
The G7 said that "do not change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait by force", and our embassy: If anyone offends me, I will offend others

author:Smile and love tomatoes

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Tensions in the Asia-Pacific region are rising, and the G7 foreign ministers and the European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy recently issued an infuriating statement on the Taiwan Strait issue, full of bandit logic, raising questions about their true motives. The incident provoked a strong response from China, sending several key messages that show that China is determined to defend its national sovereignty and the great cause of reunification.

First, a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in the EU strongly condemned the statement, calling it a model of "evil and shamelessness". He pointed out that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, which is the broad consensus of the international community and the political foundation for the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and other countries. The number of countries that have established diplomatic relations with Chinese mainland far exceeds the number of countries that have established diplomatic relations with the Taiwan region, which clearly reflects the international community's firm support for the one-China policy. Therefore, the great cause of China's reunification is a historical necessity and enjoys extensive international support, and no external forces should interfere with it.

The G7 said that "do not change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait by force", and our embassy: If anyone offends me, I will offend others

Second, the spokesperson of the Chinese embassy in the European Union pointed out that the inconsistency between the words and deeds of the United States on the Taiwan issue not only violates President Biden's commitments, but also sends the wrong signal to the Taiwan authorities to encourage them to promote "Taiwan independence" activities. In fact, the provocative actions of the United States are the root cause of the escalation of tensions in the Taiwan Strait, and the blame is groundless to place the blame on Chinese mainland. This should cause the international community to ponder deeply.

Finally, the spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the EU made it clear that China will resolutely defend national sovereignty and the great cause of reunification. He warned that any attempt to undermine China's reunification would be met with resolute countermeasures. In the face of challenges from Western countries, China will take necessary measures to defend its core interests.

The G7 said that "do not change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait by force", and our embassy: If anyone offends me, I will offend others

This series of responses shows that China's position on the Taiwan Strait issue is unwavering, resolutely opposes external interference, and safeguards national sovereignty and territorial integrity. At the same time, China also calls on the international community to view the Taiwan Strait issue rationally, not to be misled, and to look at the facts rationally and fairly, so as to maintain regional peace and stability. The tense situation in the Taiwan Strait requires the joint efforts of all parties to avoid further escalation and maintain regional peace and stability.

In response to this statement, China's response expressed a firm and principled position, while also revealing strong concerns about Western forces on the Taiwan Strait issue. As a matter of fact, the Taiwan Strait issue has always been the focus of international attention, because it involves regional security and peace and stability, and also has a far-reaching impact on the international landscape.

The G7 said that "do not change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait by force", and our embassy: If anyone offends me, I will offend others

First of all, China firmly advocates the one-China policy, which has been recognized and supported by the vast majority of countries. However, from time to time, Western countries try to break the persistence of this policy and create division and chaos. China has a clear position and resolutely opposes interference by external forces and safeguards national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Second, the double standards of the United States are particularly evident on the Taiwan Strait issue. Although the US president has promised not to support "Taiwan independence," his actions are often contrary to this. Such inconsistencies not only undermine the international credibility of the United States, but also endanger regional peace and stability. Western countries should reflect on their policies and avoid further escalating tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

The G7 said that "do not change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait by force", and our embassy: If anyone offends me, I will offend others

Finally, China's response also conveys a firm determination that China will take all necessary measures to defend its national interests and security. This message should alert Western countries not to underestimate China's determination and strength. China has a solid defense capability and is capable of defending the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Overall, the Taiwan Strait issue is a complex regional security challenge, which requires all parties to remain calm and exercise restraint and refrain from taking actions that aggravate the situation. China's response clarified China's principled position and called on the international community to look at the issue rationally and avoid internationalizing the Taiwan Strait issue. Only through dialogue and diplomatic means can we find a feasible way to resolve the Taiwan Strait issue and maintain regional peace and stability. Western countries should heed this call and work together to maintain regional peace and stability, instead of creating division and chaos.

The G7 said that "do not change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait by force", and our embassy: If anyone offends me, I will offend others


The above article deals with the statements of the G7 and the European Union on the Taiwan issue and China's reaction. There are some important lessons to be drawn from this, which are of great significance for the understanding of international politics and international relations.

First of all, this article emphasizes that the great cause of reunification is a historical inevitability. China regards Taiwan as an integral part of it, and this view is widely supported in the international community. This reminds us of the crucial importance of the principle of national sovereignty and territorial integrity in international relations. The international community generally recognizes the territorial integrity of States and does not tolerate interference by external forces in the internal affairs of other States, which is the basis for maintaining peace and stability.

Second, the article points out that meddling in the Taiwan Strait issue is tantamount to infringing on China's sovereignty. This view shows that the issue of interference in sovereignty in international relations is very sensitive. State sovereignty is at the heart of international law and the international order and should not be lightly touched. Interference by external forces in the internal affairs of other countries can lead to tensions and conflicts, so respect for national sovereignty is key to maintaining peace.

In addition, the article stresses the need to take a stern attitude towards Western conspiracies. This reminds us of the need to be vigilant against potential threats from external forces in international relations. The state needs to take appropriate measures to address the potential challenges and ensure the security and stability of the country. This also reflects the inevitability of competition and conflict in international relations, and the need for countries to have strong defense and diplomatic means to safeguard their interests.


The article touches on the statements of the G7 and the EU on Taiwan and China's reaction. From this we can draw some key takeaways, highlighting some important principles and realities in international relations.

First, the international community widely recognizes that the territorial integrity and sovereignty of States are of paramount importance. China regards Taiwan as an integral part of it, a view supported by the majority of countries. This reflects the principle of national sovereignty in international relations as the basis for the maintenance of peace and stability.

Secondly, the issue of interference in sovereignty in international relations is very sensitive. State sovereignty is at the core of international law and the international order, and interference in the internal affairs of other countries by external forces is not tolerated. Respect for national sovereignty is the key to maintaining peace.

In addition, international relations need to be vigilant against potential threats from external forces. The state needs to take appropriate measures to address the potential challenges and ensure the security and stability of the country. This also reflects the inevitability of competition and conflict in international relations, and the need for countries to have strong defense and diplomatic means to safeguard their interests.

In summary, this article provides enlightenment about some key principles in international relations. In international relations, it is very important to respect national sovereignty, safeguard national territorial integrity, and be vigilant against potential threats. Peace and stability can be achieved in the international community only if these principles are respected.

The above content information is from the Internet, relevant data, and theoretical research on the Internet information, which does not mean that the author of this article agrees with the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information. The author of this article does not assume any direct or indirect legal responsibility for any of the above or related issues.