
The National Development and Reform Commission responded to the holiday arrangement in 2024, because there was no holiday on Chinese New Year's Eve, which completely angered the masses

author:Hexagram ID Jun

China's holiday schedule in 2024 has sparked widespread controversy. While the new Spring Festival holiday policy has been praised for its humanization and the combination of long and short holidays, the Chinese New Year's Eve and compensatory holiday system without holidays have raised questions. Some people think that the Chinese New Year's Eve without holidays is disrespectful to traditional culture, and the compensatory leave system increases the pressure of work. However, there are also those who support this policy, arguing that the increase in the Spring Festival holiday is beneficial and in line with humane adjustments. In this article, we'll take a closer look at these controversies, explore different perspectives, and make some suggestions to provide a better direction for future holiday arrangements.

The National Development and Reform Commission responded to the holiday arrangement in 2024, because there was no holiday on Chinese New Year's Eve, which completely angered the masses

Chinese New Year's Eve holiday controversy

Traditional Chinese culture gives Chinese New Year's Eve a special meaning, and this day represents a time for family reunions and ancestor worship. However, in the holiday schedule in 2024, Chinese New Year's Eve is not listed as a holiday, which has caused widespread controversy. Some see it as disrespectful to traditional culture, and they fear that the policy will gradually dilute the focus on the important holiday.

The balance between cultural inheritance and modern society

On the one hand, those who support not taking holidays believe that the pace of life in modern society is very tight and the work pressure is very high. Therefore, they believe that using Chinese New Year's Eve as a working day can better balance economic development and cultural heritage. They argue that modern society needs more working hours to drive economic growth, and that delegating Chinese New Year's Eve as a holiday could take unnecessary toll on businesses and the economy.

The National Development and Reform Commission responded to the holiday arrangement in 2024, because there was no holiday on Chinese New Year's Eve, which completely angered the masses

However, opponents argue that the inclusion of Chinese New Year's Eve as a holiday is not only a celebration of traditional culture, but also a desire to preserve family values and social stability. They believe that family reunification is the core of traditional culture and the cornerstone of society. If there is no holiday, people will be deprived of the opportunity to spend Chinese New Year's Eve with their families, which may lead to the alienation of family relationships, which in turn will have a negative impact on social stability.

The trade-off between cultural respect and practical needs

On the other hand, the controversy also centers on whether there should be a holiday to show respect for traditional culture. Those who support not taking holidays believe that respect for traditional culture can be achieved in other ways, such as holding cultural events and strengthening cultural education. They believe that holidays do not really reflect respect for traditional culture, and should focus on actual needs and promote economic and social development.

The National Development and Reform Commission responded to the holiday arrangement in 2024, because there was no holiday on Chinese New Year's Eve, which completely angered the masses

However, opponents argue that the decision not to take a holiday reflects an indifference to traditional culture and is contrary to the promotion of cultural self-confidence. They believe that the holiday is a concrete symbolic measure that can convey respect and cherishment of traditional culture to society. In addition, they noted that many other countries also include important traditional festivals as holidays to preserve and pass on their culture.

Controversy over the compensatory leave system

In addition to the issue of not having a holiday on Chinese New Year's Eve, the holiday arrangement in 2024 has also sparked controversy about the compensation system. This system allows weekdays to be swapped with weekends to extend holidays, but it has also caused a series of problems and controversies.

The National Development and Reform Commission responded to the holiday arrangement in 2024, because there was no holiday on Chinese New Year's Eve, which completely angered the masses

Increased work pressure

Some believe that the compensatory leave system increases the stress at work. They worry that switching weekdays and weekends could lead to longer working hours and exacerbate employee fatigue. This can have a negative impact on employees' physical and mental health and even exacerbate burnout at work.

Restrictions on social life

On the other hand, proponents of the compensatory leave system argue that this policy can increase people's leisure time and improve their quality of life. They believe that leisure activities in modern society are rich and colorful, and relaxing the compensatory leave policy can allow people to better enjoy life and spend time with family and friends.

The National Development and Reform Commission responded to the holiday arrangement in 2024, because there was no holiday on Chinese New Year's Eve, which completely angered the masses

However, opponents are concerned that the compensatory leave system may limit social activities, as taking a day off on weekdays could lead to many recreational and cultural events having to face the problem of reducing passenger traffic and service hours. This could have an impact on services such as tourism and catering, which in turn could affect economic growth.

The controversy over the Chinese New Year holiday

While quite a few people are satisfied with the 2024 Spring Festival holiday policy, there are still some controversies, mainly focusing on the length of the holiday and the impact on the economy.

The National Development and Reform Commission responded to the holiday arrangement in 2024, because there was no holiday on Chinese New Year's Eve, which completely angered the masses

The length of the Chinese New Year holiday

Some believe that the Chinese New Year holiday in 2024 is too long and may adversely affect some industries and businesses. They are concerned that an excessively long Chinese New Year holiday could lead to production disruptions and increased production costs, especially for industries that need to continue production. They believe that the government should consider the length of holidays in a more balanced way to take into account the interests of businesses.

However, proponents of long holidays emphasize that long holidays can stimulate consumption and boost tourism and retail. They believe that the Spring Festival holiday is a good time for family reunions and tourism, which can stimulate economic growth. In addition, they also believe that long vacations help reduce people's work stress and enhance their quality of life.

The National Development and Reform Commission responded to the holiday arrangement in 2024, because there was no holiday on Chinese New Year's Eve, which completely angered the masses

Impact on the economy

Another key point of contention is the actual impact of the Lunar New Year holiday on the economy. Some believe that the Lunar New Year holiday could lead to the shutdown of businesses and a drop in production, negatively impacting economic growth. They worry that economic losses could negate the benefits of the consumption stimulus.

However, opponents argue that the spike in spending during the Lunar New Year holiday could offset the economic losses. They pointed out that the Spring Festival is a national celebration that will benefit industries such as catering, tourism, and shopping. In addition, they believe that long-term work stress and anxiety can adversely affect employees' productivity and quality of life, so relaxing the Spring Festival holiday can achieve a better work-life balance, which has a positive effect on the overall social economy.

The National Development and Reform Commission responded to the holiday arrangement in 2024, because there was no holiday on Chinese New Year's Eve, which completely angered the masses

Recommendations and outlook

Based on the above disputes, in order to better balance the interests of all parties, we can put forward some suggestions in order to provide a better direction for future holiday arrangements:

Properly handle the issue of no holiday on Chinese New Year's Eve

The government can consider providing more flexible holidays for businesses and employees on the special day of Chinese New Year's Eve. This means shifts can be introduced to ensure there are enough people to keep critical services and industries running, while also giving more people the opportunity to reunite with their families and celebrate traditional culture.

The National Development and Reform Commission responded to the holiday arrangement in 2024, because there was no holiday on Chinese New Year's Eve, which completely angered the masses

Balance the length of the Chinese New Year holiday

The government can consider the interests of all parties in a more comprehensive manner when considering the length of the Spring Festival holiday. Businesses can be encouraged to provide appropriate vacation time to meet the needs of their employees by creating more flexible policies. This can keep tourism and consumption strong during the Spring Festival, and at the same time reduce the production pressure on enterprises.

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