to provide professional advice, they know that it is inappropriate to rashly propose the closure of the industry, then there will always be people who propose the correctness of the ban on straw burning, and then there are all kinds of enforcement orders to ban straw burning, some places are surprisingly fierce and surprising, and some places change the law of drilling routines are also endless, and more angry high-pressure straw burning has attracted a lot of criticism. Some have contributed to a loss of credibility.

The person who proposes not to burn straw is a spy: he knows the scientific false proposition behind burning straw

The clear blue sky is related to the high-quality development of the economy and society and the health of the people, but if it is only to make a big fuss about agricultural straw burning, it will inevitably bring dissatisfaction with the agricultural group.

The people who are farmers are more concerned about their small days and have a hope, as for burning straw, they just feel that there is no better way, burning it is the most cost-effective, which is sharp enough with the contradiction of air pollution prevention and control, the implementation of those units have no way, only to stop and confiscate treatment, air pollution prevention and control 100 days have become the most important content of a whole winter in many places, irony is that such a battle is not understood at all!

When there is a divergence between the economic level of straw burning and air control, how to deal with it carefully will test the level of local governance!