
Stone + Udoka regret it? 130 million in 3 years or a waste, refusing to make a bitter fruit for star point guards

Stone + Udoka regret it? 130 million in 3 years or a waste, refusing to make a bitter fruit for star point guards

With 3 consecutive defeats, the Rockets' performance has attracted the attention of fans. This summer, the Rockets signed VanVleet to a three-year, $130 million contract. However, VanVleet has struggled to live up to expectations in his last three games, resulting in a three-game losing streak for the Rockets. Against the Warriors, VanVleet was even worse, scoring just 8 points on 2-of-13 shooting, unable to score on the offensive end but also unable to limit opponents on the defensive end.

Stone + Udoka regret it? 130 million in 3 years or a waste, refusing to make a bitter fruit for star point guards

VanVleet's problem is not only that he doesn't perform well on the offensive end of the pitch, but more importantly that he hasn't been able to create too many chances for his teammates in terms of playmaking. This made the overall performance of the Rockets take a big hit. The Rockets' management needs to take responsibility for this issue, and a few months ago, it was the Rockets' management and coach Udoka who decided to sign VanVleet. You said that if you sign Van Vleet for about 25 million in 1 year, it is normal, but more than 40 million a year is given to Van Vleet, which is really not worth it.

Stone + Udoka regret it? 130 million in 3 years or a waste, refusing to make a bitter fruit for star point guards

In addition, Harden's plan to return to the Rockets has been stymied. According to reports, Udoka and Stone teamed up to reject Harden's kindness, resulting in a lose-lose result, the Rockets are now losing three in a row, and Harden has no team to receive in the 76ers, if the Rockets are not standing on the court at this time, but the former superstar Dengo, then the Rockets will not be so passive. This left many fans disappointed and angry.

Stone + Udoka regret it? 130 million in 3 years or a waste, refusing to make a bitter fruit for star point guards

As a legendary player for the Rockets, Harden has a deep affection for the team. He wants to return to the Rockets before retiring and contribute to the team's revival. However, Udoka and Stone's behavior made this plan, Udoka didn't like Harden, and Stone didn't sign Harden either.

In fact, Harden's return is a very favorable factor for the Rockets. However, their decision-making on this issue seems too selfish and short-sighted. At that time, Harden expressed his desire to return to the Rockets and that he has the ability to bring more wins and success to the team. Rejecting Harden's plan not only cost the team an important player, but also disappointed fans.

Stone + Udoka regret it? 130 million in 3 years or a waste, refusing to make a bitter fruit for star point guards

At the moment, the Rockets are facing a lot of problems. VanVleet's poor performance and the Rockets' three-game losing streak have affected the team's morale. First, they needed to conduct an in-depth analysis of Van Vleet's performance to identify the problem and provide help. If his performance continues to be poor, then the team needs to consider changing players or adjusting tactics. Second, the Rockets have every chance of putting VanVleet off the bench and starting Amen Thompson, and perhaps VanVleet can use his scoring to lead the team's second lineup, with Jalen Green in the starting lineup, just like last season.

Stone + Udoka regret it? 130 million in 3 years or a waste, refusing to make a bitter fruit for star point guards

In short, rejecting star point guard Harden and signing VanVleet instead was the biggest failure of the Rockets offseason. Stone and Udoka will surely regret it. The Rockets' 3-year $1.3 was almost a waste, and last season's assist king Harden didn't want it, but signed the talented VanVleet, and now it has finally brewed bitter fruit for the Rockets, and the Rockets management can only bear it silently.

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