
The crotch of his pants refers to the camera, kneeling down to the pig to eat pig food, the word "playing hooligan", when will the live broadcast of Internet celebrities and vulgarity stop

author:Happy piano nGs

In today's society, the rapid development of the live broadcast industry has attracted widespread attention, especially some Internet celebrity anchors have frequently appeared on hot searches because of their unusual live broadcast content. However, recently, a live broadcast incident involving the traffic light of Xiao Yang, an Internet celebrity with goods, and his apprentice Huang has aroused heated public discussions about the content of the live broadcast and the bottom line of morality.

The crotch of his pants refers to the camera, kneeling down to the pig to eat pig food, the word "playing hooligan", when will the live broadcast of Internet celebrities and vulgarity stop

The incident started with a seemingly ordinary live sale. Brother Xiao Yang and Huang of the traffic light should have focused on promoting cosmetics, but the live broadcast was unusual. The traffic light yellow has messy hair and strange behavior, and what is puzzling is that she even boldly took off her coat in front of the camera and climbed onto the live broadcast table, and the ensuing behavior is even more jaw-dropping. This not only made many viewers feel uncomfortable, but also raised questions about the quality of content in the live streaming industry.

The crotch of his pants refers to the camera, kneeling down to the pig to eat pig food, the word "playing hooligan", when will the live broadcast of Internet celebrities and vulgarity stop
The crotch of his pants refers to the camera, kneeling down to the pig to eat pig food, the word "playing hooligan", when will the live broadcast of Internet celebrities and vulgarity stop

Live broadcast is a platform to interact with the audience and promote goods, but this kind of content that goes beyond the bottom line makes people question: is this a live broadcast with goods, or a "vulgar entertainment" scene? More netizens are worried, does such a live broadcast mark the degradation of the morality of some Internet celebrities and the distortion of human nature?

The crotch of his pants refers to the camera, kneeling down to the pig to eat pig food, the word "playing hooligan", when will the live broadcast of Internet celebrities and vulgarity stop

At the same time, Brother Xiao Yang, as a well-known anchor, turned a blind eye to this series of behaviors, and even smiled, which undoubtedly exacerbated the public's dissatisfaction and doubts about his professional ethics. In fact, this is not the first time that Huang of the traffic light has had a controversial performance in the live broadcast, she has been criticized for her vulgar performance before, but Brother Xiao Yang acquiesced to it, which makes people wonder if their purpose is really to bring goods, or just to win eyeballs?

The crotch of his pants refers to the camera, kneeling down to the pig to eat pig food, the word "playing hooligan", when will the live broadcast of Internet celebrities and vulgarity stop

Not only that, but this phenomenon in the live streaming industry is not an isolated case. Another female anchor, "Qi'er", also sparked controversy because of her extreme live broadcast content. She actually knelt in the pigsty during the live broadcast and even grabbed pig food, and her audience was not only shocked, but also deeply disgusted and disturbed by her behavior. Such content is tantamount to a challenge to the audience's emotional and moral bottom line.

The crotch of his pants refers to the camera, kneeling down to the pig to eat pig food, the word "playing hooligan", when will the live broadcast of Internet celebrities and vulgarity stop

What's more, some Internet celebrities not only show vulgar behavior in live broadcasts, but also appear abusive, sexually suggestive and other undesirable content. For example, Internet celebrity Simba, his words are rude and he insults others unscrupulously in live broadcasts, which makes people question his character and professional ethics. This kind of disregard for the moral bottom line not only hurts the feelings of the audience, but also destroys the image of the entire live broadcast industry.

The crotch of his pants refers to the camera, kneeling down to the pig to eat pig food, the word "playing hooligan", when will the live broadcast of Internet celebrities and vulgarity stop

On the big stage of live streaming, there are many more similar vulgar performances being staged. Internet celebrities Bo Ge and Sister Li's live broadcast content was full of sexual innuendo, and the audience felt very uncomfortable and indignant about it. This kind of live broadcast content makes people wonder: Is this the "innovation" pursued by online anchors? Is such "entertainment" really worth advocating?

The crotch of his pants refers to the camera, kneeling down to the pig to eat pig food, the word "playing hooligan", when will the live broadcast of Internet celebrities and vulgarity stop

For the audience, they need healthy, positive, and valuable content, not these vulgar, low-grade so-called "entertainment". These vulgar live broadcasts not only corrupt the social atmosphere, but also make the entire live broadcast industry worse and face a crisis of credibility.

The crotch of his pants refers to the camera, kneeling down to the pig to eat pig food, the word "playing hooligan", when will the live broadcast of Internet celebrities and vulgarity stop

When we click through to these rooms again, should we ponder: do we really need such content? Is this kind of live broadcast really what we want to support and encourage? While pursuing the eyeball economy, have we also lost our basic moral bottom line and sense of social responsibility as human beings? Let's look forward to the day when we turn on the live broadcast again, the screen will be full of content that benefits people's hearts and is full of positive energy. And those vulgar content will be eliminated by our common strength. #Second Pen Blossom Creation Challenge##Challenge 30 Days to Write a Diary in Toutiao##Autumn Check-in Creation Season#

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