
What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

author:Boss Gaiden
What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

To this day, the disappearance of MH370 remains a perplexing and heartbreaking mystery, and speculation continues to surround the cause of the disappearance of MH370.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

One piece of news is very striking. French journalists have suggested that the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370 is likely to be related to two military exercises conducted that day.

Immediately afterwards, the French journalist stressed that the signal of the Malaysia Airlines MH370 passenger plane did not disappear suddenly, but gradually disappeared.

This remark seemed to support his speculation, so as soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

Could it be that the United States really did the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370? Why did Malaysia Airlines MH370 go missing? What's the story behind it?

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

"Strange" military exercises

It turned out that the two military exercises in the mouth of the French journalist were codenamed "Sky Tiger" and "Golden Cobra". ”

Among them, the "Sky Tiger" is a large-scale air military exercise in which the United States, Thailand, and Singapore jointly participate.

Coincidentally, the exercise took place shortly before the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines airliner MH370.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

On the day of the disappearance of the MH370 passenger plane, another military exercise "Cobra Gold" was being prepared, and the two were connected in time.

The two exercises have attracted attention and linked them to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines because military exercises often require a large number of electronic and communications equipment that can interfere with the MH370's communications and navigation systems, causing the aircraft to lose contact and the radar signal to disappear.

Some witnesses claimed to have seen the plane catch fire on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370, which is hard not to think of as a U.S. military exercise.

In addition, the disappearance of MH370 has not progressed, so it is highly controversial, and some people speculate that important information must have been concealed, so that the truth remains obscure.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

With the increase in online skepticism, the relevant departments of the Malaysian government said that they would launch further investigations into the Malaysia Airlines incident.

Although there is no evidence to prove that what the French journalist said is true, the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines passenger plane MH370 has undoubtedly touched the hearts of people around the world.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

It now seems that only through the cooperation and sustained efforts of all countries can the cause of the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines plane be truly found.

So, how exactly did the Malaysia Airlines MH370 go missing?

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

Disappearing planes

One day in March 2014, MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur Airport and its final destination was Beijing, with a total of 12 Malaysian crew members on board.

There are also 153 Chinese nationals and 50 Malaysians, as well as Australians, Americans and Russians.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

The aircraft was arguably the most advanced of its time, with a high degree of automation.

Shortly before takeoff, the aircraft has undergone a comprehensive inspection, there are no problems with the performance of the aircraft, it fully meets the airworthiness standards, and the pilot, before the official take-off, also replenishes the cabin oxygen.

At present, everything is normal after the plane has successfully taken off, and it has always been in contact with the ground tower.

When the plane flew into the airspace of the Gulf of Thailand, the Kuala Lumpur air traffic controller also reminded the pilot of the aircraft: MH370 Please contact Ho Chi Minh.

When he said this, he also said goodnight to each other. However, at around 1:20 a.m., the plane entered the Ho Chi Minh control area and was about to enter the next stage of the flight, but the Vietnamese tower did not receive any signal from MH370, and although the plane was already displayed on the Vietnamese radar, the plane had deviated from the course.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

The Vietnamese side reminded the plane to contact it, but at this time all the communication links of the plane were gone, and the radar signal was also lost.

The Vietnamese tower vaguely sensed that something was wrong, so it had to ask for help from other flights in the nearby airspace. Soon, the captain of a flight replied to the tower that although MH370 was contacted, there was only some noise.

After 18 minutes, MH370 completely disappeared and there was no signal.

MH370 was supposed to land in Beijing in 5 hours and 10 minutes, but Beijing did not wait for the MH370 airliner, and a sense of foreboding came to people.

The fact that an aircraft with good performance and full airworthiness conditions has just disappeared into thin air is unacceptable to anyone.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

The largest search operation

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

The first to react were China and Malaysia, which immediately activated emergency mechanisms to try to determine the location of the aircraft.

But after a few days, nothing was found.

China was the first to send coast guard ships, followed by Malaysia, with planes and warships, and Australia and the United States also sending rescue teams.

After research, the countries decided to start the search in the Gulf of Thailand, where the plane lost signal, but unfortunately, local fishermen claimed that there was no downed plane in the area, and not even a trace of unusual sound was heard.

The local fishing boats were equipped with radar, but the radar did not detect MH370. Countries can only return in vain.

However, countries did not give up, and entered the sea area where the plane might have disappeared to carry out all-round search and rescue. The number of search and rescue boats sent by China has increased to 10.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

After 44 hours of search and rescue work, search and rescue personnel from various countries found a large area of oil pollution at sea.

