
Wang Xiaofei apologized to Da S to no avail, and asked her mother-in-law for help, and she was so humble in love that she was afraid that she would become the second Jia Nailiang

author:No laughing

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The divorce of Da S and Wang Xiaofei has recently become the focus of heated discussions in the media, and this sudden news is shocking. Big S unilaterally filed for divorce, but Wang Xiaofei didn't know it, this ridiculous plot is like a farce. What kind of emotional entanglements and personal reasons are hidden behind this sudden incident?

Big S's mother expressed her concern and concern after the incident was exposed, and she tried to comfort her daughter, hoping that she would calmly think about the consequences of the divorce. Big S's mother mentioned the plot where Wang Xiaofei and his mother Zhang Lan called her for help, which shows Wang Xiaofei's doubts and confusion about this divorce proposal, and it also makes people feel ironic.

Wang Xiaofei apologized to Da S to no avail, and asked her mother-in-law for help, and she was so humble in love that she was afraid that she would become the second Jia Nailiang

According to Taiwan media reports, the trigger for Big S to file for divorce seems to be that Wang Xiaofei made some negative remarks on the Internet after drinking, criticizing Taiwan. Big S believes that these remarks have brought her a lot of pressure, and even affected her family. While Ms. Wang's drunken remarks are often filled with anger, his mother says it's simply because he's worried about his family.

However, some close friends of Big S revealed that Wang Xiaofei's nighttime speech was just a fuse for the divorce proposal. As early as ten years after the two got married, Da S intended to file for divorce, because she felt that she and Wang Xiaofei had huge differences in values, coupled with the ten-year separation between the two places, her dissatisfaction had gradually accumulated.

Wang Xiaofei apologized to Da S to no avail, and asked her mother-in-law for help, and she was so humble in love that she was afraid that she would become the second Jia Nailiang

Da S has been living in Taiwan with her children because she does not like the dry climate of Beijing and has no relatives and friends in Beijing. In the past ten years, she has only occasionally traveled to Beijing, and most of the time Wang Xiaofei has been shuttling between the two places. Wang Xiaofei's mother admitted frankly that her son has worked hard in the past ten years and has traveled back and forth more than 700 times.

However, in March this year, Wang Xiaofei also shared a photo of them and a big diamond ring on social media, expressing her deep affection and blessings to Big S. At that time, many people envied their happiness, but they did not expect that this happy marriage would suddenly fall into the turmoil of divorce.

This incident can't help but be reminiscent of what happened to Jia Nailiang. Jia Nailiang first met Li Xiaolu at a dinner, and from that moment on, he fell in love with her deeply. Although Jia Nailiang was just an unknown actor at that time, and Li Xiaolu had already become the queen of the Golden Horse Awards with "Heavenly Bath", Jia Nailiang did not flinch and actively pursued Li Xiaolu.

Wang Xiaofei apologized to Da S to no avail, and asked her mother-in-law for help, and she was so humble in love that she was afraid that she would become the second Jia Nailiang

In order to please Li Xiaolu, Jia Nailiang made great efforts. Li Xiaolu likes men with pierced ears, so he went to get a string of ear piercings. Li Xiaolu loves Christmas, he flies to work in the morning and flies back in the evening to spend the festival with her. When Li Xiaolu was sick, he stayed by the bedside to take care of her and never gave up.

Even after getting married, Jia Nailiang is still full of affection for Li Xiaolu. From the moment he fell in love with Li Xiaolu, he has been dedicated wholeheartedly. Although he was advised not to be too humble in love, he firmly believed that if you put your heart into it, you will be rewarded. However, it was he who ended up hurting.

Now, Wang Xiaofei's situation can't help but remind people of Jia Nailiang at the beginning. In fact, Wang Xiaofei's speech on social media that night was not wrong, he just expressed his true emotions. If Big S really cares about him, she can communicate with him directly and find a solution to the problem.

Wang Xiaofei apologized to Da S to no avail, and asked her mother-in-law for help, and she was so humble in love that she was afraid that she would become the second Jia Nailiang

Big S unilaterally filed for divorce without informing Wang Xiaofei, which seems to indicate that she no longer cares about him. However, divorce is not child's play and should not be used to threaten the other party. If Wang Xiaofei continues to insist on it, he will only repeat Jia Nailiang's mistakes, and he will hurt himself in the end. When it comes to emotional issues, reason and communication are the solution, not a one-sided decision.


The divorce of Da S and Wang Xiaofei has sparked extensive discussion and reflection. First and foremost, this event reminds us of the importance of communication and understanding in marriage. Communication problems between husband and wife are often one of the root causes of marital conflicts. The contradictions between Da S and Wang Xiaofei have been backlogged for a long time, but there seems to be no active communication and resolution, which eventually led to the decision to divorce. This tells us that couples should establish a good communication mechanism, actively listen to each other's thoughts and feelings, and solve problems, rather than allowing conflicts to escalate.

Wang Xiaofei apologized to Da S to no avail, and asked her mother-in-law for help, and she was so humble in love that she was afraid that she would become the second Jia Nailiang

Secondly, this incident also reflects that differences in values and lifestyles in marriage can be a source of marital conflict. Da S and Wang Xiaofei have different life backgrounds and habits, and these differences may gradually accumulate in marriage, leading to disagreements. This tells us that before marriage, both parties need to think carefully about each other's life concepts and expectations in order to better fit each other or seek compromise when disagreements arise.

In addition, the divorce of Da S and Wang Xiaofei has also triggered thinking about mutual support between husband and wife. In marriage, mutual support and understanding are crucial. Wang Xiaofei has made a lot of efforts for marriage, but the final divorce is still inevitable. This tells us that marriage requires the joint efforts of both parties, not the unilateral sacrifice and dedication of one party. Husband and wife should share the responsibilities and obligations of the family and run the marriage together.

Finally, this incident also reminds us to be calm and rational when facing marital problems. Big S's unilateral filing for divorce may be the product of emotion, but marriage decisions should be well thought out. Divorce is a major decision that can have a profound impact on both parties and the family. Therefore, when faced with a marital crisis, both parties should sit down calmly, communicate well, and find a solution to the problem, rather than filing for divorce hastily.


The divorce of Da S and Wang Xiaofei has taught us many important lessons about marriage and family. First of all, good communication and understanding are essential in a marriage to avoid escalating conflicts. Second, differences in values and lifestyles in marriage need to be carefully considered and compromised to avoid disagreements. In addition, mutual support and joint efforts between husband and wife are the foundation of a marriage, and unilateral efforts may not sustain the marriage. Finally, marriage decisions should be made calmly and rationally, and divorce should not be filed hastily, as this can have a profound impact on both parties and the family. I hope that the divorce incident between Da S and Wang Xiaofei can become a case for us to reflect on and learn from in order to establish a healthier and more stable marital relationship.

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