Upon examination, it was found that the oil stains were marine oil and not fuel used by the Malaysia Airlines MH370 aircraft.

So countries are once again engaged in the search. When Vietnamese media reported that MH370 might crash near Vietnam's Cam Ou province, China, the United States, and Australia immediately sent planes and ships to search the area, but these efforts did not lead to a breakthrough.

Soon, the Malaysian military's radar showed that MH370 had changed course after losing contact and was heading south for the Indian Ocean, rekindling hope.

Military radar also showed that an hour after the plane lost contact, the plane had actively contacted the satellite, and the signal lasted for several hours, and eventually the plane ran out of fuel and the signal disappeared.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

Countries began to search and rescue in the southern Indian Ocean, and 10 Chinese ships also changed course and set off again for the Indian Ocean.

Australia and the United States have also dispatched state-of-the-art search and rescue vessels.

The United States even used a submarine designed to search for black boxes, but it never found anything.

More than three months have passed, and the search results of Malaysia Airlines MH370 have still not been found, not even a piece of wreckage.

Many countries have abandoned search and rescue operations, and only China continues to carry out deep-sea survey missions, which means that China is the last country still trying to find Malaysia Airlines MH370.

Finally, a year later, a wreckage of an aircraft, suspected MN370, was found near Reunion Island.

Subsequently, fragments of the aircraft were also found off the coast of Mozambique, which was confirmed to be the wreckage of MH370.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

Soon after, a flurry of good news followed, with the discovery of the wreckage of the plane on Pemba Island and Madagascar, which increased confidence in the search for Malaysia Airlines.

However, although the wreckage of the MH370 aircraft has been found, the black box has not been found so far, which means that crucial data is still not available, and the real reason for the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines is still unknown.

As the search became more difficult, three years after the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines MN370 passenger plane, China, Malaysia and Australia had to announce the cessation of underwater search and rescue efforts.

Malaysia said it would launch a search operation at any time as long as there were feasible suggestions or credible leads, and would continue to cooperate with China and other countries to find the truth about the disappearance of the plane as much as possible.

Malaysia's statement also made the people of the world see the sincerity of the Malay government, and some people even spontaneously participated in the search for the wreckage of Malaysia Airlines MH370 passenger plane.

Nine years on, there has been no progress in the disappearance of MH370 on Malaysia Airlines, and all information about the MH370 passenger plane has become a mystery except for a few wreckage fragments found.

No one knows its ultimate fate, and there is no way to determine if there are any survivors. The truth may need more time and effort to unravel.

The unanswerable questions left behind by the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines aircraft MH370 have left everyone feeling worried and saddened.

However, as time went on, various speculations about the disappearance of MH370 grew, and some people began to wonder if the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines airliner MH370 was the work of the United States.

After all, it is a fact that the US military exercises in the vicinity of the disappearance of the plane.

Whether the two military exercises of the US military interfered with the normal flight of the MH370 aircraft, what is even more puzzling is that such an important news has not been mentioned at the press conference once, and whether this is someone deliberately concealing the truth.

So far, there has been no positive official response to these questions. However, the questioning of the United States has not stopped, you must know that the theme of the military exercise, codenamed "Tianhu", is search and rescue and rescue.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

After the end of this military exercise, the US military did not immediately withdraw, but was preparing for another military exercise.

In other words, when Malaysia Airlines MH370 disappeared, American warplanes and soldiers were nearby, and although there are such huge military resources, the United States cannot provide any valuable clues related to MH370, let alone confirm the specific location of the passenger plane on the day of its disappearance.

In addition to believing that the United States did it, there are also speculations that the disappearance of MH370 may have happened too suddenly, and all parties did not expect such a situation, so they did not take action.

To dispel all kinds of speculation, there is no doubt that the real reason for the disappearance of MH370 is to explain to the families of the victims, although the passengers on the plane come from various countries, life is equal and precious.

Finding the truth is the utmost respect for the wrecked passengers.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

Not only that, but the search for the truth is also to ensure aviation safety in the future. Avoid recurrence of such incidents.

Because if a similar incident happens again, it will pose a serious threat to the aviation industry and the international community.

At present, there are still various controversies and speculations about whether the US military exercises in the vicinity were related to the disappearance of MH370.

But it also provides a clue and direction for the search for MH370 airliners. It is believed that in the near future, the truth about the disappearance of the MH370 airliner will definitely be able to surface.

What did the U.S. military do? Why did the U.S. military conduct a mysterious military exercise on the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370?

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